Downloads for Amazon Corretto 8 – Amazon Corretto
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Downloads for Amazon Corretto 8
This topic lists all the downloads available for Amazon Corretto 8.
You can choose Permanent URLs pointing to the latest
version, or use Version Specific URLs which point to a specific version.
Amazon Corretto 8 Permanent URLs
Permanent URLs always point to the most recent release of a package. For example, to
retrieve the latest Linux Corretto 8 .tgz package by using a Permanent URL, you can run
the following command from the CLI:
These links can be used in scripts to pull the latest version of Amazon Corretto 8.
Note: Notice that the above links follow this format:[latest/latest_checksum]/amazon-corretto-[corretto_version]-[cpu_arch]-[os]-[package_type].[file_extension]
Signature Verification
The public key to verify the SIGNATURE file can be downloaded here.
Versioned Downloads
For versioned downloads and earlier versions, see Corretto-8
Releases on GitHub.
Change Logs
For change logs, see Corretto-8
Change logs on GitHub.