Download Media Player Classic for Windows 10, 11, 7 (2023 Latest)

People in general prefer to watch movies in full screen mode, not in windowed one. Most of the time you won’t see the graphical interface when watching a movie, so there is little reason to use a video player based on how cool it looks. Therefore, using Media Player Classic would be more than enough for most people.

Its user interface is all about simplicity. All video and audio formats that most people commonly play are supported such as MP4 and MKV. And there are quite a lot of options that makes it a highly customizable video player.

Features and Highlights

Media Player Classic

Media Player Classic offers two skins. A classic and a dark one. Both offer the same level of simplicity, but the dark skin probably looks nicer to users who prefer dark interfaces. You won’t find the option to enable it in the Options window, however. It is located within the View menu instead. The video player has to be restarted for the skin change to take effect.

One of the best things that Media Player Classic has is its ability to show preview on the seek bar. It’s turned off by default, so you have to enable it first. Again, this change requires the video player to be restarted for the preview to work. Move your mouse cursor over the seek bar and a fairly large thumbnail will pop up, showing an image preview of the scene. This feature makes it so much easier to look for that particular scene you want to watch again so badly.

What if you’re watching a movie only suddenly to be interrupted by something that you have to do right away? Just close Media Player Classic and it will remember the last playback position as long as you have enabled the option in advance. When you have the time to play the movie again, it will resume the playback exactly from that saved point.

You will probably love that Media Player Classic can also search subtitles for you, either manually or automatically. It doesn’t always work anyway, so sometimes you will probably have to scour the web for a few minutes to find the most suitable subtitles for certain movies.

Do you know that Media Player Classic can actually be used to stream or even download videos from YouTube? It’s a great bonus feature. There is a major drawback, though. It is something that requires some tweaks that are easy to do for power users but probably not for the less technical ones that use their computers casually. It would be much easier to go look for a dedicated video downloader instead.

Media Player Classic Free Download for Windows

The original Media Player Classic is not under development anymore, but it is open source and there are a lot of forks so it still works well and it has more features than it used to be. The highlighted features above do not cover everything that this simple yet amazing video player can do. You can click the link below to download Media Player Classic for Windows:




