PreVu Dental Software

Drs. Chris and Maja Martin

Village Dental

We have been users of PreVu for almost a year now. I find it
to be an invaluable tool. Our doctors have all seen much
higher case acceptance across the board. PreVu allows us to
compete in the marketplace with other goods and services
that are geared toward making people “feel good.” Perhaps
the best part of the entire PreVu offering is the ability to
engage the team members in creating the before-and-after

With a little effort in establishing a system of simple
photo taking, the entire process can be TEAM driven. The
doctor doesn’t even have to become involved. What a game
changer! I used to have to wait 24 hours for cosmetic
imaging; now it can happen in minutes!

Dr. Dean Vafiadis

New York Smile Institute

Program Director, Full-Mouth Reconstruction, NYU College of Dentistry

When it comes to simulation software, I recommend PreVu
because it is quick to use and the patients can take their
printed simulation with them the same day as their initial
appointment. PreVu is great at engaging and educating
patients and it allows us the opportunity to show patients
different treatment options so that they can visualize the
difference and lean more towards optimal care.

Using PreVu brings the use of photography in my practice to a
higher level. And patients appreciate that we help them envision
outcomes by showing them how their appearance may
improve after treatment.

Dr. Christian Yaste

Ballantyne Center for Dentistry

To someone who is suffering from an embarrassing smile
there is no more powerful tool of hope than cosmetic dental
imaging. For years we have used this technology in our
practice and, as they say, a picture is worth a thousand
words. PreVu software has now made this incredible service
for your patients more cost-effective, and easier than ever.

Every team member in my office can now provide a
simulation of treatment for our patients in minutes. Cosmetic
imaging is a must for any dentist providing cosmetic or
reconstructive dental care. PreVu software removes any
excuses for not using cosmetic dental imaging software in
your practice everyday.

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