Software Downloads | Linear

AccessBase for Access Control Systems – AM/II, AE-1, and AE-2

Note for New AccessBase Installations
AccessBase V1.54 is a version upgrade for the V1.52 release. For new installations it is required that AccessBase V1.52 be installed first before installing V1.54.

When installing V1.54 over V1.52, V1.52 will be uninstalled first. During the uninstallation process, there will be window pop-ups that will ask whether to delete files that are no longer used by other applications. Click NO to keep all files. After the uninstallation has been successfully completed, run the V1.54 installation package again to install V1.54. Energy Policy Act of 2005.

Linear currently supports the changes in the Daylight Saving Time schedule as part of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 in AccessBase version 1.54 and AccessBase 2000 version 2.6 and later. Click here for AccessBase Instructions.

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