Testing throughout the software life cycle – ppt download

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Testing throughout the software life cycle
UNIT 2 Testing throughout the software life cycle 2.1.1 V-model

Testing throughout the software life cycle

The four test levels used, each with their own objectives, are:
• component testing: searches for defects in and verifies the functioning of software components (e.g. modules, programs, objects, classes etc.) that are separately testable; • integration testing: tests interfaces between components, interactions to different parts of a system such as an operating system, file system and hardware or interfaces between systems; • system testing: concerned with the behavior of the whole system/product as defined by the scope of a development project or product. The main focus of system testing is verification against specified requirements; • acceptance testing: validation testing with respect to user needs, requirements, and business processes conducted to determine whether or not to accept the system.

The four test levels used, each with their own objectives, are:



2.1.2 Iterative life cycles Not all life cycles are sequential. There are also iterative or incremental life cycles where, instead of one large development time line from beginning to end, we cycle through a number of smaller self-contained life cycle phases for the same project. As with the V-model, there are many variants of iterative life cycles.

2.1.2 Iterative life cycles Not all life cycles are sequential. There are also iterative or incremental life.

Examples of iterative or incremental development models are prototyping,
Rapid Application Development (RAD), Rational Unified Process (RUP) and agile development. For the purpose of better understanding iterative development models and the changing role of testing a short explanation of both RAD and agile development is provided.

Examples of iterative or incremental development models are prototyping,

Rapid Application Development (RAD) is formally a parallel development of
functions and subsequent integration. Components/functions are developed in parallel as if they were mini projects, the developments are time-boxed, delivered, and then assembled into a working prototype. This can very quickly give the customer something to see and use and to provide feedback regarding the delivery and their requirements. Rapid change and development of the product is possible using this methodology. However the product specification will need to be developed for the product at some point, and the project will need to be placed under more formal controls prior to going into production. This methodology allows early validation of technology risks and a rapid response to changing customer requirements.

Rapid Application Development (RAD) is formally a parallel development of


Agile development Extreme Programming (XP) is currently one of the most well-known agile development life cycle models. (See [Agile] for ideas behind this approach.) The methodology claims to be more human friendly than traditional development methods. Some characteristics of XP are: • It promotes the generation of business stories to define the functionality. • It demands an on-site customer for continual feedback and to define and carry out functional acceptance testing. • It promotes pair programming and shared code ownership amongst the developers. • It states that component test scripts shall be written before the code is written and that those tests should be automated. • It states that integration and testing of the code shall happen several times a day. • It states that we always implement the simplest solution to meet today’s problems.

Agile development

With XP there are numerous iterations each requiring testing
With XP there are numerous iterations each requiring testing. XP developers write every test case they can think of and automate them. Every time a change is made in the code it is component tested and then integrated with the existing code, which is then fully integration-tested using the full set of test cases. This gives continuous integration, by which we mean that changes are incorporated continuously into the software build. At the same time, all test cases must be running at 100% meaning that all the test cases that have been identified and automated are executed and pass. XP is not about doing extreme activities during the development process, it is about doing known value-adding activities in an extreme manner. 2.1.3 Testing within a life cycle model In summary, whichever life cycle model is being used, there are several characteristics of good testing: • for every development activity there is a corresponding testing activity; • each test level has test objectives specific to that level; • the analysis and design of tests for a given test level should begin during the corresponding development activity; • testers should be involved in reviewing documents as soon as drafts are avail able in the development cycle.

With XP there are numerous iterations each requiring testing


2 . 2 TEST LEVELS 2.2.1 Component testing Component testing, also known as unit, module and program testing, searches for defects in, and verifies the functioning of software (e.g. modules, programs, objects, classes, etc.) that are separately testable. Component testing may be done in isolation from the rest of the system depending on the context of the development life cycle and the system. Most often stubs and drivers are used to replace the missing software and simulate the interface between the software components in a simple manner. A stub is called from the software component to be tested; a driver calls a component to be tested Component testing may include testing of functionality and specific nonfunctional characteristics such as resource-behavior (e.g. memory leaks), performance or robustness testing, as well as structural testing (e.g. decision coverage). Test cases are derived from work products such as the software design or the data model.

2 . 2 TEST LEVELS Component testing.


2.2.2 Integration testing Integration testing tests interfaces between components, interactions to different parts of a system such as an operating system, file system and hardware or interfaces between systems. There may be more than one level of integration testing and it may be carried out on test objects of varying size. For example: • component integration testing tests the interactions between software components and is done after component testing; • system integration testing tests the interactions between different systems and may be done after system testing. In this case, the developing organization may control only one side of the interface, so changes may be destabilizing. Business processes implemented as workflows may involve a series of systems that can even run on different platforms. • Top-down: testing takes place from top to bottom, following the control flow or architectural structure (e.g. starting from the GUI or main menu). Components or systems are substituted by stubs. • Bottom-up: testing takes place from the bottom of the control flow upwards. Components or systems are substituted by drivers. • Functional incremental: integration and testing takes place on the basis of the functions or functionality, as documented in the functional specification. Integration testing may be carried out by the developers, but can be done by a separate team of specialist integration testers, or by a specialist group of developers/integrators including non-functional specialists.

2.2.2 Integration testing Integration testing tests interfaces between components, interactions to different.

failures not being found by testing.
2.2.3 System testing System testing is concerned with the behavior of the whole system/product as defined by the scope of a development project or product. It may include tests based on risks and/or requirements specification, business processes, use cases, or other high level descriptions of system behavior, interactions with the operating system, and system resources. System testing should investigate both functional and non-functional requirements of the system. Typical non-functional tests include performance and reliability. System testing requires a controlled test environment with regard to, amongst other things, control of the software versions, test ware and the test Data A system test is executed by the development organization in a (properly controlled) environment. The test environment should correspond to the final target or production environment as much as possible in order to minimize the risk of environment specific failures not being found by testing.

failures not being found by testing.


2.2.4 Acceptance testing When the development organization has performed its system test and has corrected all or most defects, the system will be delivered to the user or customer for acceptance testing. The acceptance test should answer questions such as: ‘Can the system be released?’, ‘What, if any, are the outstanding (business) risks?’ and ‘Has development met their obligations?’. Acceptance testing is most often the responsibility of the user or customer, although other stakeholders may be involved as well. The execution of the acceptance test requires a test environment that is for most aspects, representative of the production environment (‘as-if production’). The goal of acceptance testing is to establish confidence in the system, part of the system or specific non-functional characteristics, e.g. usability, of the system. For example, a large-scale system integration test may come after the acceptance of a system. Acceptance testing may occur at more than just a single level, for example: • A Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) software product may be acceptance tested when it is installed or integrated. • Acceptance testing of the usability of a component may be done during component testing. • Acceptance testing of a new functional enhancement may come before system testing. Very often this type of system undergoes two stages of acceptance test. The first is called alpha testing. This test takes place at the developer’s site. A cross-section of potential users and members of the developer’s organization are invited to use the system. Developers observe the users and note problems. Alpha testing may also be carried out by an independent test team. Beta testing, or field testing, sends the system to a cross-section of users who install it and use it under real-world working conditions. The users send records of incidents with the system to the development organization where the defects are repaired.

2.2.4 Acceptance testing

Impact analysis and regression testing
MAINTENANCE TESTING Impact analysis and regression testing Usually maintenance testing will consist of 2 parts: • testing the changes • regression tests to show that the rest of the system has not been affected by the maintenance work. In addition to testing what has been changed, maintenance testing includes extensive regression testing to parts of the system that have not been changed. A major and important activity within maintenance testing is impact analysis. During impact analysis, together with stakeholders, a decision is made on what parts of the system may be unintentionally affected and therefore need careful regression testing. Risk analysis will help to decide where to focus regression testing – it is unlikely that the team will have time to repeat all the existing tests. If the test specifications from the original development of the system are kept, one may be able to reuse them for regression testing and to adapt them for changes to the system. This may be as simple as changing the expected results for your existing tests. Sometimes additional tests may need to be built. Extension or enhancement to the system may mean new areas have been specified and tests would be drawn up just as for the development. It is also possible that updates are needed to an automated test set, which is often used to support regression testing.

Impact analysis and regression testing

nonfunctional testing
Types of Testing The following types of testing can be distinguished based on a particular test objective… functional testing nonfunctional testing testing of software structure (Structural testing) testing related to changes

nonfunctional testing

Functional Testing (Testing of functions)
In functional testing basically the testing of the functions of component or system is done. It refers to activities that verify a specific action or function of the code. Functional test tends to answer the questions like “can the user do this” or “does this particular feature work”. This is typically described in a requirements specification or in a functional specification. The techniques used for functional testing are often specification-based. Testing functionality can be done from two perspective: Requirement-based testing: In this type of testing the requirements are prioritized depending on the risk criteria and accordingly the tests are prioritized. This will ensure that the most important and most critical tests are included in the testing effort. Business-process-based testing: In this type of testing the scenarios involved in the day-to-day business use of the system are described. It uses the knowledge of the business processes. For example, a personal and payroll system may have the business process along the lines of: someone joins the company, employee is paid on the regular basis and employee finally leaves the company.

Functional Testing (Testing of functions)

Nonfunctional Testing
In non-functional testing the quality characteristics of the component or system is tested. Non-functional refers to aspects of the software that may not be related to a specific function or user action such as security or scalability. Eg. How many people can log in at once? Non-functional testing is also performed at all levels like functional testing. Non-functional testing includes: Reliability testing Usability testing Efficiency testing Maintainability testing Portability testing Baseline testing Compliance testing Documentation testing Endurance testing Load testing Performance testing Compatibility testing Security testing Scalability testing Volume testing Stress testing Recovery testing Internationalization testing and Localization testing

Nonfunctional Testing

Nonfunctional Testing
Reliability testing: Reliability Testing is about exercising an application so that failures are discovered and removed before the system is deployed. The purpose of reliability testing is to determine product reliability, and to determine whether the software meets the customer’s reliability requirements. Usability testing: In usability testing basically the testers tests the ease with which the user interfaces can be used. It tests that whether the application or the product built is user-friendly or not. Maintainability testing: It basically defines that how easy it is to maintain the system. This means that how easy it is to analyze, change and test the application or product. Portability testing: It refers to the process of testing the ease with which a computer software component or application can be moved from one environment to another, e.g. moving of any application from Windows 2000 to Windows XP. This is usually measured in terms of the maximum amount of effort permitted. Results are measured in terms of the time required to move the software and complete the and documentation updates. Documentation testing: As per the IEEE Documentation describing plans for, or results of, the testing of a system or component, Types include test case specification, test incident report, test log, test plan, test procedure, test report. Hence the testing of all the above mentioned documents is known as documentation testing.

Nonfunctional Testing


Performance testing: Performance testing is testing that is performed, to determine how fast some aspect of a system performs under a particular workload. It can serve different purposes like it can demonstrate that the system meets performance criteria. It can compare two systems to find which performs better. Or it can measure what part of the system or workload causes the system to perform badly. Compatibility testing: Compatibility testing is basically the testing of the application or the product built with the computing environment. It tests whether the application or the software product built is compatible with the hardware, operating system, database or other system software or not. Security testing: Security testing is basically to check that whether the application or the product is secured or not. Can anyone came tomorrow and hack the system or login the application without any authorization. It is a process to determine that an information system protects data and maintains functionality as intended. Recovery testing: Recovery testing is done in order to check how fast and better the application can recover after it has gone through any type of crash or hardware failure etc. Recovery testing is the forced failure of the software in a variety of ways to verify that recovery is properly performed. For example, when an application is receiving data from a network, unplug the connecting cable. After some time, plug the cable back in and analyze the application’s ability to continue receiving data from the point at which the network connection got disappeared. Restart the system while a browser has a definite number of sessions and check whether the browser is able to recover all of them or not.

Performance testing: Performance testing is testing that is performed, to determine how fast some aspect of a system performs under a particular workload. It can serve different purposes like it can demonstrate that the system meets performance criteria. It can compare two systems to find which performs better. Or it can measure what part of the system or workload causes the system to perform badly.

Difference between Volume, Load and stress testing in software
Load testing: A load test is usually conducted to understand the behavior of the application under a specific expected load. Load testing is performed to determine a system’s behavior under both normal and at peak conditions. It helps to identify the maximum operating capacity of an application as well as any bottlenecks and determine which element is causing degradation. E.g. If the number of users are in creased then how much CPU, memory will be consumed, what is the network and bandwidth response time Volume testing: Volume testing refers to testing a software application or the product with a certain amount of data. E.g., if we want to volume test our application with a specific database size, we need to expand our database to that size and then test the application’s performance on it. Stress testing: It involves testing beyond normal operational capacity, often to a breaking point, in order to observe the results. It is a form of testing that is used to determine the stability of a given system. It  put  greater emphasis on robustness, availability, and error handling under a heavy load, rather than on what would be considered correct behavior under normal circumstances. The goals of such tests may be to ensure the software does not crash in conditions of insufficient computational resources (such as memory or disk space). Difference between Volume, Load and stress testing in software Volume Testing = Large amounts of data Load Testing = Large amount of users Stress Testing = Too many users, too much data, too little time and too little room

Difference between Volume, Load and stress testing in software


Structural testing The structural testing is the testing of the structure of the system or component. Structural testing is often referred to as ‘white box’ or ‘glass box’ or ‘clear-box testing’ because in structural testing we are interested in what is happening ‘inside the system/application’. In structural testing the testers are required to have the knowledge of the internal implementations of the code. Here the testers require knowledge of how the software is implemented, how it works. During structural testing the tester is concentrating on how the software does it. For example, a structural technique wants to know how loops in the software are working. Different test cases may be derived to exercise the loop once, twice, and many times. This may be done regardless of the functionality of the software. Structural testing can be used at all levels of testing. Developers use structural testing in component testing and component integration testing, especially where there is good tool support for code coverage. Structural testing is also used in system and acceptance testing, but the structures are different. For example, the coverage of menu options or major business transactions could be the structural element in system or acceptance testing.

Structural testing The structural testing is the testing of the structure of the system or component.

Testing related to changes (confirmation and regression testing)
This category is slightly different to the others because if you have made a change to the software, you will have changed the way it functions, the way it performs (or both) and its structure. Confirmation testing (re-testing) (when any bug is fixed) When a test fails and we determine that the cause of the failure is a software defect, the defect is reported, and we can expect a new version of the software that has had the defect fixed. In this case we will need to execute the test again to confirm that the defect has indeed been fixed. This is known as confirmation testing (also known as re-testing). Regression testing : (when any version or environment changed) Maintenance of a regression test suite should be carried out so it evolves over time in line with the software. Regression tests are executed whenever the software changes, either as a result of fixes or new or changed functionality. It is also a good idea to execute them when some aspect of the environment changes, for example when a new version of a database management system is introduced or a new version of a source code compiler is used.

Testing related to changes (confirmation and regression testing)





Question 1 What are good practices for testing within the development life cycle? Early test analysis and design. b. Different test levels are defined with specific objectives. c. Testers will start to get involved as soon as coding is done. d. A and B above.

Question 1 What are good practices for testing within the development life cycle Early test analysis and design.


Answer is… d. A and B above.

Answer is… d. A and B above.


Question 2 Which option best describes objectives for test levels with a life cycle model? Objectives should be generic for any test level. b. Objectives are the same for each test level. c. The objectives of a test level don’t need to be defined in advance. d. Each level has objectives specific to that level.

Question 2 Which option best describes objectives for test levels with a life cycle model Objectives should be generic for any test level.


Answer is… d. Each level has objectives specific to that level.

Answer is… d. Each level has objectives specific to that level.


Question 3 Which of the following is a test type? Component testing b. Functional testing c. System testing d. Acceptance testing

Question 3 Which of the following is a test type Component testing. b. Functional testing. c. System testing.


Answer is… b. Functional testing

Answer is… b. Functional testing


Question 4 Which of the following is a nonfunctional quality characteristic? Feasibility b. Usability c. Maintenance d. Regression

Question 4 Which of the following is a nonfunctional quality characteristic Feasibility. b. Usability.


Answer is… b. Usability

Answer is… b. Usability


Question 5 Which of these is a functional test? a. Measuring response time on an on-line booking system. b. Checking the effect of high volumes of traffic in a call-center system. c. Checking the on-line bookings screen information and the database contents against the information on the letter to the customers. d. Checking how easy the system is to use.

Question 5 Which of these is a functional test a. Measuring response time on an on-line booking system.


Answer is… c. Checking the on-line bookings screen information and the database contents against the information on the letter to the customers.

Answer is… c.


Question 6 Which of the following is a true statement regarding the process of fixing emergency changes? a. There is no time to test the change before it goes live, so only the best developers should do this work and should not involve testers as they slow down the process. b. Just run the retest of the defect actually fixed. c. Always run a full regression test of the whole system in case other parts of the system have been adversely affected. d. Retest the changed area and then use risk assessment to decide on a reasonable subset of the whole regression test to run in case other parts of the system have been adversely affected.

Question 6 Which of the following is a true statement regarding the process of fixing emergency changes


Answer is… d. Retest the changed area and then use risk assessment to decide on a reasonable subset of the whole regression test to run in case other parts of the system have been adversely affected.

Answer is…


Question 7 A regression test: Is only run once. b. Will always be automated. c. Will check unchanged areas of the software to see if they have been affected. d. Will check changed areas of the software to see if they have been affected.

Question 7 A regression test: Is only run once. b. Will always be automated.


Answer is… c. Will check unchanged areas of the software to see if they have been affected.

Answer is… c. Will check unchanged areas of the software to see if they have been affected.


Question 8 Non-functional testing includes: Testing to see where the system does not function correctly. b. Testing the quality attributes of the system including reliability and usability. c. Gaining user approval for the system. d. Testing a system feature using only the software required for that function.

Question 8 Non-functional testing includes: Testing to see where the system does not function correctly.


Answer is… b. Testing the quality attributes of the system including reliability and usability.

Answer is… b. Testing the quality attributes of the system including reliability and usability.


Question 9 Beta testing is: Performed by customers at their own site. b. Performed by customers at the software developer’s site. c. Performed by an independent test team. d. Useful to test software developed for a specific customer or user.

Question 9 Beta testing is: Performed by customers at their own site. b. Performed by customers at the software developer s site.


Answer is… Performed by customers at their own site.

Answer is… Performed by customers at their own site.