3D Games – Play the Best Free 3D Games Online | Playbelline.com

A Revolution in Gaming

If you thought the side-scrolling escapades of a heroic plumber were something, wait until you explore the world of online games 3d style in this category. When games first hit the scene, the levels were usually static – the character wouldn’t move beyond the edges of the screen. Then, we had side-scrollers that showed us how to explore bigger environments in 2d. Now, we’re spoiled enough to be able to move our characters through immersive 3d worlds, just like in real life. 3d games online have completely changed the way we create and play games. Now, we have so many more choices beyond simply going forward or going back. We can stop, find something interesting in the game world, check it out, and then go where we want from there. It’s that much more like real life!

3D Games Bring Endless Possibilities

 Before 3d games, obstacles weren’t so tough. You either jumped over them or ran underneath them. In our category of free 3d games, you have absolutely no idea where the threat is going to come from. It might come from the side, behind you, or even from directly above you! Another thing that 3d games allow us to do is choose between different environments. In a 2d game, you just move along a single line, so you have no choice but to go where the game takes you. The best 3d games, however, allow you to choose from different areas. What else do 3d games do better than their 2d predecessors? Let’s talk multiplayer! If everyone is in 2d, then it’s impossible to miss a shot unless someone jumps. In 3d, you actually have to aim and time your shots properly, requiring much more skill. See? Endless! 

 Unforgettable Adventures

Imagine that you’re winding your way through a world of nooks and crannies, just trying to find your way out. Is it this turn? No, I was just there. What if I go here? No, that’s a dead end. We love maze games 3d style, because you really feel like you’re there. You can also explore puzzle games 3d style as a way to look at a problem from all kinds of angles and try solutions that you couldn’t use in 2d. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with the traditional theme of a hero setting off on a historic journey, which 3d video games are perfect for. Whatever kind of adventurer you are, trust us – it’s better to experience it in 3d.

Tougher Challenges

Can you imagine how easy it would be to play basketball in 2d? You wouldn’t be able to miss the hoop to the left or right. All you would have to do is throw it hard enough. Well, we hate to break it to you (if you prefer the easy way), but our free category contains plenty of 3d balls games for you to try. Sure, you’ll miss a whole lot more, but that just makes it more rewarding when you make it! If you’re into something a little faster, you can strap into the pedals of our intense bike games 3d for a ride that you’ll never forget. Whatever kind of challenge you’re into, whether it’s 3d shooting games, riddles or what have you, this category has something for you.

Intense Battles

Some of us are born with that competitive fire coursing through our veins. It doesn’t make us mean, and it doesn’t mean we’re bad people – we just love the feeling of a well-earned victory! If this describes you, then our multiplayer games 3ds will give you plenty of chances to best your fellow man in all kinds of ways. Zoom past them in a souped-up speed machine. Gun them down with a powerful weapon. In our 3d io games, you can even compete against 20, 30 or even 40 other players at once, like other multiplayer games online! That’s right, we’re dropping you right into the thick of it, so you better be ready to compete. After all, the best 3d games don’t give you instructions. They just let you figure it out for yourself. 

How to Get the Most from Your First 3D Experience

Don’t worry, if your head is spinning just thinking about all of these possibilities, it’s only a side effect of switching to 3d games. We want you to enjoy these free 3d games as much as we do, so in order to help you get started, we’d like to give you some secret insider tips. First, always look around when you get stuck. Remember, this is 3d! If you can’t get to a new area, or you’re stuck with a puzzle, look up, down, left, right, and explore the whole map to find the answer. Next, if you are playing 3d shooting games, try to “strafe” as much as you can. This means that you move from side to side so that the enemy can’t shoot you as easily. Finally, and this one’s super important, so listen up: don’t take it too seriously! Just have fun, and you’ll be a 3d gaming pro in no time.

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