Free Software Development Proposal Template | Revv

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If you like to go for our services, please acknowledge by signing below. You can always contact us for any other assistance or details.

If you like to go for our services, please acknowledge by signing below. You can always contact us for any other assistance or details.

If you like to go for our services, please acknowledge by signing below. You can always contact us for any other assistance or details.

: This Proposal and other annexures, therefore, constitute the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to the matter of subject hereof and thus, supersedes all prior agreements, purchases, understandings, and negotiations, written or phonated, between the Parties.

: This Proposal and other annexures, therefore, constitute the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to the matter of subject hereof and thus, supersedes all prior agreements, purchases, understandings, and negotiations, written or phonated, between the Parties.

Entirety : This Proposal and other annexures, therefore, constitute the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to the matter of subject hereof and thus, supersedes all prior agreements, purchases, understandings, and negotiations, written or phonated, between the Parties.

: The Parties must acknowledge that the proceedings hereinafter is solely for the benefit of the Parties undersigned and serves no inclination to any Party, nor is intended to confer any rights or remedies in favor of any person, party, or affiliate, other than the Parties duly undersigned.

: The Parties must acknowledge that the proceedings hereinafter is solely for the benefit of the Parties undersigned and serves no inclination to any Party, nor is intended to confer any rights or remedies in favor of any person, party, or affiliate, other than the Parties duly undersigned.

Inclination : The Parties must acknowledge that the proceedings hereinafter is solely for the benefit of the Parties undersigned and serves no inclination to any Party, nor is intended to confer any rights or remedies in favor of any person, party, or affiliate, other than the Parties duly undersigned.

: No modification or waiver of the provisions of any proceeding shall be valid or binding on either Party unless in writing and signed by both Parties. The Parties may execute the terms singly or in multiple counterparts, each of which constitutes the meaning of this protocol herein.

: No modification or waiver of the provisions of any proceeding shall be valid or binding on either Party unless in writing and signed by both Parties. The Parties may execute the terms singly or in multiple counterparts, each of which constitutes the meaning of this protocol herein.

Amendments and Counterparts : No modification or waiver of the provisions of any proceeding shall be valid or binding on either Party unless in writing and signed by both Parties. The Parties may execute the terms singly or in multiple counterparts, each of which constitutes the meaning of this protocol herein.

The Arbitrators’ decision shall be final and will be binding upon both Parties.

The Arbitrators’ decision shall be final and will be binding upon both Parties.

which shall be appointed by the Parties. The place of Arbitration shall be

which shall be appointed by the Parties. The place of Arbitration shall be

: In the event of any dispute arising in and out of this Agreement between the Parties, it shall be resolved by Arbitration. There shall be

: In the event of any dispute arising in and out of this Agreement between the Parties, it shall be resolved by Arbitration. There shall be

Arbitration : In the event of any dispute arising in and out of this Agreement between the Parties, it shall be resolved by Arbitration. There shall be [Number of Arbitrators], which shall be appointed by the Parties. The place of Arbitration shall be [Place of Arbitration] and Seat shall be [State of ‘State’]. The Arbitrators’ decision shall be final and will be binding upon both Parties.

, it shall be severed and the remaining provisions in the business proceeding shall be enforceable, valid, and binding, and shall continue in full force and effect.

, it shall be severed and the remaining provisions in the business proceeding shall be enforceable, valid, and binding, and shall continue in full force and effect.

: If any provision herein the Agreement is deemed as unenforceable, invalid, or illegal by the judicature of the

: If any provision herein the Agreement is deemed as unenforceable, invalid, or illegal by the judicature of the

Severability : If any provision herein the Agreement is deemed as unenforceable, invalid, or illegal by the judicature of the [State] , it shall be severed and the remaining provisions in the business proceeding shall be enforceable, valid, and binding, and shall continue in full force and effect.

: The terms of all business advancements with regard to this proposal shall be construed in accordance with the governing laws of the state of

: The terms of all business advancements with regard to this proposal shall be construed in accordance with the governing laws of the state of

Governing Law : The terms of all business advancements with regard to this proposal shall be construed in accordance with the governing laws of the state of [State]

shall be collectively referred to as the Parties, who shall thereby be following the terms and conditions set herein below:

shall be collectively referred to as the Parties, who shall thereby be following the terms and conditions set herein below:

For further business proceedings, [Client Name] and [Company Name] shall be collectively referred to as the Parties, who shall thereby be following the terms and conditions set herein below:

There are a few roadblocks that could be encountered during the development phase. Such constraints and their relative solutions are outlined as follows:

There are a few roadblocks that could be encountered during the development phase. Such constraints and their relative solutions are outlined as follows:

There are a few roadblocks that could be encountered during the development phase. Such constraints and their relative solutions are outlined as follows:

Thus, our solution will create multiple business opportunities such as

Thus, our solution will create multiple business opportunities such as

Thus, our solution will create multiple business opportunities such as [Business Opportunities Explanation]

[List of Business Problems that is to be solved by the Proposed Solution]

[List of Business Problems that is to be solved by the Proposed Solution]

[List of Business Problems that is to be solved by the Proposed Solution]

With our proposed solution, we will be resolving multiple current issues like:

With our proposed solution, we will be resolving multiple current issues like:

With our proposed solution, we will be resolving multiple current issues like:

days for the software to be ready for deployment. A detailed timeline for the project completion is presented below for further understanding.

days for the software to be ready for deployment. A detailed timeline for the project completion is presented below for further understanding.

Along with our panel of experts working to achieve the project objectives, we project a minimum of

Along with our panel of experts working to achieve the project objectives, we project a minimum of

Along with our panel of experts working to achieve the project objectives, we project a minimum of [Number] days for the software to be ready for deployment. A detailed timeline for the project completion is presented below for further understanding.

We would like to describe the software as

We would like to describe the software as

We would like to describe the software as [Description].

This project’s scope shall be [Scope] , with its primary objectives being:

Here’s what some of our major clients have to say about their experience with us and our service:

Here’s what some of our major clients have to say about their experience with us and our service:

Here’s what some of our major clients have to say about their experience with us and our service:

For us, our client’s satisfaction has always driven us to deliver the best.

For us, our client’s satisfaction has always driven us to deliver the best.

For us, our client’s satisfaction has always driven us to deliver the best.

For any further queries, please feel free to contact us through the details that we would be putting forward in the proposal herein.

For any further queries, please feel free to contact us through the details that we would be putting forward in the proposal herein.

For any further queries, please feel free to contact us through the details that we would be putting forward in the proposal herein.

, With this detailed proposal, we hope to provide the information you are looking for.

, With this detailed proposal, we hope to provide the information you are looking for.

are driven by our principle being

are driven by our principle being

We at [Company Name] are driven by our principle being [Company Motto] , With this detailed proposal, we hope to provide the information you are looking for.

is one of the leading software development companies. We have the required expertise and track record in providing optimal performance and quality of software products and services.

is one of the leading software development companies. We have the required expertise and track record in providing optimal performance and quality of software products and services.

[Company Name] is one of the leading software development companies. We have the required expertise and track record in providing optimal performance and quality of software products and services.

We would like to thank you for sharing the RFP for your software developmental requirements.

We would like to thank you for sharing the RFP for your software developmental requirements.

We would like to thank you for sharing the RFP for your software developmental requirements.

What is a software development proposal?

A software development proposal is a business document sent by a software development company to sell its business services to a prospective client.

It gives the prospective clients an overview of the service provider’s offering, how it will solve the challenges, and the methodology or approach to the proposed solution.

How to write a software development proposal?

Drafting a sales proposal is a crucial part of the sales process to secure a business contract from the prospective client. Follow the below steps and structure to create a great proposal:

Cover page  

This is the first page of your proposal that includes the prospective client’s name, the service provider’s company name and logo, and the proposal’s name.


Here, briefly describe your company, your business strengths, and what makes you unique.

Executive summary 

This section of the proposal catches the attention of prospective clients. It summarizes the entire project. Draft a compelling executive summary and make it benefits-focused. Highlight why your software service is the best fit for the potential client’s business needs.

Client testimonials  

If you have case studies of past projects or testimonials from previous clients, add them. Adding social proof in your proposal makes you more credible in front of potential clients.

Project scope 

This part of the proposal outlines the project description and project objectives. Add a tentative timeline when you can complete the project and deliver the final product.

Project timelines 

Here, you give the potential client a break-up of all the project deliverables and the completion date of each milestone – from planning to testing and implementation.

Project members 

Create a list of team members who are responsible for the project – their role, responsibility, and contact information. Mostly, the team members include – client, project manager, project analyst, software developer, project tester, and project designer.

Business opportunity 

This section of the proposal explains the kind of business opportunities the proposed solution will generate and help the clients in their business.

Solution and software development process 

Mention how you will approach the problem and create the software. Elaborate on each step with proper details to provide clarity to the client.

Budget breakdown 

Pricing plays an important role for the client to budget a project. List down and describe the payment details in an itemized table format. Here are some items to be included in the pricing – software license, server license, database license, machines, development, project management, and training.


Define the roadblocks that can be encountered in the software development process and your solution to overcome each of those challenges. This brings confidence to your potential client that you are capable of handling the issues.

Terms & Conditions 

Describe the terms and conditions both the parties have to oblige while working on the project – governing laws, payment terms, obligations, severability, amendments, and counterparts, etc.


If the proposal is lengthy, it is a good idea to conclude the proposal in a small paragraph along with a call to action and contact details – company name, contact person, email id, and contact number.

Acceptance and Signatures

Add signature placeholders where representatives of the software development company and the client’s company will sign the dotted line and transform the software proposal into a contract.

Tips for writing a software development proposal

Always research first – Don’t haste into writing a software proposal. Always do a detailed analysis of the industry, organization, and business needs of the potential client. It will help you in effective documentation and drafting of your proposal.

Leverage templates – Templates liberate you from the time-consuming process of creating each proposal from scratch. Using a proposal template helps users to instantly create software proposals and deliver them to clients in a timely manner. Templates ensure that you have created a detailed project proposal – right from the introduction to services, payments, software products, resources, etc.

Pay attention to structure and format – Always structure your proposal well. Divide the proposal into sections and subsections. Add bullet points, white space for easy readability, page numbers, and use the right fonts. A professionally written proposal helps the client to browse through the proposal quickly.

Use visuals – Visuals help the clients to comprehend the document faster. Add images, charts, tables, graphs, wherever appropriate.

Always proofread – Always give your proposal a thorough read and check for grammatical or spelling errors before sending it to the clients for sign and acceptance.

Keep the language simple – Avoid jargon! A proposal written in a simplified way makes it easy to read and process.

Use Revv – Automate and streamline your software development proposals

Revv is an excellent document workflow automation system that takes care of all your proposal needs. Its advanced features accelerate the proposal process and increase the chances of winning the project.

Legally vetted and ready-to-use proposal templates – Revv’s free proposal templates are well-drafted, structured, formatted, and vetted by legal teams. It helps the users in creating a detailed proposal without any errors. 

You can also access other related templates for your business from Revv’s library. Here are some examples – software sales proposal, IT project proposal, IT development proposal, and many more.

Customization – You can customize the template using Revv’s drag-and-drop editor to add, remove, or edit information.

Built-in electronic signatures – Revv’s integrated eSignature system helps the service providers and prospective clients to quickly eSign the proposal from any device in a secure environment and turn it into a formal contract.

Collaboration – Revv speeds up the conversations between teams by helping them to collaborate within the proposal through tagging, notes, and attachments.

Real-time activity monitoring – With Revv, you get detailed analytics on all the actions that have been taken on the proposal – who has opened the proposal, who has signed and who hasn’t, etc.

Automated notifications – Revv sends notifications to both senders and recipients. It keeps them posted on all the updates on the proposal and notifies them of the pending actions at their end.

Business apps integration – Up your proposal game! Integrate other business platforms with Revv through Native API or Zapier. Let the information flow seamlessly across platforms without any manual intervention.

Frequently asked questions

How do you write a software proposal?

First, do research on your prospective client’s business and industry. Next, break and draft your proposal into sections – cover page, introduction, executive summary, client testimonials, project scope, solution, timelines, team members, pricing, challenges, terms & conditions, conclusion, and finally, a section for acceptance and signatures.

What should be included in a software development proposal?

A software development proposal is your sales pitch to prospective clients. It should include all the information to convince them to invest in your services. Here is a structure – cover page, introduction, executive summary, client testimonials, project scope, solution, timelines, team members, pricing, challenges, terms & conditions, conclusion, and signatures.

What is an RFP in software?

An RFP (Request For Proposal) is a document that you send to a software development company. It is written to attract the right vendors for your software development project. It defines your project requirements, scope, timelines, and other deliverables.

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