7 Best Product Description Generating Tools That Work

When marketing your product, a well-written and compelling product description can be the difference between a sale and a miss. After all, potential customers will want to know what makes your product special and why they should choose it over similar products on the market.

The best product description generating tools that work include Jasper.ai, Peppertype.ai, Ryter.me, Frase, CopyMonkey, Anyword, and Writesonic. These AI writing tools are at the top of their class in innovation.

Writing marketing content has never been easier with these fantastic product description-generating tools. So if you’re looking to take your product descriptions to the next level, read on to find out more about the best AI writing tools available today.

Also, take the time to learn how to use these programs and input the right information to generate the best product descriptions.

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Jasper.AI is one of the newer product description generators on the market, but it has quickly become a favorite among copywriters and content marketers. Jasper.AI uses artificial intelligence to help you write better product descriptions faster.

Jasper.AI offers a host of features, such as the ability to generate and include relevant keywords, optimize your descriptions for search engine ranking, and track your performance over time. With their highly-tuned content recipes, you can write product descriptions and reviews in minutes.


Peppertype.AI also uses artificial intelligence to help you write better, more compelling product descriptions. It offers a wide range of templates and tools to choose from, so you can find the perfect fit for your product. From Amazon bullet points to their content rewriter, Peppertype AI has everything you need to write amazing product descriptions.

For example, their “Product Review Generator” template walks you through the process of writing a product review step-by-step. And with their built-in thesaurus, you can quickly find synonyms for overused words to add variety to your descriptions.

Peppertype.AI also includes a “Content Rewriter” tool that allows you to quickly spin existing content into new, unique descriptions. This is a great way to quickly create multiple versions of your product descriptions for A/B testing.


Rytr.me is an AI-powered content generation platform that helps you write better, more engaging content. With Rytr.me, you can input a topic, and the software will generate a list of ideas and resources that you can use to write about that topic. 

You can also input a brief description or list of bullet points explaining your product, and Rytr will then generate a product description based on the information you entered.


Frase.Io is an all-in-one content generation platform that helps you create, optimize, and publish content faster and easier than ever before.

With Frase.io, you can get help with writing product descriptions, as well as any other type of content you need. With their built-in SERP visualizer tool, and top-notch library of free tools, Frase.io can help optimize your content for the search engines, so you can get more traffic and conversions.


CopyMonkey is a tool that helps you create high-converting product descriptions in minutes. It is specifically designed to optimize E-commerce websites – such as Amazon, Shopify, or Etsy – with product descriptions that convert potential buyers into customers. With CopyMonkey, you can choose from a variety of templates and tools to create your product descriptions. 

You can also use their built-in optimization tool to ensure that your product descriptions are search engine optimized and ready to convert.


Anyword.io is a tool that helps you generate product descriptions, as well as any other type of content, from a list of keywords. With Anyword.io, you simply input a list of relevant keywords, and the software will generate a list of ideas and resources that you can use to write about those keywords. 

Like Rytr.me, you can also use Anyword.io to create product descriptions by inputting a brief description or list of bullet points about your product. The software will then generate a product description based on the information you entered.


Finally, we have the Writesonic AI writer. Writesonic is a content creation tool that helps you write high-quality product descriptions quickly and easily. It is also more affordable compared to the other tools on this list. 

It uses AI to help you create content that is both informative and engaging, which can boost your sales and help you to stand out from the competition.

For example, if you sell products on Amazon, Writesonic can help you write product descriptions that are both informative and keyword-optimized, which can help you rank higher in the search results and get more exposure for your products.


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