5 Best Free GPU Comparison Tools [GPU Benchmark]

5 Best Free GPU Comparison Tools [GPU Benchmark]

With these tools, you will compare your graphics card to others




  • GPU comparison software will help you assess the performance of your graphics card against other products on the market.
  • The benchmarking tools test the GPU capabilities by confronting them with 2D and 3D graphical representations.
  • Some of the apps are completely free while others come with free or free trial versions.

What are the best gpu comparison toolsWhat are the best gpu comparison tools


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Whether you have a new GPU you need to rate, or you want to compare yours with better ones, you will need a GPU comparison tool to help you. GPU benchmarking software will analyze the performance of your graphics processor and match it with others by performing specific tests.

The benchmark software is used for testing the main components of your machine. Then, it compares the data with the ones stored in its database about other similar products.

In this article, we will talk about the comparison tools for Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). We will outline their main features, helping you to decide the best tool for your needs.

3DMark is the oldest and most reliable benchmarking tool out there, and luckily, it also has a free version available.

The tool displays detailed information on how clock speed and frame rates change during the tests.

Of course, it also detects your hardware and shows you a temperature chart for the CPU and GPU.

However, in the free version, you only get the Time Spy, Night Raid, and Fire Strike benchmarks.

So, if you want a lot more tests and customization options, you should at least go for the paid, 3DMark Advanced Edition version.

It is also available for Android and iOS platforms if you want to test your smartphone capabilities.

Here are some of its best features:

  • Advanced information about CPU and GPU performance
  • Three benchmarks available in the free version
  • Seamless hardware detection
  • Temperature charts for GPU and CPU
  • Get accurate graphics scores

⇒ Get 3DMark

Another free and extremely efficient GPU comparison tool to consider is GFXBench.

It measures GPU performance with next-gen graphics features on all platforms. It supports all the APIs including OpenGL, OpenGL ES, Vulkan, Metal, DirectX/Direct3D, and DirectX 12.

GFXBench detects the right level supported by your device and runs only the relevant tests.

Then, it compares the scores of your graphics card against the newest tests and products on the market.

Here’s a rundown of its key features:

  • Supports all the APIs including OpenGL, OpenGL ES, Vulkan, Metal, DirectX/Direct3D, and DirectX 12
  • Extensive library of graphics card scorings
  • Automatically detects the level of your supported APIs
  • Displays the list of your system’s specifications
  • Available for Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS

⇒ Get GFXBench

PassMark can be exactly what you’re looking for if you need a simple but effective benchmarking tool.

It has 28 standard benchmarks and covers all the main components, including CPU, GPU, memory, and disks.

For the GPU, PassMark has dedicated 2D and 3D settings, and for the second option, you will have the choice of running DirectX 9, 10, 11 & 12 tests together with a GPU computing benchmark.

Expert tip:


Some PC issues are hard to tackle, especially when it comes to corrupted repositories or missing Windows files. If you are having troubles fixing an error, your system may be partially broken.
We recommend installing Restoro, a tool that will scan your machine and identify what the fault is.
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You will also have the option to create your own custom tests that can add a bit of flavor to your benchmarks.

There is a 30-day free trial version and the paid one. Of course, the first has limited capabilities, but it’s still fast and reliable.

Take a look at its key features:

  • 2D and 3D benchmarking tests
  • Customized GPU benchmarking for DirectX 9, 10, 11 & 12
  • Tests for all major system components
  • Available for Windows, macOS, Linux, and mobile
  • Easy to use and configure

⇒ Get Passmark

With MSI Afterburner, you get GPU benchmarking and extensive overclocking features for your graphics card.

The tool is free and is not only for MSI products but for any type of graphics card and GPU.

Afterburner also monitors the GPU temperature and allows you to set the fan speeds if your graphics card has that capability.

This software also comes with a live monitoring screen that displays the main performance characteristics of any app or game.

And if you need even more detail, you need to pair it with the MSI Kombuster stress test tool to check the results of your overclocking.

Let’s review a few of its best features:

  • Extensive overclocking capabilities
  • Supports all major Windows versions
  • Monitoring in-game GPU performance
  • Works on all major manufacturers’ graphics cards
  • Customizable UI

⇒ Get MSI Afterburner

If you want to hammer your graphics card to the limit, Heaven Ungine is a GPU-intensive benchmark tool that will satisfy that need.

The software assesses the stability of your GPU under extremely stressful conditions and also checks the cooling system’s potential.

Heaven uses the proprietary UNIGINE Engine to get the most out of your graphics card by going through a complex 3D visual experience.

It’s a great GPU comparison tool and it comes with a free version that comes with custom settings and GPU monitoring.

Here are some of its most important features:

  • Extreme hardware stability testing
  • Accurate results due to 100% GPU-bound benchmarking
  • Support for DirectX 9, DirectX 11, and OpenGL 4.0
  • GPU temperature and clock monitoring
  • Dynamic sky with volumetric clouds and tweakable day-night cycle

⇒ Get Heaven Ungine

We hope that our selection of the best GPU comparison tools helped you decide the best option for your needs.

In this regard, you may also consider our list of the best overclocking stress test software for your PC.

If you have any other suggestions for software that provided good results, feel free to let us know in the comments section below.

Still having issues? Fix them with this tool:


If the advices above haven’t solved your issue, your PC may experience deeper Windows problems. We recommend downloading this PC Repair tool (rated Great on TrustPilot.com) to easily address them. After installation, simply click the Start Scan button and then press on Repair All.


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