Chicken Games for Kids |

Find the Chicken

For this game you will need two rubber chickens, each with identifying marks to distinguish one from the other.

Divide your class into two teams. Ask each team to hide their chicken. After both chickens have been hidden, have each team look for the opposite team’s chicken. The first team to find the chicken wins.

There are several variations you can use for this game:

  • Divide the class into smaller groups and let each group hide their chicken. This is especially helpful if you have a large class.
  • Using only one chicken, ask a student to hide the chicken. Then allow one or several kids to seek for the chicken until it’s found. This method is most useful when you have a large class and there are too many students to look for the chicken at the same time.

Chicken Detective

For this game you will need one rubber, or other type, of toy chicken.

Have your students stand in a circle, facing in and looking at each other. Tell one student to stand in the middle of the circle and slowly turn around to the left while the music is playing. Turn on music and have the students pass the chicken behind their backs, handing the chicken to the student on their right, going in the opposite direction of the child turning in the center. Continue passing the chicken until the music stops.

When the music stops, the child in the center must guess who is holding the chicken. If the student guess correctly, the student holding the chicken goes to the center of the circle. If the student in the center guesses incorrectly, the game starts again and continues until the student either guesses correctly or has three turns. If the student guesses incorrectly three times, the student holding the chicken on the third time becomes the guesser in the center of the circle.

Nose Your Egg

Give each student a hard boiled egg with the shell intact.

Identify the starting line and the ending line, ideally on grass or soft surface. With their hands behind their backs, have the students push their egg on the ground from the starting line to the finish line using only their noses. The first student to get their egg across the finish line with their nose wins.

Hatch the Egg

Get several white balloons to symbolize eggs. Put a small treasure in each balloon (i.e. a small eraser or other safe, small item). Have the students race from one side of the room to the other (or from one line outside to another line) with the egg between their knees. Once they reach the other side or line, students sit on the eggs and try to crack the egg. As soon as they crack the egg, they get to keep the prize inside.