Software Development Models (SDLC) Explained by Expert [Guide]

We know the benefits and needs of aligning projects according to software engineering models and methods.

There are various types of SDLC models available, which you can select at your convenience. Still, before that, you should know the basic steps every model includes, and you should consider them for every project.

Step 1: Requirement Gathering and Analysis

The first step associated with any software process model is to collect the business requirements, focusing on the essential and most fundamental information.

Every detail you gather at this stage is essential, as it helps to make relevant decisions about the project, such as complexity, technology to be used, time-to-market, and so forth. In addition, you can precisely understand the risks affecting the quality of the software.

By focusing on requirement collecting, you can plan the development precisely and effectively, minimizing risk and assuring a cutting-edge solution.

Step 2: Generating Scope, Business, and Technical Goals

After collecting and assessing all the data, you have to create a project scope, which should define, what will be your final product or output at the end of this software development model.

In this stage, you will describe the functionalities of your application, including both backend and frontend. As a result, an SRS, formerly a Software Requirement Specification document, will be created and shared with the client for approval.

The client will verify the application details by reviewing the SRS, and the development team will use it for their internal purposes.

Step 3: Scheduling and Planning

When the client finals all its requirements, you have to create a project plan for an efficient roadmap to complete the project before the deadline.

You have to perform all the resource, cost, and time-related analyses at this step only; otherwise, your project can face non-preventive risks in the future. Once you are done with all the planning and ready with your project charter and other crucial plans, you can initiate the designing phase.

Step 4: Designing

In this stage of SDLC, multiple software designs are drafted, including the interface and architectural designs. In addition, the development team creates a Design Document Specification for further help.

This vital document lists all the details about fabricating modules and overall architecture. Once the designing team specifies all the aspects by curating wireframes, prototypes, and mockups, you can move your project to the development phase.

Step 5: Development and Testing

It is the building stage of your software and one of the most key processes. The software development team utilizes all the applicable documents, wireframes, and technologies for innovating a top-notch business application, which must align with the organization’s guidelines.

Interestingly, DDS plays a significant role at this step. Detailed design documentation can aid the software developers and architects in smoothly executing the operations and rapidly conclude a best-in-class software.

Once the software engineers create the application, testers come into the role and check the functionality and security to ensure there are no vulnerable loopholes, glitches, and errors. After thoroughly testing the app, the client gets its application delivery.

Step 6: Maintenance and Support

Monitoring, testing, fixing, and maintaining the software are post-development operations, which are highly necessary for every project.

The primary objective of this phase is to undergo application through user acceptance testing and verify whether all the functions are properly working or not. Moreover, the company assesses whether the users are ready to adapt the software or not.

As a result, the project team tries to eliminate the drawbacks and correct the software for the final release. When the software is finally active and live, the support team continuously monitors it and ensures its seamless functioning and quality of service.