13 Best Hacking And Surveillance Games, Ranked
Though the stealth genre isn’t as prominent in gaming as it once was, there are still plenty of titles that incorporate many of the hacking and surveillance mechanics players love about those experiences.
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Sure, Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell has all but disappeared, but when looking at both the independent video game scene as well as triple-A titles, there are plenty of games bringing the goods in that department. Let’s shine a light on the best hacking and surveillance-based video games you can get your hands on these days.
Updated 27 June, 2022: Hacking and surveillance games aren’t a new concept. You have been able to hack equipment and spy on people in a virtual setting for many years. However, it’s still rare to see these types of titles. It’s a shame as they are often interesting – at least when done right.
Originally, we put ten of the best hacking or surveillance games in this collection. However, it wasn’t exactly an exhaustive list, as a few greats missed out. So, now we’ve added several more that didn’t previously make the cut.
Cyberpunk 2077
In Cyberpunk 2077, you play as a mercenary called V, who’s trying to improve their standing in Night City. The title of the RPG reveals that the setting is a cyberpunk world in 2077. As such, there is plenty of fancy technology in the game. Even people have cybernetics within their bodies.
It just so happens that the protagonist has hacking skills, so you can get into and mess with your enemies’ systems. You can also hack into cameras, computers, and many other things. In fact, you will have to do plenty of hacking throughout the compelling main story.
If you like games set in European countries, then Observer might be for you. The game takes place in Poland – not in contemporary times, though. It is 2084, and the country is trying to recover from a digital plague. You play as an Observer, which is a type of technological-advanced detective.
One method that helps you solve cases is hacking into people’s brain implants. These segments inside other people’s minds are pretty trippy. But you could say the same thing about much of the game as this is a psychological horror adventure. So, the game continually tries to mess with your head.
Do Not Feed The Monkeys
Sometimes titles can be deceiving. For instance, a game called Do Not Feed The Monkeys sounds like some sort of Zoo simulator. Yet, the monkeys the title is referring to are humans. These people are going about their everyday lives, and you’re watching them on your computer.
During your observation, you need to look for little things on each screen, which help you learn more about your subjects and what they’re doing. You’re told not to get involved in their lives, but that’s ultimately up to you. It’s a very creative surveillance game that continually surprises you.
Watch Dogs Legion
Watch Dogs: Legion provides some of the most ambitious hacking and surveillance mechanics to date in gaming. The ability to play as hundreds of different characters, hack almost any piece of technology you come across and the sandbox nature of the open-world environments come together to formulate something special.
Watch Dogs: Legion’s strengths lay in its systems and mechanics and not in its narrative and characters. Setting expectations correctly before hopping in can make the difference between it being a fun hacking game or feeling like a bland heist story.
With a name like Hacknet, you know what type of experience to expect going in. It makes you feel like a real hacker, as the game simulates realistic hacking procedures that teach you the basics of UNIX commands.
Hacknet is a game of black backdrops with green text that delivers the quintessential hacking experience. It’s filled with tons of Easter Eggs to discover, and also has an expansion titled Labyrinths which adds a bunch of new ARG elements.
Her Story
Surveillance is often thought of as peering through camera feeds or listening in via hidden microphones. Her Story offers a surveillance-based experience by having you investigate pre-recorded police interviews.
You have to work to not only find the context of what’s going on in the interviews but also to decipher the answers to what you eventually discover to be the unanswered questions the police have. The game sits at a 91 on Metacritic and won numerous industry awards for its innovative and artistic approach to game design.
Watch Dogs 2
Following the straightforward tone of the original Watch Dogs, its sequel offered a colorful and refreshing take on hacking and surveillance states. The core of the game focuses on allowing you to take on objectives however you’d like.
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You can approach in an aggressive manner with weaponry and tech prepared, or you can go in quietly and take what you need without turning to violence. It’s perfect for fans of hacking who want to feel a bit more creative freedom and experience a world that doesn’t take itself too seriously.
Operation Tango
When thinking about hacking, most people will default to the idea of a team working with someone remote who is known as the “guy in the chair.” In Operation Tango, a pair of players work together as one functions as the computer expert and hacks systems, while the other is a field agent operating as the spy or thief.
The game’s asymmetric gameplay breeds chaos among teammates as they rely on one another to get the job done. It’s a refreshing and unique take on the hacking and surveillance subgenres.
Quadrilateral Cowboy
Depending on if you’re seeking a realistic hacking simulator or not will ultimately lend itself to how enjoyable you’ll find Quadrilateral Cowboy. You play as a thief who’s looking to commit robberies of a lifetime with the use of their portable computer.
This game forces the player to learn basic coding and will not hold your hand. You’ll need to learn these skills in order to open entrances, control equipment, and much more. If you’re looking for a genuine hacking experience it’s hard to find something as well-crafted and authentic as Quadrilateral Cowboy in the gaming space.
System Shock 2
Most modern gamers know about Bioshock, but they may not realize it had a spiritual predecessor called System Shock. The second entry in that series found a special place in the hearts of hacking game fans as it committed multiple skill trees to the hacking mechanic.
The mini-game for hacking in System Shock 2 is pretty similar to Minesweeper, which on its own isn’t anything special, but add that to the implementation of the optional commitment to hacking and there’s real magic to System Shock 2.
Hitman 3
Hitman 3 is the finale to IO Interactive’s World of Assassination trilogy. This entry builds on the foundation of the previous two titles in the series and polishes the surveillance and interactive mechanics to levels of near perfection.
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It’s a game that rewards the player’s efforts, as when you spend more time studying character habits and surveying the level you’re in, it can open up plenty of unique and efficient methods to eliminate your target.
Papers, Please
You rarely find video games as politically and sociologically focused as Papers, Please releasing to universal praise for their design and gameplay experience. It functions as a puzzle simulation game where you must accept or deny immigrants at a border checkpoint.
You must rely on your surveillance and analytical skills to determine who should pass through and who should be denied. Papers, Please is available on both PC and mobile, which makes it accessible to most people.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Deus Ex: Human Revolution, in the eyes of hacking and surveillance fans, is the pinnacle of what video games can deliver in that space. Its score of 90 on Metacritic is a glowing example of how strongly it nails the cyberpunk world and incorporates the stealth and hacking systems that lend themselves to its open mission structure.
The game offers not only the option to play a blend of first and third-person but has four distinct play styles, including stealth and hacking. In Deus Ex: Human Revolution hacking is considered a crucial part of the experience as it gains the player a ton of experience, and as a minigame of sorts, it challenges the player without it becoming tedious or frustrating.
NEXT: Games That Punish You For Hacking