Best indie games on Xbox One 2023: The top independent games for Microsoft’s console

These games might not come from huge publishers, but they’re absolutely superb nonetheless.

There are so many games out there that don’t get published by the mega-corporations that put out AAA titles on the regular, and some of them are so good that you’ll barely believe how few people worked on them.

We play tonnes of indie games each year, from short little jaunts to the more in-depth experiences, and have rounded up the very best options that you can play on the One X, One S and Xbox One – check them out!


If you’re looking for a different genre of game, then check out our dedicated lists in the table below.

Best indie games on Xbox One 2022: The top independent games for Microsoft's console photo 2 ZA/UM

Disco Elysium

1. Best Buy

Amazing freedom

A superb RPG that lets you take your own path, however ruinously it goes.


  • Brilliant writing
  • Great style
  • Hilarious moments


  • Very wordy

See at Amazon

The most audacious and stunning RPG we’ve played for ages just happens to also be an independent game. Disco Elysium places you in the shoes (once you find them) of a failing detective who’s on a huge bender and needs to turn things around by solving a crime.

Whether you go about doing just that or waste your time searching for booze and drugs is up to you, with countless other options that are all equally enticing, and the degree to which you’re free to shape your own narrative is amazing. It’s a joy to play and needs as wide an audience as possible.

This beautiful game is the product of a tiny team and has a distinctive and memorable tone. It’s melancholy and wondrous, with hand-drawn art that draws you into an underworld populated by bugs and critters, some friendly and most out to kill you.

You’ll slowly find your way through an extensive map, tackling challenging boss encounters and figuring out how to stop corruption at the heart of the underworld. Hollow Knight is a treasure that takes notes from classics like Super Metroid and Dark Souls.

best nintendo switch games every gamer should own photo 23 Team Cherry

Hollow Knight

2. Runner Up

Superb platformer

This haunting platformer is one of our all-time favourites.


  • Gorgeous map to explore
  • Intricate platforming
  • Massive amounts of content


  • Can be tough as nails

See at Xbox

This beautiful game is the product of a tiny team and has a distinctive and memorable tone. It’s melancholy and wondrous, with hand-drawn art that draws you into an underworld populated by bugs and critters, some friendly and most out to kill you.

You’ll slowly find your way through an extensive map, tackling challenging boss encounters and figuring out how to stop corruption at the heart of the underworld. Hollow Knight is a treasure that takes notes from classics like Super Metroid and Dark Souls.

Best indie games on Xbox One 2022: The top independent games for Microsoft's console photo 1 Campo Santo


3. A Top Pick

Gentle pacing

A great story that’s accompanied by truly memorable visuals.


  • Wonderful visual style
  • Great dialogue
  • Relaxing to play (mostly)


  • Slow pace

See at Amazon

A game so beautiful we could just walk around in it forever, Firewatch tells the story of a lonely soul who’s gone out to spend a season in a fire tower, watching for sparks that could threaten huge forests. With companionship only available over your radio, the pace is gentle.

Each area you explore is just unbelievably gorgeous, with a masterly appreciation for colour and landscape, and the story that unfolds as you move about is a lovely one, too. An ideal pick for someone seeking a more relaxing time.

Best indie games on Xbox One 2022: The top independent games for Microsoft's console photo 4 Giant Sparrow

What Remains of Edith Finch

4. Strong Contender

Superb vignettes

A brilliant set of stories that come together into an affecting web.


  • Amazing short segments
  • Great melancholy tone


  • Quite sad

See at Amazon

Storytelling is often something that even high-budget games can struggle to tackle properly, but What Remains of Edith Finch manages to absolutely nail it. You’ll explore a huge house, recounting the stories of unlucky members of the Finch family and their untimely demises.

Each is its own vignette that has a unique style and gameplay hook, and most are heartbreakingly sad. They come together into a collaged quilt of stories to make a gorgeous point about the nature of family and mythology, and all in just a few short hours.

Best indie games on Xbox One 2022: The top independent games for Microsoft's console photo 12 Supergiant Games


5. Also Great

Great action

Excellent, quick-fire action is paired with great storytelling to make a potent blend.


  • Looks great
  • Excellent story-driven segments
  • Super addictive


  • Can take a while to learn its systems

See at Amazon

A superb roguelike, Hades makes the genre incredibly welcoming by enveloping it in a brilliant swathe of story – each time you return to the start of your runs you’ll encounter some characters who’ll give you a few new lines, some of them with major revelations.

This means that no run feels like a waste, since you’re always rewarded with something. On top of that, it’s got excellent combat with a set of randomised abilities that you gather over time, each making your attempt to escape the underworld different from the last.

Best indie games on Xbox One 2022: The top independent games for Microsoft's console photo 5 ConcernedApe

Stardew Valley

6. Worth Considering

So relaxing

A game that’s like a warm hug, Stardew Valley is so welcoming and lovely to play.


  • Super welcoming
  • Laid-back pacing
  • Loads to do and build


  • Quite self-driven objectives

See at Amazon

When a game is crafted entirely by a single creator you know that it’s likely to be interesting, but Stardew Valley is more than just a curio. It’s a wonderful little portal to sink into, letting you move to the country and start a farm to get away from it all.

You’ll meet a whole town of characters, fish, harvest, mine and sow crops through the seasons, and it’s open-ended enough to support hundreds of hours of play if you really hit it off with the laid-back pace and chilled-out vibe it’s got going on.

Best indie games on Xbox One 2022: The top independent games for Microsoft's console photo 6 Playdead


7. A Good Choice

Rollercoaster ride

An amazing ride from start to finish, Inside is a game that deserves to be played without knowing much about it.


  • Amazing journey
  • Great visual identity
  • Unique


  • Really short

See at Amazon

A side-scroller that’s pretty simple mechanically and pretty short to play through, but will live for a hugely long time in the memory thanks to a second half that gets more and more deranged as it goes on. To say much more would be to spoil its superb twists.

The visuals are at just the right level for the story it tells, though, and the whole mood of the game is incredibly well-observed. Trust us, you’ll want to play this without knowing much more than we’ve said right here.

Best indie games for PS4 2022: The best independently-published titles for PlayStation 4 photo 9 Matt Makes Games


8. A Decent Option

A platformer that will get your blood pumping as you move through challenging obstacle courses.


  • Beautiful pixel art
  • Touching story
  • Incredible platforming


  • Difficult (but you can adjust it)

See at Xbox

Sometimes a platformer comes along with controls so finely tuned that it feels like a revelation to just move around in it. Celeste nails that fundamental so thoroughly that it immediately merits trying out if you’re into running and jumping.

It also tells a touching story and has a difficulty ramp that’s expertly tuned – to the point where you’ll be pulling off movement mechanics in its latter stages that will have you pausing to work out whether you could make it as a pro speedrunner.

Best indie games on Nintendo Switch 2021: All the best independtly-published games photo 1 Panic/House House

Untitled Goose Game

9. One To Check

Hilarious stealth

A simply hilarious stealth action game disguised as a meme.


  • So funny
  • Charming music and visuals
  • Nice and short


  • We want more!

See at Xbox

A game so charming we still recommend it to people who claim not to like games in the first place, Untitled Goose Game has you take on the role of a very naughty goose tearing up a quintessentially English village in search of a bell to steal.

It’s got a great art style and a dynamic soundtrack that makes for comedic moments of brilliance as you pull off switcheroos on hapless residents. It’s short and sweet, but fun both to play and to watch, such is its cartoonish loveliness.

Death's Door review: A charming, darker Zelda-like photo 6 Acid Nerve

Death’s Door

10. Not To Be Missed

Great exploration

A beautiful little Zelda-inspired game that doesn’t hold your hand too much.


  • Charming visuals
  • Funny moments
  • Simple but satisfying combat


  • Some mysteries a little opaque

See at Xbox

A beautiful little Dark Souls-inspired Zelda-like, Death’s Door might have influences but it feels like its own thing. You’re a crow tasked with ushering the souls of the dead from the world, which is a pretty heavy task that gets more challenging when they don’t want to go anywhere.

Its visual style is excellent, its bosses are fun and the dungeon design is classic and rewarding to explore, as are the many secrets it offers up to more dedicated players. Add in a really good soundtrack and you’ve got an indie game that ticks all the right boxes.

How to pick your next indie game on Xbox One

There are more indie games on the Xbox One than you could probably play in a lifetime, so narrowing down your options can feel tough. Here are some questions to ask yourself to help get that shortlist shorter.

What genres do you enjoy?

Indie games exist across all genres, since they’re made by all sorts of development teams. That means if you’re a fan of shooters, RPGs, platformers or any other genre, in particular, you should be able to find an interesting example of one from a smaller team.

Of course, that still requires you to think about what genre you’d like to play next, but chances are you were already doing that.

Have you checked Game Pass?

A huge factor when buying any game for Xbox now is Game Pass, Microsoft’s excellent subscription membership. Since it nets you access to a big library of games instantly, it’s always worth checking if a game that you’re planning to pick up is included in the plan.

If so, you could save a bunch of money by just taking out a month’s membership to play it. That said, you won’t own the game so you’d have to take another membership out if you wanted to replay it at some point down the line.

Are high-fidelity graphics a priority?

Plenty of indie games look absolutely stunning, to be clear, but it’s often the case that they manage this via excellent art direction and design decisions rather than brute force graphical realism. If you’re searching for something that looks photorealistic you might want to look elsewhere, but if you don’t mind games that look kookier and more unique then indie titles will definitely suit you.

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