Bitcoin Dollar Cost Average

Please enter valid dates between May 1, 2013 and today in ‘MM/DD/YYYY’ format

The above tax table data are estimates, please consult a tax advisor before filing taxes

Married jointly annual income is considered to be the total of both spouses

What Is Dollar Cost Averaging?

What is Bitcoin dollar cost average?

Dollar cost averaging (DCA) is an investment strategy where a person invests a set amount of money over given time intervals, such as after every paycheck.

Investors choose this investment strategy when long term growth of an asset is foreseen, but a removal of short term volatility is desired.

Take The Work Out Of Investing

investing image for the investing section

Warren Buffett and other expert investors recommend dollar cost averaging:

“If you like spending six to eight hours per week working on investments, do it. If you don’t, then dollar-cost average into index funds.” ~Warren Buffett

Bitwage Makes Bitcoin Dollar Cost Averaging Simple

Bitwage helps you Bitcoin dollar cost average!

Bitwage allows you to dollar cost average by receiving a portion of your salary in Bitcoin.

Employees and freelancers can have any percentage of their wages converted into Bitcoin without their employers needing to sign up.

Consultabit is the
Software Developer

Consultabit developed the Bitcoin dollar cost average calculator

Consultabit launched
Crypto Scenarios!

Consultabit makes tools such as the Bitcoin dollar cost average calculator, as well as education and guides for the blockchain community.


The Bitcoin Dollar Cost Average Calculator was used on Forbes!

The Bitcoin Dollar Cost Average Calculator was featured on CoinDesk!

The Bitcoin Dollar Cost Average Calculator was used on Nasdaq!

The Bitcoin Dollar Cost Average Calculator was featured on Cointelegraph!

The Bitcoin dollar cost average calculator was on the CryptoGlobe!

The Bitcoin dollar cost average calculator was on Financial IT!

The Bitcoin dollar cost average calculator was on Yahoo Finance!


All information on the website is intended to educate users about Bitcoin and investing.

However, none of the information is financial advice. Bitcoin is a risky asset and it is up to the user to make their own financial decisions.

Bitcoin Calculator Information

Semimonthly is every 1st and 15th

The Bitcoin Dollar Cost Average Calculator above utilizes data from CoinGecko and Coinpaprika.