10 Hilarious Adult Card Games You Need for Your Next Party | Inspirationfeed

You have got the kitchen or living room all set up and ready to go, the nibbles are made, the music is playing, and your friends are on the way over for a well-earned party night. But if all you have to offer is some basic small talk or games like monopoly or Pictionary, then I urge you to go back to 1990 and back to the drawing board on how to entertain your guests.

Why? Well, it’s simple, there is a new sheriff in town, the adult card game! Small talk, music and nibbles can only get you so far, having the best adult card games can turn a mediocre night into a night to remember. Cards Against Humanity started the craze, and now, more and more NSFW card games have saturated the market, making people do all sorts of crazy and hilarious things and helping to create some memorable moments in the process!

Adult card games can vary, and there are son many of them available, but what makes it an “adult” card game? In short, they are usually crude, distasteful, politically incorrect, and often, can be downright saucy, making them perfect for a group of friends who have consumed alcohol. What could possibly go wrong?? The below list offers 10 of the best NSFW adult card games that will turn any party into an instant classic.

What Every Adult Card Game Needs to Have 

Best Adult Card Games Best Adult Card Games 


A Lot of Cards

This one seems obvious, but you would be amazed at how often some games miss the mark on this, some of them having maybe 80-150 cards to choose from, and that is just not enough. If you have 6-8 friends over and you are all playing for an hour, you will eat through the cards, so having a solid selection of cards to pick from is always important. We think 300-500 is the optimum number.

Many of the top adult card games have great expansion packs, some of them are even themed, so if you and the guys or girls have a common interest, you can add far more depth to your games! 

Replay Value 

What good does spending $25-40 on a card game do if when you have played it once, you have played it a thousand times. Being able to change things up within the game means you can play it over and over. The best example of this are games Cards Against Humanity and What Do You Meme, to name a few, which have hundreds of funny possible outcomes for each card. 


Who wants to pay good money for a game that is not original or unique? Originality is a main selling point of many of the card games listed below, each of them offering something different and fun to the user. 


The List


Cards Against Humanity

It would be rude not to start the list with this one. Cards Against Humanity is the original adult party game and is the number one best-selling card game on all of Amazon! The game has been a staple of college parties, friend, and family nights in and after-dinner trouble on Christmas day, where your grandparents are shocked at your twisted sense of humor, (okay maybe the last one is just me).

But the fact remains that if you want the best adult card game on the market, this is the go-to. The basic pack includes 600 cards (510 white and 90 black) and there are so many expansion packs to choose from, some of them are basic and just add to the craziness of the game and some of them are themed and project a focus onto a more specific topics, like Harry Potter or Disney.

The aim of the game is simple, each player gets 10 white cards, one person becomes the ‘card tsar’, takes a black cards and reads it, so for example ‘life would be so much better with (blank)’ the goal of the other players is to pick the funniest white card to go with that black card. The card tsar then reads them out and picks a winner. Then you repeat, it is that simple!

The original game is about $30-35 and expansion packs can run a little expensive, up to $30 themselves, so it is always best to chip in with a few of your friends if buying any extra, but as far as replay value, originality, fun and downright craziness go, you can not get any better than Cards Against Humanity. 10/10

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What do you Meme?

What do you MemeWhat do you Meme

If memes are your thing, you are in luck. The aim of this game is similar to Cards Against Humanity, but instead of matching white cards to a black card, you match them to a meme. Some of the combinations will have you in hysterics.

The basic pack comes with 435 cards, which is good, and many of the classic memes are available to poke fun out of and create your own caption to! The one main downside is that some of the memes are quite niche and can be hard to understand, so for those that are not clued into all of the classic memes on the internet, they may find it hard to find the context behind some of the pictures.

It is around the same price as Cards Against Humanity, at about $35, but there are ‘fresh meme expansion packs’ and they are well priced at about $15 each, and they freshen things up nicely. A fun and hilarious game that is sure to get people talking! 8/10

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Disturbed Friends

Disturbed FriendsDisturbed Friends


Even though we have covered the two main party games, there are quite a few other hilarious and fun adult card games that are just as enjoyable. Disturbed friends is one of those games. It works a little different to the others two in that the judge picks a card and reads out a scenario, for example ‘most likely kiss a stranger’ and secretly votes who they think is most likely to do it out of the players.

The others must try and guess who the judge voted for. It is the perfect game for friends who know each other well, but it is the best icebreaker game for people just getting to know each other too. You will find those nerves disappearing fast when you learn who is more likely to do crazy things! The game comes with 380 cards which is good and has a lot of replay value. Games are also quicker than with others, so you won’t need to stay around all day and play. At around $20-25, it is a bargain. 7/10 

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Drunk, Stoned or Stupid

Drunk, Stoned or StupidDrunk, Stoned or Stupid


Another game that is not designed for those with thin skin, Drunk, Stoned or Stupid is a modern take on the game ‘most likely to’ and is super fun with friends. Simply pick one of the 250 prompt cards like ‘Facebook stalks’, you must then decide which of the players is most likely to Facebook stalk and why, the other players then vote and the first to get 7 cards attached to their name loses. This game is a lot of fun, not only for old friends but for new acquaintances too. It helps you get to know people much easier. With a lot of prompt cards and an attractive $18, it is a steal. 8/10

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That’s What She Said


I think everyone has said it at least once, whether on the playground or in a moment of childishness in work, “that’s what she said” has forever been the response of the quickest witted and funniest person in the crew. Imagine taking that cheesy saying and making a game around it….

That’s exactly what this is! With over 400 hilarious answer cards and 58 setup cards, it will keep you and the gang occupied for hours, it works similarly to cards against humanity, but centers around funny things people might say in a situation. It is super relatable and means that the awkward “well that wasn’t very funny” moments are kept to a minimum. A brilliant game. 9/10

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Pick Your Poison



Imagine ‘would you rather’ but the options are absolutely crazy. That is exactly what pick your poison is. Simply pick A or B from the would you rather card and then secretly, the others around the table will pick what they would rather too. It’s that easy and can lead to some interesting conversations and stories! There are a few expansion packs available, but for the adult party, the NSFW version is by far the most enjoyable. 6/10

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The Voting Game


This game is sure to get the party going! With over 160 interesting questions that are sure to spark some controversy, someone simply reads the question, and all people have to do is answer, and of course justify! You can be tactical, or you can use it to get to see people’s true colors a little more!

Either way, it is bound to cause some arguments, especially if drinks are involved. A great alternative to some of the others on the list, it has a ton of replay value, which only seems right because you’ll need to find new friends after each game, so it will never get boring! 7/10

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Utter Nonsense: Naughty Edition


Now for something completely different, Utter Nonsense is the perfect game for those who like being creative and acting out. With over 500 accent and phrase cards to combine, simply pick an accent card, so ‘cowboy’ and a saying card, like ‘you are gonna love the pictures I took of you in your sleep last night’ and have your friends in tears with your ridiculous combination. After each round, everyone votes and the impression with the most votes wins, it is that simple. Considering its $20 price tag and its sheer simplicity, it is up there with one of the most enjoyable games. 9/10

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5 Second Rule Uncensored

5 Second Rule Uncensored5 Second Rule Uncensored


When people are put under pressure, they can do crazy and hilarious things, so combining time pressure with purely inappropriate questions is a disaster waiting to happen. Which is perfect for an adult party game. Simply draw a card, ask your friend beside you to ‘name 3 ways stash a condom’ for example and give them 5 seconds to do it. What could possibly go wrong? One of the cheaper games on the list at $15, it is a well-priced and fun way to spend a few hours with your friends! 8/10

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Dirty Minds

Priding themselves on being the ‘world’s cleanest dirty game’, the game offers you 3 dirty clues, but the trick is, they lead to a clean answer. All you have to do is get your mind out of the gutter, and you have a chance. Perfect for seeing who has the dirtiest mind in the group and who can be easily led astray, this game has over 300 answer cards that will keep even the people with the filthiest minds, occupied for a long time. 7/10

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Igor is a SEO specialist, designer, and freelance writer. He believes that knowledge can change the world and be used to inspire and empower young people to build the life of their dreams.
When he is not writing in his favorite coffee shop, Igor spends most of his time reading, traveling, producing house music, and capturing light with his camera. He is a sucker for good coffee, Indian food, and video games.