DIGITAL CLEANUP DAY – Digital Cleanup Day

1. Write down the current storage space left on your mobile phone

o   Android phones: Menu > Settings > Storage

o   iPhones: Settings > General > Storage

Don’t miss this, otherwise you won’t know your cleanup results!

2. Dare to delete everything unnecessary

Your phone should have at least 1 GB memory space free. Remove all applications that you haven’t used or used only a few times. Be honest and brave! Delete all those unnecessary, forgotten, old apps and games that you have downloaded, but never really used. You won’t start using them later either – for sure!

You can also delete your phone’s preinstalled applications, but make sure that you don’t remove system applications.

3. Care about your cache

It’s worth clearing your phone’s cache every now and then.

o   On Android phones, go to Settings > Tap the Storage heading > Find the application you want to clear > Clear cache

o   On iPhones, go Settings > Safari > Clear History and Website Data > Clear History and Data

Check also, how much space do your apps take, go Settings > General > Usage (iPhone). You should delete the heaviest apps and reinstall them again. You will be surprised how much more space this gives you.

4. Store your important documents in the cloud and photos and videos on external hard drives.

Do you really need ten versions of the same picture, or could you save only the best one? It’s typical to keep your most valuable memories on your phone ONLY and that is a huge risk to lose them all at once! So, store your personal photos and videos on external hard drives, and your important documents in the cloud services, such as iCloud, Dropbox or Microsoft OneDrive.

On external hard drives, your pics and videos are safe without taking up space on your phone. External storage is an inexpensive way to store your memories without worrying about losing them. If you haven’t done this before, now it’s time to start!

5. Go back to the original storage size of your phone – see the number you wrote down in the beginning, then check the current size and do the calculations – how many GBs did you manage to delete?

8. Finally, go back to our campaign site and fill out the number of deleted gigabytes. If you want to continue cleaning up, you can join us again and fill out the new numbers.

Congratulations! You really did a good job!

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