10 Types of Security Software Your Business Website Absolutely Needs – Financesonline.com

What are the types of security software for business websites?

The types of security software for business websites include computer antivirus, network security, SaaS security, content management system, e-commerce software, payment gateway software, content delivery network, bot mitigation, and monitoring tool. These are designed to protect your device, computer, and network against risks and viruses.

Just like any other business owner with an online presence, you may think that your website or online store is safe as you have a good security structure in place. But have you ever considered outside threats that may go through system backdoors such as staff phones that regularly get in and out of your system unchallenged? How about other applications integrated into your system such as your CRM? If not, you might as well put up a “we’re open” sign inviting potential hackers.

Good thing there are security software for business websites,  which make sure that all your data stays safe and secure in an online environment. There are numerous types of data breaches – cybersecurity threats, device theft, and insider threat, to mention a few. Every single one is accomplished in a different way, making it important to know the various types of security software to be able to determine which one will give your business website the protection it needs. To jumpstart your search, we compiled the top 10 types of security software you should know about.

Millions of people suffered from getting their personal information compromised due to data breaches in 2019. Some of the biggest cybersecurity attacks were experienced by Aadhar, Marriott Starwood hotels, Quora, Cambridge Analytica, and Google+ as reported by Business Insider. Personal data, card information, and passwords are commonly targeted by these attacks.

However, big companies are not the only targets of these data breach dangers. Small businesses are just as vulnerable. According to First Data’s report, 60% of small businesses close down within 6 months of experiencing a fraud attack. It’s easy to see why. Thirty-one percent of customers who experienced fraud attacks will not transact with the business again, regardless of whose fault the cyber attack was. The risk is even increasing together with the shift of store to online e-commerce. In 2018, around $19 billion in losses were found to come from card-not-present transactions.

Why Your Business Website Absolutely Needs Security Software in 2023

The statistics floating around about online security are deeply disturbing, to say the least. And do you know why? Because it’s clear that hackers won’t discriminate. They’ll go after small businesses and large enterprises. They’ll snag up information about your company as well as personal details about your customers. And sometimes they do set out to destroy your company’s reputation just to embezzle money out of you.

Haven’t been paying too close attention to online security news lately? Here are some of the statistics you need to hold onto.

Doing business online is a necessity in today’s digital world, but it’s also scary to think about how quickly things could turn bad simply because of one malicious link or a DDoS that could destroy everything you’ve built.

Malware, ransomware, phishing, content scraping, distributed denial of service attacks… there are so many ways hackers can find a way into your site. If you want to keep your business and your online customers safe, then you need to build up multiple walls around your website.

9 Security Software You Should Be Using on Your Website in 2023

Okay, so first of all, your website itself needs to be fortified with security from within it. This means using a security service from your web host, installing a security plugin, and abiding by strict login protocols (like two-factor authentication, regular password updates, etc.) That being said, tightening up security within your site is only the first step. You’ve also got to put up a wall not only around your site but around your company’s hardware.

Is all this security going to be overkill? Most definitely not. Look at the statistics from above one more time. Are you willing to take that chance that your site won’t be one of the ones hacked every year by not bolstering security? And, if you are, can you afford the hefty $20K cost that’s associated with security breaches on average?

With that said, are you ready to take a look at the 10 security software your website needs in 2023? Let’s get started.

1. Computer Antivirus

You might not initially consider your business’s computers or mobile devices as being able to cause a cyber attack on your website, but they most certainly can if you use them to access the backend of your website. That’s why an antivirus software like Norton that’ll clean all of the devices on your company network (or that are just used to access your website, in general) is essential.

2. Anti-Spyware Software

A silent menace that carries heavy repercussions if left unchecked, spyware are designed to snoop into victims’ online activities, view browsing habits and worse, find out about highly confidential personal information, usernames and passwords. Anti-Spyware tools are created to combat these through detection and removal of threats such as password recorders and key loggers, to name a few.

3. Network Security

Your company’s network also needs to be secured and there are a number of ways to do this. You can use an encrypted Wi-Fi, you can use antivirus and antimalware software on your network, you can use a firewall, or you can use an organization like Cisco to help you manage the monitoring and securing of your network.

4. Firewalls

Serving as the first line of defense against cyber threats, firewalls analyze and filter both inbound and outbound data. Firewall rules and policies can be customized depending on user preference and rrequirements An example of this is the creation of exceptions so that specific apps can regularly pass through a firewall without being flagged as false alarms. These software prevents unauthorized users from accessing networks sans putting limitations on authorized users. Some operating systems have firewalls already integrated into them such as Microsoft Windows.

5. Password Managers

Password management software were developed to reinforce system security while helping users prevent errors associated with storing passwords in web browsers. These tools serve as central password repositories, which can also store other critical data such as connection data and credit card numbers.

6. Encryption Software

These solutions allows users to both encrypt and decrypt all manners of data, be they at rest, in stream, or in transit. They encrypt the content of an app, a data object, a network packet or file, allowing only authorized users to view them. They basically use encryption algorithms to encrypt files and data, generating keys that represent files and data packet. Encryption ensures that even if data is intercepted, viewing them would be impossible without the

7. Log Management Software

Log management softwware is a tool that automates all policies and processes involved in managing a computer system’s entire log data cycle–from creation, to transmission, to analysis to disposal. It is an essential part of security intelligence and is critical to both system security and compliance.

8. Bot Mitigation

Bots are those pesky “automated” hackers that plant fake and malicious spam posts and links on your site. They are also the ones that go through and scrape content and any sensitive data it can get its hands on off your site. While there are some plugins that can prevent certain types of bot activity, it’s still important to have a bot monitoring and mitigation software available to help keep you attuned to these threats. If you check out Incapsula, they offer one of these along with a number of other helpful security-enhancing services and solutions you might be interested in.

9. Monitoring Tool

Many of the security monitoring services are expensive and not always accessible for SMBs. However, there are companies like CSID that have created self-management security monitoring tools that are affordable and easy to use for this very reason. While all the software above are necessary to make it more difficult for hackers to strike, monitoring will give you the peace of mind knowing that you’ll be aware of anyone who gets past all your security defenses.

10. Intrusion Prevention Systems

Basically threat prevention and network security tools, Intrusion Prevention Systems detect and discourage vulnerability exploits. These threats are usually targeted at specific apps or services whose goal is to take control of programs or machine for that matter. IPS enhances system protection by functioning as an additional layer to analyze potentially dangerous data and acting on all traffic that passes through networks.


In addition to the inconvenience of having to clean up after a cyber attack as well as the general cost of it, there are two other important things to remember:

  1. Your customers

    . They trust you as an e-commerce company to provide them with a secure online environment to shop from. While you might lose money (and face) from a cyber attack, they could lose private information about their identity, lose money of their own if payment information is compromised, and their physical security could be put in jeopardy too.

  2. Your business’s reputation

    . People aren’t going to look at a cyber attack as a small “oops”. They’re going to see it as a reflection of how you conduct business. In other words, that you don’t dot the I’s, cross the T’s implies you don’t care enough about what happens after you make a sale. Everything that happens on your website is a direct reflection of you, the people that work for you, and your overall brand.

Choosing Your Security Software

After going through the different types of security software systems, you’ll be more equipped in determining the right security tools for your business site. Take into consideration your budget, network and device protection needs, and how it can affect your system’s performance.

To jumpstart your search, you may check out our list of 10 best IT security solutions of 2023. Get to know each product and determine if it matches your requirements. We recommend you to sign up for free trials and demos to explore the software better without spending any amount.

Nestor Gilbert

By Nestor Gilbert

Nestor Gilbert is a senior B2B and SaaS analyst and a core contributor at FinancesOnline for over 5 years. With his experience in software development and extensive knowledge of SaaS management, he writes mostly about emerging B2B technologies and their impact on the current business landscape. However, he also provides in-depth reviews on a wide range of software solutions to help businesses find suitable options for them. Through his work, he aims to help companies develop a more tech-forward approach to their operations and overcome their SaaS-related challenges.

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