Sublime Text Download for Free – 2023 Latest Version

Written by: Elijah Ugoh

For code developers, website and applications builders, and just about anyone who needs to work with a text, perhaps, the best option you can find on the market today is Sublime Text. Unlike other alternatives, it is free, lightweight, and easy to install.

One of the reasons why it is a popular choice is because of its native support for many different languages, including Clojure, Perl, Javascript, Haskell, Erlango, and Escala.

Whichever way you choose to use Sublime Text, it supports all major operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and macOS. It is easy to get, and installation is typically within minutes.

Follow the instructions below and I’ll show you how to download and start using Sublime Text for free.

How to Download and Install Sublime Text on Your PC for Free

  1. Click on the Download button on the sidebar to go directly to the official Sublime Text download page.
  2. Click on one of the three download options to download the desktop application.
    Sublime Text download screenshotSublime Text download screenshot
  3. Go to your download folder or wherever you saved the .exe file and double-click on it to start installing the app.
  4. Follow the instructions to finish the installation. You can launch the application once the process completes.
    Sublime Text blank editor screenshotSublime Text blank editor screenshot

How to Uninstall Sublime Text

If you’re not satisfied using Sublime Text, you can uninstall it from your computer by following these simple steps:

  1. Type Add or Remove Programs in the Windows search bar and click the Enter key.
    Sublime Text add or remove Sublime Text add or remove
  2. Scroll and locate Sublime Text in the list of installed programs. Click the Uninstall button.
    Sublime Text uninstall screenshotSublime Text uninstall screenshot
  3. Once the uninstallation wizard opens, confirm that you want to remove the software, and it will be uninstalled from your computer.

If you prefer to use a different text editor, check the free alternatives below.

Sublime Text Overview

Sublime Text is a full-featured free source code editor designed to help developers accomplish tasks involving code editing with ease. It natively supports many programming and markup languages.

Whether you’re building out a website page, editing a code base or updating your source code, with features like Syntax Highlight, Auto Indentation, File Type Recognition, Sidebar, Macros, and Plugin support via Python API, Sublime Text is built to provide you with all you’ll ever need.

Sublime Text editor screenshotSublime Text editor screenshot

Features of Sublime Text

Sublime Text offers you lots of features. Here are some of them:

Easily Split Panes and Navigate Between Code

The “Tab Multi-Select” functionality allows you to split the interface when performing some actions so you can see multiple tabs at once. With the sidebar, tab bar, Goto Anything, Goto Definition, and code navigation, you can easily switch between different tasks.

Syntax Definitions

The improved syntax highlighting engine has features like multi-line constructs, non-deterministic grammars, lazy embeds, syntax inheritance, faster load times, and reduced memory usage.

Spell Checker

The program features an automatic spell checker that marks incorrectly spelled words so they can be encoded.

Context-Aware Auto-complete

Sublime Text’s auto-complete engine provides you with smart completions as you write. The suggestions are based on existing codes in a project, and are augmented with info about their kind, as well as links to definitions.

View Definitions in Auto-Complete

When an auto-completed word is a symbol with a definition, you can click the definition link to open the definition of the auto-completed word to the right.

Side-by-Side Mode for Definitions

Goto Definition, Goto Reference, and Goto Symbol in Project support side-by-side viewing, allowing you to explore the full definition in a small popup. The Definitions popup in the current version of Sublime Text supports side-by-side mode via the icon.

JSX and TSX Support

Sublime Text now supports the new programming language. This way, you get to utilize all of the smart syntax-based features of Sublime Text within the modern JavaScript ecosystem.

Updated Python API

With the Sublime Text API having been updated to Python 3.8, developers have the capability to execute different projects with more ease. The API also provides extended functionality with plugins like LSP.

Free Alternatives to Sublime Text

Visual Studio Code: Visual Studio Code is a full-option, easy-to-use code editor from Microsoft and with features like syntax highlighting, support for debugging, intelligent code completion, and snippet, it allows you to learn smart code editing. Visual Studio Code is open-source and has gathered innovative contributions from different developers over time.

Atom: Atom is a free, open-source text and source code editor featuring support for plugins written in JavaScript, and embedded Git Control. It’s a “hackable” text editor that allows extended customizable with lots of third-party packages and themes.

Notepad++: Notepad++ is a text and source code editor built for Microsoft Windows. Notepad++ supports tabbed editing, allowing you to work with multiple open files in a single window, just like Sublime Text’s split-pane feature. Notepad++ is a free source code editor that supports several languages.


Is Sublime Text free?

Not only is Sublime Text free, but you can also extend its functions using lots of different plugins. Follow this simple instruction above to download and start using Sublime Text for free.

Is Sublime Text secure?

Yes. You can safely download and start using the Sublime Text from the official website. Avoid downloading the software from unofficial sites to expose your computer to spyware and virus attacks.

Can I use my license on multiple operating systems or computers?

Licenses are issued per user, so you can use one license on all computers and operating systems where you are the primary user.

Visit Sublime Text Website

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