What is print management software?

What is print management software?

Print management software is a powerful tool that allows businesses to efficiently manage their printing devices and streamline their workflows. By implementing print management solutions, organizations can significantly reduce overhead costs and simplify processes throughout their network. Moreover, with print management software in place, end-users can enjoy fast and reliable printing from any location or device, enhancing their productivity and overall user experience.

Why do enterprises need print management software?

Native printing tools in operating systems such as UNIX, Linux, and Windows offer only basic print spooler capabilities, which can have a detrimental effect on your print processes. Reliable document printing is essential for critical business processes, such as shipping, invoicing, and patient record keeping. This is where print management software comes in.

OM Plus, the advanced print management system from Plus Technologies, is the ideal solution for organizations looking to optimize their print infrastructure. With features such as automated job routing, printing policies and rules, and detailed reporting, OM Plus Delivery Manager helps organizations improve their printing processes and ensure that documents are printed on time, every time.

How Does Print Management Software Work?

Print management software works by allowing organizations to manage their printing infrastructure from a centralized platform. This includes tracking and monitoring print jobs, setting printing policies and rules, and allocating costs and resources. Print management software can be installed on-premises or in the cloud, and it can integrate with existing print hardware and software.

The software works by intercepting print jobs before they are sent to the printer. It can apply printing policies, such as double-sided printing or black and white printing only, and route the job to the most appropriate printer based on factors such as proximity or printer availability. Print management software can also provide detailed reports on printer usage and costs, helping organizations optimize their printing infrastructure.

Plus Technologies has a wide variety of print management software products


My-Print-Delivery is a pull printing solution similar to Follow the User style print. A secure pull print release method improves printing efficiency by holding user documents in the print system until the user physically releases document while standing at the printer or multi-function device. In doing so, My-Print-Delivery provides a secure confidential printing experience to the user.

Adding the Secure Queue Release (SQR) solution allows users and their surrogates the ability to release print jobs based on a specific queue. For example, a nurse with authorized login credentials can retrieve patient documents at an exam room printer in place a physician who is busy working with a patient. In other words, the user who releases the print job isn’t necessarily the same person who created the print job to begin with.

Secure Queue Release (SQR) is a great fit for healthcare professionals and provides many benefits. This is particular the case in Exam Room environments where the person that needs the print job is likely not the person that created the print job in the first place.

OM Plus Delivery Manager

Delivery Manager is the core print management software solution that provides advanced, intelligent document management designed to seamlessly complement application software programs used by corporations and institutions.  OM Plus DM is output management software that can receive jobs from multiple systems and seamlessly deliver them to printers, multi-function devices, fax software, email systems, and more. No change is required to application software programs.

OM Plus i-Sat

i-Sat is an internet-based cloud printing service that securely delivers documents from a host-based system over the internet to remote off-network locations. The automated solution is a perfect fit for SaaS solutions. i-Sat reduces the overhead and can eliminate the need for complicated and expensive VPNs.

Print Management in Different Industries

Print Management in Healthcare

Print management is essential in healthcare organizations, where patient privacy and confidentiality are critical. Print management software can help healthcare organizations manage their printing infrastructure securely, by controlling access to printers and documents, and monitoring and tracking print jobs.

Print Management in Manufacturing

In manufacturing organizations, print management software can help streamline printing processes and increase efficiency. It can also help ensure that product documentation and labels are printed accurately and on time, improving production workflows.

Print Management in Education

In educational institutions, print management software can help reduce costs and improve efficiency by optimizing print processes and controlling access to printers and documents. It can also provide detailed reports on printer usage, helping institutions allocate resources more effectively.

How Print Management Improves Business Operations

Print management software can have a significant impact on overall business operations. By optimizing print processes and reducing costs, organizations can allocate resources more effectively, freeing up time and money to invest in other areas of the business.

How Does Print Management Benefit Organizations?

Print management software offers several benefits to organizations, including:

  1. Cost savings: By monitoring printer usage and allocating costs, organizations can identify areas where they can reduce costs and optimize their printing infrastructure.
  2. Increased efficiency: Print management software streamlines printing processes and eliminates manual tasks, reducing the time and effort required to manage print jobs.
  3. Enhanced security: Print management software can improve document security by requiring users to authenticate themselves before printing, and by allowing administrators to monitor and control access to printers and documents.
  4. Sustainability: By reducing unnecessary printing and optimizing print processes, organizations can reduce their environmental impact and improve their sustainability efforts.

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