Roblox Download for Free – 2023 Latest Version

Written by: Shauli Zacks

With over 15 million games, Roblox is one of the most popular online gaming platforms in the world. Users can design and develop their own games or play games created by other users.

While it’s free to download and play, there is the option to purchase virtual coins, called Robux, which can be used to buy items in the game or personalize your avatar.

How to Download Roblox

  1. Before you can download Roblox, you will have to create an account. Click on the Download button on the sidebar to get started.
  2. Enter your birthday, create a username and password, and choose a gender to create your account. Then click Sign Up.
  3. Now you will be redirected to your profile page, and there will be a few games that are “Recommended for You” probably based on your age and gender. You can also click on “Games” on the menu bar to jump to the main game page.
  4. Choose a game. It doesn’t really matter which one. It will open a new page with a description of the game and a green Play button. Click on the Play button.
    How to Download RobloxHow to Download Roblox
  5. Two dialogue boxes will open. The one on top will ask if you want to Open Roblox. Click Cancel, and then, on the second box, you will be able to click Download Roblox.
    How to download RobloxHow to download Roblox
  6. When the file finishes downloading to your device, you can double click the file, and Roblox will quickly install on your computer.

How to Uninstall Roblox

If you’re not enjoying Roblox, you can find some other great, free alternatives to Roblox below.

Uninstalling Roblox is quick and easy. Just follow these simple steps:

  1. Type “Add or Remove Program” in the Windows search bar.
    Add or Remove ProgramAdd or Remove Program
  2. Scroll down until you find Roblox and click Uninstall.
  3. You will have to give permission for Windows to remove Roblox, and then the program will be completely removed from your computer.

Roblox Overview

Roblox is a multiplayer gaming platform, with over 50 million users per month. The platform is built on user-generated games, most of which are free to play for all players.

Since Roblox is open to everyone, the quality of the games and the background stories are varied. You can build your own rollercoaster theme park or obstacle course, dress up a virtual animal and have other players vote on which is the cutest, play first-person shooter games, and much more.

Graphics for RobloxGraphics for Roblox

Roblox uses 3D graphics and has a chatbox on the left-hand side.

Even though the graphics use a boxy 3D style, a good developer can still create scary looking games. Roblox does allow parents to set filters on their kids’ accounts to prevent them from playing objectionable games.

Many of the games are interactive, and you can play with friends or join random games. There is the option for in-game chat, but many users, such as my daughters and her friends, just call each other on FaceTime or WhatsApp to talk and plan strategies while playing.

Fantastic Tool for Learning to Code

The Roblox Studio is an excellent tool for kids learning to write code or develop video games. The trend for many players is to start off playing the games at around 7 or 8 years old. Then they progress to the intro level Roblox Studio when they reach middle school and develop basic games, based on their playing experience. Finally, when they reach high school, they learn to code and improve upon the games they created or develop new games.

Roblox StudioRoblox Studio

Roblox Studio has excellent tools for creating your own games

There are also many adults who are learning to code and use Roblox as a testing site since it has an easy to use interface and allows them the freedom to experiment freely.

You Don’t Need to Buy Robux to Play or Create Games

If your kids are anything like mine, they’ll probably tell you they need Robux, the virtual coins you can purchase with real money, to play.

The truth is there are some extra features you can only get with Robux, like access to some premium games or accessories that can help personalize your avatar. However, these are extras, and your kids can still have hours and hours of entertaining fun, without having to use a single Robux.

Roblox is Safe, But You Should Still Monitor Your Kids

Roblox is an open community that is mostly dominated by kids from the ages of 8-18. This can worry any parent, not only with the threat of predators and other types of creeps, but there is also the threat of cyberbullying.

However, Roblox has done a great job of moderating the chat rooms and keeping Roblox as safe as possible. Of course, nothing is perfect, and parents should be involved and monitor what games they’re playing, and with whom they are chatting. Roblox does have some parental control features that allow parents to prevent chatting with strangers and what genres of games can or can’t be played.

Free Alternatives to Roblox

There are plenty of other free multiplayer online games to play. There is no need to limit yourself to Roblox. Here are two more popular games for kids from 8 and older.

  • Minecraft: With 126 million active players, Minecraft is one of the most popular online multiplayer games in the world. It is similar to Roblox; there is a creative mode that allows players to build all kinds of structures, cities, and even entire worlds. You can play with friends and visit their worlds and invite them to see your creations. There is also a survival mode, where you have to keep your characters safe from the night monsters.
  • Fortnite: See if you have what it takes to be the last player standing. Fortnite can be played with friends, or just jump into a game with 98 random players. The premise of the game is simple, jump from a plane onto an island and try and be the last character alive. You can increase your chances of survival by collecting materials and building structures to hide in or gain an advantage when attacking other players.


Is Roblox really free?

You can download Roblox and play most of the games for free. There are some premium features that you can purchase by purchasing special virtual coins, called Robux, but it’s certainly not a necessity.

Is Roblox safe for kids?

With over 50 million kids playing this game monthly, Roblox has earned the trust of most parents. Of course, parents should always monitor what their kids are doing on the internet, especially in an open environment like Roblox. Each profile has a section where parents can set certain limits and see who their kids are interacting with.

Roblox is banned in my country, how can I play?

It might be one of the most popular games in the world, but Roblox is banned in certain countries like China and the UAE. You can bypass these restrictions by using a VPN to change your IP address and make it seem like you’re really in a different country. If you’re not familiar with VPNs, check out this VPN beginner’s guide. .

Is there a way to limit how much time my kids can play Roblox?

There are no time restrictions built-into the system. However, you can use a parental control app such as Qustodio to set time restrictions on the devices your children are using.

How can I tell which are the best Roblox games?

Players can give every game they play a rating. This is a great way to find quality, enjoyable games.

The main game page is broken into different sections. This includes “Popular,” “Most Engaging,” “Up and Coming,” Popular Worldwide,” “Top Rated,” “Play Together,” and much more.

Visit Roblox Website

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