Call of Duty WWII (Xbox One) key – price from $4.19 |

After almost ten years, the Call of Duty series returns back to the Second World War. Take part in the Dormition of Normandy beaches during D-Day, you will fight in various places in Europe in many iconic battles of World War II. The campaign will tell the story of an unbreakable fraternity of ordinary men trying to fight for a free tomorrow. You will experience classic Call of Duty fighting, friendship of comrades in the fight against tyranny. Expect an authentic experience with a solid atmosphere and a realistic vista. In the multiplayer game, we also look at the best-known battlefield of the Second World War. Again, it will be an adrenaline ride, but once again we will stand firmly on the ground. Players get new ways to interact and socialize with their friends in the Call of Duty community. The cooperative mode will offer a new and original story. You will play with friends in this stand-alone game experience and experience unexpected and adrenaline moments