
GameZone is the Next Project in the BlueZilla ecosystem

Cross-chain project launches are increasingly commonplace.

As the crypto landscape has evolved to include more and more blockchains, most projects now have some degree of cross-chain focus on their roadmap — whether that be simply maintaining a token on multiple chains, or under assumption that they will eventually deploy their product on multiple platforms. With the advent of more capable cross-chain solutions like Velas, it is likely that cross-chain support will eventually become a necessity, rather than an option.

Following the resounding success of BSCPad and the recent redoubling of our cross-chain efforts, we now have the infrastructure, expertise and team in place to expand to the Velas ecosystem — where we will begin supporting the grassroots innovations occurring on this promising new chain.

Backed by a massive marketing machine comprised of an impressive KOL lineup and an army of marketers, GameZone will benefit from the same levels of exposure seen by our previous launches — including BSCPad and TronPad — which achieved 300x+ ROIs and went viral on numerous platforms including CoinGecko, CoinMarketCap and Twitter.

The simple fact is, we have the resources, knowledge and experience to deliver winning launchpad products — and GameZone will be no exception.