Wirelessly Connect to Epson Projectors with iProjection : University of the Incarnate Word

Before you begin…

  • This guide is intended for Windows and macOS devices. Mobile and Chromebook users can download the iProjection app and connect using the QR code provided on the projector’s Wireless input.
    • Visit the Epson iProjection tile on the Available Software page to learn how to download for mobile and ChromeOS.

  • The Epson iProjection app experience is identical in layout and clicks between the Windows and macOS versions.

  • Make sure you’re connected either to the uiw-employees or uiw-students WIFI. 

    • You will not be able to connect to a projector when on the uiw-guests network. 
    • If you are prompted for a username and password upon connecting to these networks, use your UIW email and password to authenticate.

Turning the Room on

Step 1

Turn the room and projector on by using the ‘Start Room’ button on the room’s touch panel.

Touch panel interface

Step 2

Once the room and projector have turned on, find the ‘Wireless’ input on the touch panel and touch it to switch to the wireless input.

Once the room is on the wireless input, wait a few moments and the screen will display some information and a QR code. This will be important later.

Projector information interface

How to connect to the projector 

Step 1

On your device, open the Epson iProjection app.

The app can be found within your Applications area (Mac) or Start Menu (Windows), within the ‘Epson iProjection’ folder.

Step 3

Upon first open, you’ll be prompted with a configuration pop-up. 

  1. Check the ‘Advanced Connection Mode’ box
  2. Check the ‘Set the selected…’ box 
  3. Click ‘OK’ 

Epson iProjection config pop-up

If you don’t check these boxes, you’ll see this prompt each time you open the app.

Step 4

This step will only need to be done once per projector. 

  1. Click on ‘Manual Search’. 
  2. Enter the numbers next to the IP Addressdisplaying on the projector’s wireless input.

    1. When on the wireless input, the projector will display the IP address. It is a sequence of 4 numbers and dots (Ex. See the ‘Turn the room on’ section above for what it’ll look like.
  3. Click the ‘Search’ button.

iProjection interface

Each projector will have a unique IP address, so yours will differ from the one pictured above. There is a step to save a projector so you don’t have to enter it every time.

Step 5

The room’s projector will populate on the list in a new pop-up. Click on the check box found to the left of the projector status column.

Projector select screen

To finish connecting, select the Join button () to connect to the projector! 

If you want to learn more…

  • Skip to ‘How to save a room projector for easy connect’
  • Skip to ‘Projector controls’ 

(Optional) How to save a room projector for easy connect

Step 1

Complete steps 1-5 in the ‘How to connect to the projector’ section above, and click ‘Register’ after selecting the projector in step 5.

Step 2

If this is your first time saving a projector address, you’ll want to click ‘Create New Folder’.

You can name the folder anything you’d like, but it’s recommended you title the folder after the building the projector you’re connecting to is in.

Click the OK button ( OK button) when finished.

Step 8

You’ll now see a new file tree on the left side with the folder name you created, and the projector you’re connecting to having been added to that folder. 

This saves the projector so you won’t have to manually enter the IP address every time! You can now double-click that projector name and click ‘Join’ to quickly connect to that projector every time.

Epson interface

Step 8a (Optional)

You can right click the default projector name and choose the ‘Rename’ option to change the projector’s name in the Epson app. 

rename interfacearrow iconRename interface

It’s recommended to change the projector’s name to match the name or number of the room it’s in. This is ideal if you travel to many buildings and rooms to connect with Epson iProjection.

(Optional) Projector controls

When you connect with the ‘Join’ button, your screen will mirror to the projector and you’ll find this control panel floating on your display.

  1. Share – This button with the triangle, is the Share button. When this is selected and highlighted blue, that means your screen is actively being shared to the projector.
  2. Mute – This button, with a crossed-out square, is the Mute button. When this is selected and highlighted blue, the projector screen will go dark and mute the connection. This means, viewers won’t see your screen until you manually press the ‘Share’ button again. This is ideal when you need to tend to sensitive information but don’t want to disconnect from the projector.
  3. Pause – This button is the Pause button, and will pause (or ‘freeze’) your shared screen. The projector will stay on the image being shared until you manually click the ‘Share’ button again.
  4. Disconnect All – This button will disconnect your sharing from the projector. It requires a second prompt to be accepted, so you cannot accidentally disconnect.

For a complete explanation and demonstration on the other functions of the Epson projector controls, reach out to a Software Specialist and setup a one-on-one or group session.

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