


The lack of a good iOS app had moved me away from the gold standard of reference apps, which is endnote.
To my surprise Endnote has made a great come back! Specifically:
1) iPhone app
2) great integration with pubmed and google scholar and easy downloading of citations
3) create temporary citations, which in conjunction with endnote web allow for a 100% iOS workflow to create bibliography on scientific articles. WOW!
4) the PDFs of the references can be shared and are not locked in inside the app

There are a couple more things that if they get incorporated, then they would improve even more the great experience. These things in order of perceived (by me) complexity are:
1) allow the customization of the info that gets presented about an article. Specifically I don’t like that I have to “dig in” to find my research notes about an article, I would like them to show up on the top
2) allow for subgroup creation
3) allow the PDFs to be accessed by files app
4) automatic citation creation for newly imported PDFs (similar to what the desktop app does)
5) automatic download of PDFs (similar to what the desktop app does)