any ideal software(s) for control room & studio design ? –

Thanks for you answers guys.

To be clear, I never pretend to have a high graduation of knowledges in terms of acoustics, even thinking myself as an acoustician. Not at all ! I said I made a lot of mistakes which helped me to better understand in practice what could be wrong in my previous studios. Noticely trying to fix bass dips and peaks through absobtion and placement, and fighting comb filtering in several ways.
But again, those studios weren’t world class ones at all, rather DIY amateur…

I found some solutions to fix the problems I encountered, at the price of partial reconstructions and ugly transformations that I am not very proud of (aesthetics was always the last priority…)
These old studios also always started with rectangular walls, ordinary ceilings heights, and were adapted with wood, tissues, diffusers and lots of absorbtion. The EQing was doing the rest to get the right balance the best I could achieve with what I had. I had to deal with it a long time.

Now I bought a better place, not ideal again, but I hope to construct something significantly better. Not perfect, but better.
But never had any pretention to think myself as an acoustician. And that’s why I am here…

If you want to know a little bit more about me (this is what you ask I think ?) I am first of all a sound engineer with 25 years of practice, working as producer and recording/mixing engineer, and more recently (for 5 years now) focusing mainly in audio mastering work, working as independant for a vinyl pressing plant, doing also audio quality consulting.
Had also the opportunity to work in the past at Czech Philharmony recording studio and getting diplomed as tonmeister in university of Prague + musicology master in France. Have also electronics baccalaureate in the pocket.
Sound, music and technique has always been a major part of my life.

As you said, since the beggining like today, I’m constantly learning every day, growing my knownledge, and this is what I’m doing again in acoustical domain with this new project. This is a new and exciting adventure.

For the moment, I only wanted to get some informations about drawing design softwares.
Maybe hoped a little naively to find information about some open source ones, in case of… But the software suggestions I got since are clearly demonstrate what I was expected : professional design softwares (which are useful for little rooms acoustical domain) are dawn expansive (and sometimes few times more) than professional DAW softwares. Those I had to buy because I use it every day, but as I am not conceiving recording studios everyday, I have to reconsider my ambitions a bit…

So I think I will take at first my pencil, eraser, and after will try to transfer it as I can with photoshop, and will probably asking advises on this forum when I will get something a little presentable.
I have a friend which have a complete AutoCad system at home, but I can’t ask him to do it for me, and even if I was using his computer at night, as learning curve seems to be slow, I don’t think this is the right way for me.
I temporarely reduced my amount of work to the minimum in order to get (I hope) a presentable plan in 2 weeks.

I already have lots of questions to ask, but this is not the good topic for. Will rather join another one.
Hope this topic will help other people to get answered, before starting their project, concerning drawing possibilities.

Whatever thanks for your advises concerning softwares and your interests concerning my project. This is a very nice forum. Tons of interesting and useful informations to learn here, for sure. Thanks for sharing your knowledge.