17 Must-Read Books for Software Developers

With the number of programming blogs and tutorials available these days, it’s easy to find help online for most aspects of software development. And programming is such a hands-on and interactive activity that most of the time it really makes more sense to dive in and try figuring out solutions instead of reading about it in a book.

But there is still a place for truly great software development books. A great book can approach its subject matter from a holistic point of view and help readers tie together different concepts in a way that makes sense. Books have room to go into more depth on their subject matter, using examples and clear and concise writing to help readers make connections they never saw before. 

Must-Read Books for Software Developers

  • Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson and John Vlissides
  • Clean Code by Robert C. Martin
  • Working Effectively With Legacy Code by Michael C. Feathers
  • The Pragmatic Programmer by Andrew Hunt and David Thomas
  • The DevOps Handbook by Gene Kim, Jez Humble, Patrick DeBois and John Willis
  • The Web Application Hacker’s Handbook by Dafydd Stuttard and Marcus Pinto
  • You Don’t Know JS Yet by Kyle Simpson
  • Inclusive Design Patterns by Heydon Pickering
  • Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software by Charles Petzold
  • The C Programming Language by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie

To get you started, here is a selection of 17 books for software developers, organized by subject matter. 


Books for Understanding Design Patterns

Design patterns are one of the most important tools in a software developer’s tool belt. Picking the right pattern to structure your code gets at the fundamental question of how to put software together. If developers write code without understanding design patterns, they will likely make many architectural mistakes that cost their team time, making it necessary to go back and fix problems in the future. That has the potential to turn a codebase into spaghetti code — a mess that is difficult to maintain.


Design Patterns book cover.Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson and John Vlissides

This book was published in 1994, a lifetime ago in the quickly-changing world of software engineering. But even today, almost 30 years later, the book is still relevant and useful for programmers learning to structure their programs. The four authors — Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson and John Vlissides — are widely known in the development world as the Gang of Four, a nickname that underscores the seminal nature of the book.  

The book covers three “types” of design patterns: creational design patterns that allow developers to initialize new objects in different ways, structural design patterns for different ways of prototyping and behavior design patterns that model different actions. The authors use examples to illustrate the differences between each pattern, which makes it easy for readers to match the right pattern to their situation.

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Head First Design Patterns book cover.Head First Design Patterns by Eric Freeman, Elisabeth Robson, Kathy Sierra and Bert Bates

Software development books are not known for being fun reads, but this one about basic design patterns is an exception. The authors go through 13 essential patterns, starting with the most widely used ones, and provide plenty of examples to illustrate, explain and examine how to spot programming situations that can best take advantage of the pattern. The authors’ love for design extends beyond the subject matter to the layout of the book, and they take great care to avoid pages that look like walls of text. Instead, reading this book feels like going through a well-designed PowerPoint presentation. It has informative, hand-drawn diagrams and lots of fun illustrations to keep the reader engaged enough to learn everything the book has to offer.

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Books for Improving Your Coding Style

As a developer, there’s no substitute for knowing how to write clean, readable code. These books will steer you toward programming best practices and help you avoid pitfalls that turn codebases into spaghetti code. They’ll also reduce the amount of hair-pulling future developers will have to suffer through after you’ve left and someone else takes over the codebase.


Clean Code book cover.Clean Code by Robert C. Martin

This classic software development book was written in 2002 by Robert C. Martin, one of the creators of the agile method. The book’s popularity spawned an entire series, also written by Martin, that includes books on clean architecture and clean agile. But it’s Clean Code that has maintained its relevance over the years by focusing on how to write code that is easy to read and maintainable — not just for the sake of the application, but for other developers who will work on the code in the future. The book sprinkles in Java code snippet examples to illustrate its points, so it’s especially helpful for beginning Java developers.

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Working Effectively with Legacy Code book cover.Working Effectively With Legacy Code by Michael C. Feathers

Being asked to update and maintain an existing application that has been humming away in a dusty server for years (or decades) is not high up on most software developers’ wish lists, but most developers have to deal with it at some point in their careers. For those who know how to approach it the right way, untangling legacy code can actually be an exciting adventure. This book helps readers get there by teaching them to use extensive testing to examine and stabilize confusing legacy code. Maybe it still won’t be your favorite aspect of software development, but this book will make the process of taming legacy code a whole lot smoother.

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A Philosophy od Software Design book cover.A Philosophy of Software Design by John Ousterhout

This 2018 book is a relative newcomer to the software development book club, but it’s already a heavyweight contender. Written by computer science professor and respected software engineer John Ousterhout, A Philosophy of Software Design introduces programming principles that lead to good, maintainable programs, such as finding the right level of abstraction for your code. The book also isn’t tied to a particular programming language, which helps it be less prescriptive and more widely applicable.

Buy: AbeBooks, Amazon


Books for Successful Project Management

Project managers specialize in scoping out projects and keeping projects running on track, but developers should also be well versed in project management best practices. That’s because running a project successfully is a team effort, and nothing impacts software teams more than setbacks caused by poor project management. These books address common problems that occur when people work together on building software and offer suggestions on how to make it work more smoothly.


The Pragmatic Programmer book cover.The Pragmatic Programmer by Andrew Hunt and David Thomas

In an interview for the book’s 20th publication anniversary last year, authors Andrew Hunt and David Thomas sounded surprised that their book about avoiding common project management and team dynamics problems is still so relevant to software teams working today. 

“The names have changed, the tech has changed — but the problems, the wrong approaches, the things that cause difficulty are largely identical,” Hunt said. “It’s still people and we’re still making very similar mistakes that we were making 20 years ago.”

The authors cover common issues that can lead the best engineering teams astray. They offer teachings on things like improving team communication to avoid duplicate work or capturing accurate requirements before coding. There’s also some technical advice for developers, like how to write flexible code or do exception handling properly, but always from a big-picture perspective of how to successfully steer a team through a project.

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Rapid Development book cover.Rapid Development by Steve McConnell

Steve McConnell is also the author of Code Complete, which rivals Clean Code as developers’ holy text on coding styles, but in this book he turns his attention to project management styles. The book leans more into the details of project management than The Pragmatic Programmer — it devotes an entire (necessary) chapter on the perils of estimating software timelines and covers other problems endemic to software projects like scope creep and team building. This book was published in 1996 — before agile — but McConnell still discusses many different ways of approaching lifecycle planning, ranging from pure waterfall to iterative methods like evolutionary prototyping that resemble agile.

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The Mythical Man Month book cover.The Mythical Man-Month by Frederick Brooks, Jr.

Author Frederick Brooks, Jr. published the first edition of this book in 1975, practically prehistoric times for books about software project management. The title refers to a phenomenon Brooks observed while managing the development of the S/360 mainframe computer at IBM in the 1960s. The costs of software projects were calculated by how many “man-months” they took to complete — that is, how many months it would take for a full-time developer to finish a project. When projects fell behind, managers solved the problem by adding additional developers to the team. Brooks pointed out that this practice, counterintuitively, actually delayed projects further because of the cost of training new developers.

The book also suggests best practices for effective project management, like standardizing documentation and tooling across teams and fostering constant team communication. These practices are still relevant today.

“Some people have called the book the ‘bible of software engineering,’” Brooks said in an interview with Fortune magazine in 2005. “I would agree with that in one respect: that is, everybody quotes it, some people read it, and a few people go by it.”

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Books About DevOps and Security

Development teams have realized that the most important software concerns shouldn’t just be talked about — they should be brought into project planning from the beginning and integrated into the software development lifecycle using automated DevOps processes. That’s why at some companies the traditionally separate DevOps and security teams have started to work together more closely as DevSecOps.


Pro Git book cover.Pro Git by Scott Chacon and Ben Straub

Let’s face it: Git is confusing. That’s why taking a deep dive into the change tracking software’s functionalities can be helpful for software developers. This free 2014 book covers most of the Git commands developers need to know for their day-to-day work in the Git Basics and Git Branching sections. Beyond that, readers can also learn about setting up their own dedicated Git servers and using off-the-shelf Git services.

Free: Git


The DevOps Handbook book cover.The DevOps Handbook by Gene Kim, Jez Humble, Patrick DeBois and John Willis

DevOps is a relatively new discipline that’s still seeing continuous innovations. In 2021, the authors published a second edition, only a few years after the first edition came out in 2016. The book defines the concept of DevOps by explaining its motivations and goals, and ties those concepts to real-world scenarios by describing DevOps transformations that have taken place at various companies. The authors share many different ways teams can implement DevOps in their workflows, but they also caution teams against trying to change all their processes at once — it’s better to establish feedback loops and a practice of continuous improvement.

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The Web Application Hacker's Handbook book cover.The Web Application Hacker’s Handbook by Dafydd Stuttard and Marcus Pinto

New web application vulnerabilities are discovered and patched regularly, but security is still a constant concern because attackers are always looking for new ways to exploit software. At the same time, many well-known and preventable attacks continue to pose threats for websites that weren’t developed with a security mindset. This book, by web application security experts Dafydd Stuttard and Marcus Pinto, explores the inherent vulnerabilities in web applications and examines different attack vectors commonly used by attackers. Developers can learn about the dangers present in each layer of their applications and pick up tips on staying vigilant throughout the development process.

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Books for Front-End Development

Sometimes it seems like back-end development gets all the love. While there are plenty of books on back-end coding patterns and architectures, developing code on the front end often feels more like the wild west. Here are some books that provide solid front-end fundamentals and help keep developers grounded in a corner of the software development world that sees constant technical innovations.


CSS in Depth book cover.CSS in Depth by Keith J. Grant

There’s not a lot of hand-holding when it comes to using cascading style sheets, the programming language that determines much of a website’s look and feel. Compared with other corners of software development, CSS has seen relatively few changes since its debut in the 1990s. That’s partly because CSS is pretty self-explanatory — after all, any changes developers make are instantly reflected on the browser. But for those working on sophisticated, user-facing web applications, CSS can get quite complex and become unmanageably messy if developers aren’t careful. This 2018 book by web developer Keith Grant takes readers through all aspects of the language, starting with the fundamentals and moving into complex concepts like responsive design and scaling up with CSS.

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You Don't Know JS Yet book cover.You Don’t Know JS Yet by Kyle Simpson

This series of six books is devoted to the JavaScript language, which powers the modern, interactive web experiences we’ve all come to expect on the web. JavaScript behaves differently from other programming languages. It has a lot of unexpected behaviors that the author, software developer Kyle Simpson, pulls apart and explains. The first book (You Don’t Know JS Yet: Get Started) dives into the history and function of the language, and the other books touch on specific language features, with almost an entire book dedicated to its complex async properties. Regardless of whether you’re a novice programmer or an experienced one, you’ll probably finish the series knowing a lot more about JavaScript than you did before.

Free (First Edition): GitHub

Buy (Second Edition): Bookshop, Amazon


Inclusive Design Patterns book cover.Inclusive Design Patterns by Heydon Pickering

Web accessibility still has a long way to go, but developers have increasingly recognized its importance. It’s not enough to do accessibility audits after a software program is already written — at that point, it becomes much harder to make any real changes. The best time to think about accessibility is at the beginning, during the design phase before any code is written. This book helps front-end developers do just that, sharing resources about accessibility standards and giving advice on how to design websites in ways that make incorporating accessibility concerns into the development process easier.

Buy: AbeBooks, Amazon

More on Web AccessibilityHow Web Accessibility Democratizes the Internet


Books to Brush Up on Computer Science 

Many developers would prefer to put their computer science textbooks behind them, but it’s not a bad idea to learn more about computer science concepts. These books will help developers gain more insight into how their programs work under the hood.


Code book cover.Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software by Charles Petzold 

Have you ever stopped in the middle of programming and stared at your laptop, wondering, “How is this working?” If so, this 1999 book by programmer Charles Petzold may be for you. It focuses on the relationship between software and hardware, making readers comfortable with the technical details behind logic gates before moving on to computer memory, processors and operating systems. Petzold manages to do all this without intimidating readers with technical speak — instead, he relates hardware and software concepts to other types of languages people have invented to communicate, like Morse code and Braille, and helps readers revel in the wonder of these inventions.

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The Algorithm Design Manual book cover.The Algorithm Design Manual by Steven Skiena

This book by computer science professor Steven Skiena focuses on the origin stories of well-known algorithms like Quicksort, rather than in-depth analysis of their mathematical properties. 

“Algorithms textbooks generally present important algorithms as a fait accompli, obscuring the ideas involved in designing them and the subtle reasons why other approaches fail,” Skiena writes in the book.

Instead, this book tries to show that algorithms are created out of a real need for them, usually after many false starts. Skiena presents “war stories” about how select algorithms were invented — by real-world programmers who got stuck when they realized their problem couldn’t be solved with any current solutions, and that they needed to come up with a novel solution on their own.

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C Programming Language book cover.The C Programming Language by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie

It can be worthwhile to get to know a programming language really well. For developers interested in doing a deep dive into C — a popular, low-level programming language used in high-performance applications like operating systems and compilers — this slim volume is a great option. Written by one of the creators of the actual C programming language, Dennis Ritchie, and co-author Brian Kernighan, it was first published in 1978 and introduces the programming language in a clear and concise way. Because C is such a low-level language, readers can learn about many aspects of programming that are hidden in higher-level programming languages, like memory allocation and garbage collection. It also marks the first appearance of the “Hello, World” example program.

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