Windows Downloads

If you need help using these packages (the installers and buildbot binaries), please ask on our users mailing list.

If you find a bug with the installers or the buildbot packages, please report these on our Ticket Tracker under component: build/upgrade/install with keyword: windows.

The installers are designed to work with EnterpriseDb PostgreSQL distributions.

Mục lục bài viết

Released Versions

PostGIS 3.3.2 came out Nov 13, 2022. Windows PostGIS Bundle 3.3.2 was originally released Nov 21st, 2022 and rereleased on Dec 2nd, 2022.
The rerelease includes updated pgRouting updated to 3.4.2 and a fix for packaging issue of raster2pgsql.
There was also an issue with the PostgreSQL 13 which made it inaccessible from application stackbuilder.

Binaries for versions of PostgreSQL 11-15 (64-bit) available in Unreleased PostGIS Versions and OSGeo downloads). Installers for 11-15(64-bit) are available on stackbuilder and OSGeo downloads.

New feature in this release is h3-pg which includes h3 and h3_postgis extensions
for utilizing Uber’s Hexagon indexing system within PostgreSQL.

If you are using PostgreSQL < 11, use the PostGIS 3.2.3 bundle, because PostGIS 3.3+ does not support those versions.

PostGIS 3.3.2 bundle includes:

  • PostGIS 3.3.2 with MVT support, with raster, GEOS 3.11.1, PROJ 7.2.1, SFCGAL support (1.4.1), address_standardizer, topology

  • PostGIS Tiger geocoder extension – Tiger 2022

  • pgRouting 3.4 pgRouting 3.4.2

  • Commandline raster loader (raster2pgsql), shapefile import/export (shp2pgsql,pgsql2shp)

  • Commandline osm2pgrouting 2.3.8 for loading data from .osm files into pgRouting routable format

  • GUI: shp2pgsql-gui which has both import and export support for geometry/geography

  • ogrfdw 1.1.3 – spatial foreign data wrapper for
    reading both spatial (spatial columns become postgis geometry) and non-spatial data. IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA support
    New features in 1.1 – character_encoding option and utility functions ogr_fdw_drivers(), ogr_fdw_version()

  • GDAL 3.4.3 with OpenJPEG 2.4.0 (JPEG 2000), ODBC, Curl, SQLite3 (for GeoPackage and OSM support), excel (XLS) (via FreeXL 1.0.6), libreoffice, XLSX spreadsheet (via expat) (used by both PostGIS raster and ogrfdw)

  • pgpointcloud 1.2.4
    for querying LIDAR point cloud and in/out functions to convert to PostGIS geometry

  • h3-pg 4.0.3 – this is the first PostGIS Bundle to include this feature
    for using Uber h3 api and converting h3 index representations to postgis geometry/geography.

The simplest way to get PostGIS on Windows for the EnterpriseDb Windows PostgreSQL distribution is using the StackBuilder.
Refer to An Almost Idiot’s Guide Installing PostGIS on Windows

  1. Download and install PostgreSQL from EnterpriseDB.
  2. Run the “StackBuilder” utility and install the PostGIS add-on.

If you want to use the zip, setup, and setup source files directly
they are available:

  • Zip and Installer files The .zip files are just the binaries you can copy into
    your PostgreSQL installation and then enable in each database as usual. The exe are standard windows setup for 64-bit PostgreSQL.

  • Source Setup files The source setup files are useful if you want to build your own NSIS installer or create a single setup for your own project
    that also installs PostGIS. The Binary zip files should contain all the binary files you need to customize your own setup minus the documentation.
    You can also just extract the .exe setup file to get the binaries, but the extract sometimes gets mangled leaving out some of the postgis-gui subfolders.

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