Cisco AnyConnect for Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10

Mục lục bài viết

Table of contents

      2. USAGE


Download the current AnyConnect Client software:

AnyConnect Download

For other AnyConnect Packages for MS Windows see the Download Cisco AnyConnect Client-Software page.

To enable the transform file run the following command in cmd window (CEF thus is being turned OFF) run this command for installation (one line):
msiexec -i anyconnect-win-[VERSION]-core-vpn-predeploy-k9.msi TRANSFORMS=anyconnect-win-disable-customer-experience-feedback-[VERSION].mst

On the following installation window click on Next:

Please read the license agreement and accept with Next:

The software is being installed:

After successful installation, click on Finish:


Please start the AnyConnect from the Windows program menu. Please type in the URL of VPN-Gateway ein: in the VPN field. Afterwards click on Connect.

Type in your login in the Username field an or your VPN group after the @ sign. Enter your ZIH-password in the Password field.

With the Group field, you can determine, which connections are using the VPN. You have the following options:

  • A-Tunnel-TU-Networks – Connections to all networks of TU Dresden (public and private IP addresses) via VPN (recommended)
  • B-Tunnel-Public-TU-Networks – Connections to networks of TU Dresden with public IP adresses via VPN. Use this group, if you have problems due to overlapping private IP address space.
  • C-Tunnel-All-Networks – All connections (also to destinations outside of TU networks) via VPN. If all you need is a TU Dresden IP address to access online resources, consider using OpenVPN instead.
  • TUD-vpn-lic – Only connections to license servers (e.g. Mathcad) via VPN. Use only ZIH login name without the @-part (e.g. s1234567) in the Username field.
  • Other groups (Z-*, TUD-vpn-*) – These groups are for special users/requirements only, use them only if instructed to do so.

After selecting a Group an entering Username and Password click on OK:

After creating the VPN connection, you’ll be asigned an IP address from within the regarding TU Dresden network. You’ll find a lock symbol in the Windows systray.

To close the VPN connection, click on the symbol in the systray and click on Disconnect:

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