Offshore Software Development Company in Vietnam

Frequently Asked Questions

What is offshore development services?

Offshore development services refer to the practice of outsourcing software development to companies or teams located in other countries than the client. They provide a wide range of software development services, such as custom software development, web and mobile application development, quality assurance and testing, maintenance and support, and more. These teams can work remotely and communicate with clients through online channels, such as email, instant messaging, video conferencing, and project management tools.

What is offshore development center?

Offshore Development Center is a model of cooperation between offshore development service providers and their clients. The provider helped the client establish a dedicated team of developers as an extension of the in-house development team. The main benefits of an ODC include cost savings, access to specialized talent, and increased efficiency.

Should I use Vietnam offshore development centre services?

Asian countries like Vietnam, where living costs are much lower and labor costs are competitive, have become ideal for offshore services compared to other nations. Moreover, Vietnam has available resources and political stability suitable for integrating the ODC software process.

How long does it take to ramp up or ramp down a team?

It depends on the tech stack or scope of work that you request. You should contact our PM or AM about this request as early as possible (at least one month before the onboarding date), so we can arrange resources accordingly. Typically, with the typical tech stack such as .Net, Java, Node.js, etc., we can ramp up about five members in one to two weeks, and TECHVIFY can provide up to 10 members per month.

Tell me about the payment terms in TECHVIFY’s ODC model.

You will make payments monthly for the ODC services used. Payments should be made within seven days of the invoice date.

When can TECHVIFY’S candidates get on board with my project if they pass the interview?

About two weeks after you officially confirm resource eligibility.

Can I contact TECHVIFY at any time when having any serious problems?

Yes. When any issue occurs, you can directly call the Project Manager or Account Manager anytime, including on weekends or holidays.

If I want to quickly ramp up a large team that can speak English well, how can TECHVIFY handle it?

To assist your project in reducing costs and meeting this resource need on time, we propose dividing it into several small Scrum teams. Usually, it takes two weeks for TECHVIFY to scan the resources and arrange and allocate an ODC team.