Computer science Vs Software Engineering: the ultimate match

Software engineering – 

The curriculum in software engineering prepares students to conduct technical processing on computer both software and hardware. With a specific attention paid to design, mathematics, and analysis, the curriculum emphasizes the construction and management of computer systems through engineering principles.

Combining the expertise of engineering and software development, students will have a thorough understanding of the numerous steps involved in the development of a software systems. Courses typically focus on software design, engineering fundamentals, software quality and security, but in addition, software engineers will also be able to create a pleasing UX design.
How to build software, how to apply mathematical analysis and software engeneering principles, throughout the design and development process… 
Due to their unique skills set, Software engineers are in high demand on the market.

Computer Science – 

A computer science degree program provides students with an in-depth knowledge of computer theory, structure, architecture, and applications. Originally, it was a sub-branch of mathematics, and nowadays there still is an emphasis on science and math. 

Computer Science Bachelor will focus on how computer work as a whole and how they connect with another one, through physical, or wireless networks. 

A computer scientist is an expert in a variety of related fields, covering both technical and abstract computing skills, programming languages, computer architecture, data science, data structure, cybersecurity, software development and algorithms.

Besides, computer science degrees typically explore emerging computing applications such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, or cloud computing.