What Is A “Requirement” in Software Engineering?

Have you ever wondered what is a “requirement” in software engineering and why we need them in the first place?

This article is for you, then.

Let’s dive straight in.

What Is a “Requirement”?

A requirement in software engineering is a feature of new software that someone either wants, needs or commands.

It describes what the software does and any limitations it should have.

What’s the Goal of Determining a Requirement?

We can ask these four questions:

  • What do we want the system to do? In terms of storing data, any processes, and the behaviour.

  • Who are the users of the system?

  • What are the needs of the users?

  • What does the system need to do to achieve those needs?


Requirements can be split into functional and non-functional requirements.

What Is a “Functional” Requirement?

A functional requirement is a requirement that describes what the software does.

It’s the “entry point” from which software engineers start designing a piece of software.

We express functional requirements in terms of:

  • Data storage.

  • Any processes that transform data.

  • Any outputs that it can produce.


What Is a “Non-functional” Requirement?

A non-functional requirement defines any limitations that the software may have.

We express non-functional requirements in terms of the following:

  • Performance: for example, the number of transactions the software should do daily.

  • Security and access: it should comply with the law.

  • Technical constraint: run on an existing network.

  • Project constraint: the software should be ready within a set period.

  • Organisational constraint: the software should be teachable to new staff in a short amount of time.

  • Usability and reliability issues.

Analysing and categorizing requirements is part of requirement analysis, also known as requirement engineering.

According to Wikipedia :

Requirements engineering (RE)[1] is the process of defining, documenting, and maintaining requirements[2] in the engineering design process. It is a common role in systems engineering and software engineering.

What’s the Output of Requirements Analysis?

The main goal of requirements analysis is to create a document that describes the software system to be built.

Requirements analysis produces the requirements specification document.


A requirement specification document contains the following:

  • An overview of what the system should do.

  • A description of the requirements.

  • A list of the functional requirements.

The requirements specification document doesn’t contain:

  • Any information about the algorithms and logic.

  • Description of the User Interface.

  • Any detail about data entities.

  • Meaningless technical specifications.

Poor requirements engineering is one of the reasons why a software engineering project can fail or produce a highly defective piece of software.


A popular example that I remember is the one of the 🚑London Ambulance Service.

As for the software itself, three primary flaws hampered things from the start: It didn’t function well when given incomplete data, the user interface was problematical and — most damning — there was a memory leak in a portion of the code.

A software project can fail for many reasons:

  • Miscommunication and misinterpretation between management and employees.

  • Poor testing practices.

  • Poor User Experience.

  • Unwillingness to change direction.

  • Complex to use.


What Are the Benefits of Good Requirements Management?

This article from IBM explains it gracefully:

  • Lower cost of development across the lifecycle.

  • Fewer defects.

  • Minimized risk for safety-critical products.

  • Faster delivery.

  • Reusability.

  • Traceability.

  • Requirements are tied to test cases.

  • Global configuration management.


In this article, you’ve learned about the following:

  • What is a requirement.

  • Functional and non-functional requirements.

  • What is requirement engineering.

  • The cost of requirement engineering.

  • Why do projects fail.

If you choose to land a software engineering job, you’ll hear a lot about “requirements”, so I hope you’ve enjoyed this article.

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Until next time! 👋🏾