Best 22 Uninstaller software – Apr, 2023

Netkony software vendor offers an uninstall utility called App Cleaner & Uninstaller. In it, the list of programs is structured by categories and is searchable, so no need to scroll and scroll to find what you need. Also, for each program a “tree” of its components is visible, thus users may remove a program either completely or only individual files from it (for example, a large log file). Before confirming the deletion, you’ll see a summary info one last time, in order not to miss something and make an informed decision. One-click removal is available in Pro version only. Program categories displayed are Autorun apps, Installed apps, Authentication objects, Browser extensions, Screensavers, Control panel, Plugins and widgets. Any of those can be tossed into ignore list. Recycle tab contains junk files, logs, settings and other traces of apps that had been already uninstalled; and surely users may delete any of those anytime. A great little aspect is that for each program in the list AC&U offers an online search by its name in one click.