Than Tuong (2013) – IMDb

Tri (Harry Lu) is the only son in a prestigious Cantonese-Vietnamese family in Saigon. Driving by the desire of following his late mother’s path in the world of art, he decides to pursue the career of a music producer. This choice makes Tri conflict with his father’s will. But familial regime is not the only thing Tri is up against. He’s also setting out to create a star who solemnly moves the audience’s heart by the power of the voice, not by the superficial bling the current showbiz is putting up. The appearance of Linh (Linh, Hoang Thuy), a promising but untrained singer, solidify Tri’s dream in conquering the world with pure talent. —Wepro

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    • Emotion is something invisible, yet unhidden
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Than Tuong (2013) - IMDb

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Than Tuong (2013) - IMDb

Than Tuong (2013) - IMDb

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