13 Best eCommerce Product Description Generator [2023]

If you are looking for a decent product description generator for your eCommerce or online store then you have arrived at the right blog post.

Let’s face it, running an eCommerce business is already hard enough. There’s the marketing aspect of the business followed by the cumbersome process of shipment, delivery, and support.

What adds more complication is the process of creating unique product descriptions for similar products.

Unless you’ve got a full-fledged team of writers, editors, and proofreaders, this task will pile up on you more and more.

If you skip it and take the shortcut way of using the same content for your products, Google will classify it as duplicate content. This will significantly affect your rankings. And, as we all know, low rankings mean low visibility, and hence, less organic traffic.

To combat this major issue, an eCommerce product description generator will not only help you create unique product descriptions but also improve your SEO as well.

So without any further ado, let’s explore all of these description generators…

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Overview Of Product Description Generator

SoftwareOur RatingFree Trial/PlanPricingJasper5.0/510,000 free wordsStarts at $29/monthWritesonic4.9/510,000 free wordsStarts at $19/monthCopysmith4.7/53 days free trialStarts at $19/monthCopyAI4.5/5Free planStarts at $49/monthAnyword4.5/5Free planStarts at $29/monthRytr4.4/5Free planStarts at $9/monthHypotenuse AI4.4/57 days free trialStarts at $29/monthDukaan4.4/5Free to useStarts at $25/yearSmart Copy by Unbounce4.3/55 content generation per dayStarts at $49/monthAutowriter4.2/57 days free trialStarts at $9/monthContentBot4.1/510 short & 0.5 long form credits Starts at $29/monthAdZis4.1/530 days free trialStarts at $9INK4.0/55 daily usage pointsStarts at $35/month

(Jump straight to explore these software in detail)

Before we go further and explore these software in detail, allow me to talk a bit about product description basics such as…

What Is A Product Description?

A product description is a short summary of a marketing copy that educates customers about what the product is and why it should be bought.

The primary purpose of the product description is to provide necessary information like features, benefits, pricing, etc. to customers and influence your potential customers to purchase it.

Since product descriptions are mostly associated with eCommerce websites, it is usually used underneath or adjacent to your products’ images and titles. This way you are offering the information via visual as well as textual means.

At last, you can present your product description in the form of a single sentence, a short paragraph, or bullet points. It is completely up to you to choose the ideal product description format for your eCommerce site.

What Is An Ideal Length Of A Good Product Description?

You should be very careful when writing up descriptions for your products. For instance, if your descriptions are short, your potential customers will not be able to get enough information to make the purchase

At the same time, if your descriptions are lengthy, your customers may feel overwhelmed with the amount of information. They may altogether stop reading it.

When it comes to the ideal length of product descriptions, it totally depends on the niche of the product. Simpler products like clothing, accessories, etc. can have shorter descriptions of up to 200 words.

Similarly, technical or complicated products like electronic appliances, laptops, mobiles, etc. can have product descriptions of up to 400 words.

How To Write Compelling Product Descriptions?

In order to leave a great first impression on your site visitors, you should be able to create compelling descriptions for your products. Before you hop on to the writing part, you should first decide your product description format (paragraphs or bullet points).

Next, you need to focus on the following factors –

  • Who is the ideal audience for this product? This factor could be based on gender, lifestyle demographics, age group, etc.
  • Next, you should list or write all the important attributes of the product like size, dimensions, material, features, use instructions, and of course, price.
  • Now, you should give a brief summary about the working of your product. In this section, you can talk about its key functions and benefits.
  • After this, you must mention if the product is ideal for everyday use or used at certain occasions & events.
  • You should not forget to mention if the product should be used indoors or outdoors.
  • At last, if you could list a few points as to why your product is better than its competitors, it would be of great help. Usually, for this section, eCommerce marketers use a comparison table.

Apart from all these factors, to make your product descriptions even more compelling, you can use recent statistics, superlatives, social proofs, and customer reviews & stories.

Now, if you ponder on the efforts required to create a great product description, you’d find it to be challenging. Not to forget, your workload will increase if you have hundreds of products to sell.

That’s where a product description generator will offer many flexible, time-saving, and robust features.

What Is A Product Description Generator & When To Use One?

A product description generator tool is an online software that has the potential to create unique descriptions for your products. This is an automated process that is usually supported with the software’s artificial intelligence.

All you have to do is enter a couple of phrases or sentences about your products as a source. The software’s AI then analyzes and creates engaging descriptions for your products.

Keep in mind that these softwares are smart enough to create multiple and unique description copies. Not to forget, you will also have the power to optimize your descriptions for SEO to get organic traffic and growth.

With that being said, if you have multiple products on your eCommerce website, it would be best for you to use a product description generator software.

But you might argue on the point…

Product Description Generator vs Copywriters – Which One To Pick?

If you or your business require tons of unique content and that too on a regular basis, it would be ideal for you to seek external help.

This help could be found either in the form of a robust software or human copywriters.

At this point in this blog, I am sure that you might be battling with the thought of using either software or professional copywriters. And, that’s where I am going to offer you my verdict…

You see, no AI or software can replace human writers. After all, no such artificial intelligence is created (as of now) that can perceive human emotions and can connect with the target audience emotionally.

That being said, if you have a handful of products on your website, you can go with human copywriters. But if you have hundreds of products, you may want to use a product description generator app.

The reasons being –

  • The generator is significantly cheaper than copywriters if there are bulk descriptions to be written
  • The software will create multiple and unique product descriptions in very little time. While doing the same task, the team of copywriters may take weeks.
  • Besides product descriptions, the software will have several other features that will help you with your content generation needs.

Now, the question arises, which software to pick?

Here are some of the best product description generators that will offer the best and most flexible description generation experience…

1. Jasper

Jasper is the best product description generator app that I have come across. The team behind this software is continuously working, developing, and improving the software so that it can very efficiently generate descriptions for your eCommerce products.

Technically, Jasper is a tool that uses artificial intelligence to automatically write marketing copies and content. And, among its set of many features, it also enables you to generate descriptions of your products.

You should be glad to know that to generate content, the software use a couple of proven marketing framework. It uses AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) and PAS (Problem-Agitate-Solution) framework. In addition to this, Jasper also efficiently includes relevant keywords in your product descriptions to boost SEO performance. Furthermore, you can install its Chrome extension and generate product descriptions on any platform or eCommerce medium.

In just a matter of a few months, more than 50,000 copywriters, agencies, and eCommerce store owners have started using Jasper. You can estimate the level of popularity and efficacy with this.

Jarvis - Best Product Description Generator

What Makes Jasper The Best Product Description Generator?

  • Multi-Language Support – Jasper supports up to 26 global languages. It includes English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Polish, Chinese, Russian, and Japanese. If you targeting customers on the basis of geographic location, this feature enables you to create product descriptions in their native language.
  • Use Of Artificial Intelligence – This product description generator app uses artificial intelligence to create content for your products. All you’ve got to do is feed it a couple of phrases/keywords to be able to generate a solid 160 words description. And, the best characteristic of Jasper is that it generates multiple outputs at a time. So you get multiple unique descriptions of the same product.
  • Amazon Product Features & Description – Besides Shopify, if you are an Amazon affiliate then Jasper will effortlessly create bullet points for the corresponding product features. Additionally, it will also generate product descriptions for your Amazon products.
  • Team Members & Project Folders – Jasper is the perfect description generator tool that also allows you to delegate the work between your team members. You can add unlimited team members to your account. If you represent an agency and are concurrently working on different projects, you can methodically save your work files in unlimited project folders.
  • Other Copywriting Features – Jasper can be very well regarded as the complete copywriting tool. Besides generating product descriptions, the software also generates content for blog posts, email newsletters, Google & Facebook ad copies, YouTube video titles, scripts, descriptions, and much more.
  • Jasper Commands (Boss Mode) – This feature of Jasper allows you to create product descriptions 2 times faster than the normal rate. For this, you’d have to open up your long-form editor and type a command like – Jasper, create a product description for me. And, in a matter of seconds, you’ll get a unique description for your product.

Jasper Customer Reviews

Before you hop on to purchasing or even signing up on Jasper, it is important that you check out its user reviews.

Now, when you analyze the reviews of Jasper, you’d be surprised to see its high ratings across major review platforms like Trustpilot, G2 Crowd, and Capterra.

As of now, there are 850+ reviews of the software on these three platforms, respectively. And, on average it scores 4.9/5 stars.

All in all, the customers and users of this AI product description generator review it to be the best in the industry.

How Much Does Jasper Cost?

The only downside of using Jasper is that it does not offer any free trial. But it compensates for this by allowing you to generate the first 10,000 words for free or 5 days (whichever comes first).

After exhausting your limit and seeing the efficacy of the software, you will then have the choice to upgrade to its premium plans. The latest pricing offers complete access to the software features, 50+ copywriting templates, unlimited team members & project folders, etc.

The only differentiating factor in these plans is the number of words generated in a month. As a matter of fact, the Jasper team has remodeled its pricing structure on this factor but has also reduced its prices.

Jasper - New Plans & Pricing

  • Starter – This plan starts at $29/month and enables you to generate up to 20,000 words. At the same time, you’d get access to all AI copywriting tools and Jasper Chat.
    • 20,000 words/month – $29/month
    • 35,000 words/month – $49/month
    • 60,000 words/month – $79/month
    • 75,000 words/month – $99/month
    • 115,000 words/month – $149/month
    • 150,000 words/month – $199/month
    • 240,000 words/month – $299/month
    • 320,000 words/month – $399/month
  • Boss Mode – To access the Boss Mode feature, SEO mode, plagiarism checker, Grammarly integration, and other advanced features, you’d have to subscribe to this plan. The plan starts at $59/month and here’s an overview of its sub-tiers –
    • 50,000 words/month – $59/month
    • 100,000 words/month – $99/month
    • 300,000 words/month – $279/month
    • 700,000 words/month – $600/month

2. Writesonic

Writesonic is yet another software that uses artificial intelligence to generate content for its users. This software was also launched just a few months ago. And, since then, it has become the leading product description generator tool for eCommerce businesses.

Speaking frankly, Writesonic is primarily an AI copywriting tool. And, just like Jasper, it has a plethora of copywriting features. But among all these features, Writesonic also allows you to generate descriptions of products.

Now, when we talk about its ease of use, all it asks from you is to enter a couple of lines about the product. After pressing the “Generate” button, Writesonic will create dozens of high-converting description copies.

Many eCommerce businesses, startups, and marketing agencies have signed up for Writesonic after analyzing its set of features and efficiency. If the features align with your needs, you too can sign up for its services.

Writesonic - Product Description Generator App

What Makes Writesonic The Best Product Description Generator?

  • Supports 90+ Copy Types – In addition to generating descriptions for eCommerce products, Writesonic is also capable of generating copies for websites, landing pages, social media & Google ads, blog posts, etc. Besides this, the team behind Writesonic is also developing the sales email feature.
  • Works With Multiple Languages – You can effortlessly target local customers for your eCommerce store by generating product descriptions in 24 different languages. Some of the popular languages available are English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, and so on.
  • Uses Advanced A.I. – The present technological world ensures that almost all the software uses artificial intelligence. The same is the case with Writesonic. With the help of its A.I. technology, it has the potential to write multiple versions of the same product and that too at the same time.
  • Error-Free Content – As opposed to some of the free product description generators where the generated content makes no sense, Writesonic ensures that your content conveys all the important information to the readers. Additionally, to boost more readability, the software has an in-built grammar fixing tool.
  • Complimentary Free Features – While most of its advanced features come with premium subscriptions, it does offer some free features as well. The free features include landing page headlines, growth ideas, YouTube titles, listicle ideas, and a readability checker.

Writesonic Customer Reviews

You would be surprised to know that Writesonic was also launched on Appsumo. It was one of the hottest lifetime deals at a particular time.

The users from Appsumo and its organic users, both have found Writesonic to be very much efficient as a product description generator software. Not only does the software have useful features but it also creates conversion-oriented descriptions.

To further back up Writesonic’s true performance, you can check out its in-depth reviews on various platforms and also on its homepage.

But just to give the context, Writesonic scores 4.9/5 stars on Trustpilot and 4.8/5 stars on G2 Crowd and Capterra.

How Much Does Writesonic Cost?

If you are looking to test out a product description generator free of cost then Writesonic is your ideal option. It offers you a free trial with 10,000 free words.

So whenever you generate content in Writesonic, a certain number of credits will deduct from your account.

Once you exhaust your free credits, you’d have to subscribe to its monthly or yearly plans. Besides the free plan, there’s only one pricing plan with multiple sub-tiers that grant complete access to the software.

Keep in mind that the product descriptions feature is now available in the free and the premium plan.

Writesonic - Pricing

  • Free Trial – A free plan with a limit of 10,000 free words for generating product descriptions.
  • Long-Form – Apart from the product description generator of Writesonic, this plan also offers AI article writer, Sonic editor, bulk processing, custom branding, etc. Here is the pricing for Premium quality words –
    • $19/month for 60,000 premium words and 1 user seat
    • $49/month for 200,000 premium words and 5 user seats
    • $99/month for 400,000 premium words and 5 user seats
    • $199/month for 800,000 premium words and 10 user seats
    • $499/month for 2,000,000 premium words and 12 user seats
    • $999/month for 4,000,000 premium words and 15 user seats

3. Copysmith

Another SEO product description generator that you can use for your Shopify or eCommerce store is Copysmith. Similar to the other two software mentioned above, Copysmith is also a complete copywriter tool. But among its set of features, the characteristic that shines is its ability to write multiple product descriptions of the same product.

Besides the conventional generation of description, Copysmith also efficiently writes product descriptions that you can use in your blog posts, Google ads, and also for your Instagram posts. If you use unique product descriptions with keywords, it increases your chances of outranking your competitors. And, that’s what Copysmith will help you achieve.

Now, when it comes to Shopify, Copysmith will always impress you. You would be surprised to know that the software is also available as a Shopify plugin. Just search for this AI product description writer on Shopify, install it in a click, and experience a seamless product description creation process. Apart from this, Copysmith is also available as a Chrome extension.

Due to its simple usability and multiple features, a lot of eCommerce businesses, marketers, and agencies are already using Copysmith. Additionally, bloggers also use Copysmith to come up with product review articles.

Copysmith - SEO Product Description Generator

What Makes Copysmith The Best Product Description Generator?

  • 30+ Copy Templates – Since Copysmith claims to be a complete copywriter tool, it would be foolish if they don’t offer templates or features to develop all kinds of copies. Therefore, the software offers 31 copy templates that include generating copies & content for blog posts, social media ads, Google ads, listicles, landing pages, SEO meta descriptions, and more.
  • Extensions & Plugins – The recent software update in Copysmith now offers a WooCommerce WordPress plugin. You can use this plugin on your WordPress site to seamlessly generate product descriptions for your shop. Additionally, it also offers a Chrome extension and a Google Doc add-on for content generation.
  • SEO Optimized Descriptions – Speaking about SEO optimizing your website, Copysmith will help you generate descriptions with relevant keywords. If you are a blogger that publishes listicles on products and product review articles, you can use the descriptions generated by this tool. It will significantly help you with the ranking boost.
  • Amazon Product Description – Also, if you are selling your products on Amazon, you would be able to create descriptions in Copysmith and use them on your Amazon store. Keep in mind that Copysmith is efficient enough to generate multiple unique copies of a single product as well.
  • Team & Project Management – If you represent a marketing agency or an eCommerce business, you can very well manage multiple projects in Copysmith. You can also have multiple project folders for your clients. And, to foster a smooth flow of work between your team, Copymsmith enables collaboration among team members. Sharing and downloading documents in the software is also possible.
  • Uses Proven Marketing Frameworks – As always, to leave an everlasting impression on your potential customers, Copysmith uses advanced and proven marketing frameworks. It uses the AIDA framework to generate long-form content. And, it uses the Pain-Benefit framework to highlight the prime benefits of using your products.

Copysmith Customer Reviews

Fun fact, Copysmith was also launched as a lifetime deal on Appsumo. With no surprise at all, the deal sold out in just a few weeks. The users from Appsumo found Copysmith to be very useful. As a matter of fact, the software nearly has a rating of 4.6/5 tacos.

Next, if we talk about the ratings of the Copysmith Shopify plugin and Chrome extension, you’d love to know that it has 5/5 stars.

Although, when we compare the rating’s portfolio (on review-based platforms) of Copysmith with other product description generator tools, I found it to be somewhat weak. I found the Copysmith listing only on Capterra. There, it has been rated 3.7/5 stars only.

Regardless of this, I would still say that it is one of the best product description writing tools.

How Much Does Copysmith Cost?

After the recent pricing update in Copysmith, it now offers a 7 days free trial. You’ll have complete access to the software to test out its efficiency.

Once the free trial ends, you’d have the choice to upgrade to its premium plans. There are 3 pricing plans with monthly and yearly subscriptions.

And, the best part about these plans is that you’d get access to the product description generator regardless of which plan you choose. The differentiating factors are monthly credits (to generate content), integrations, custom domain, and team management.

Copysmith Pricing

  • Starter – At just $19/month, you’d get up to 20,000 words to generate product descriptions.
  • Professional – The price for this plan is $59/month and you’d get up to 80,000 words for description generation.
  • Start Up– This plan is best for agencies and enterprise-level eCommerce businesses. The plan starts at $299/month for 100,000 words. In addition to this, you also get account manager, whitelisting, and other advanced features

Here are some other Copysmith alternatives that you can consider for your eCommerce store.

4. CopyAI

While researching for this blog post, I also found a very unique and emerging tool by the name of CopyAI. It is a product description generator for Shopify and for other eCommerce platforms and businesses. But primarily, it offers a Shopify plugin to help you quickly create descriptions for your products.

Now, if we talk about the proficiency of the software, you’d love to know that it uses GPT3 powered assistant to brainstorm and write content for multiple purposes. In totality, CopyAI is yet another copywriter with artificial intelligence.

Speaking of which, just like other copywriters, CopyAI allows you to create content for multiple purposes. As of now, it enables you to create content for 18 different types. And, one among them is product descriptions.

Besides this, you may be surprised to know that CopyAI was launched in October 2020. And, in the first couple of days after the launch, it bagged 2,000 sign-ups. This popularity also influenced a lot of freelancers, bloggers, eCommerce businesses, and agencies to try CopyAI for their product description generation needs.

CopyAI - eCommerce Product Description Generator

What Makes CopyAI The Best Product Description Generator?

  • Uses Advanced Technology – The “AI” at the end of its name suggests that it uses artificial intelligence to create product descriptions. As said earlier, it is one of the few automatic copywriters that uses GPT3 writing assistant for content generation. This technology is highly efficient in creating human-like and on-point content.
  • Allows 18 Types Of Content Generation – Since it is a multipurpose copywriter, it offers a maximum of 18 different types of content templates. Apart from the generator for product descriptions, CopyAI also allows you to create social media ads, social media content, website copy, blog content, sales copy, and so on.
  • Provides A Shopify Plugin – To further streamline your product description writing process, CopyAI offers a Shopify plugin by the name Description.ai. The plugin empowers you to create new descriptions as well as improve the existing ones. Plus, you also get to select your product description format and its tone of voice.
  • Offers A Chrome Extension – CopyAI doesn’t fail to impress us as it also offers a simple yet efficient Chrome extension. In addition to product descriptions, CopyAI will allow you to create ads through this extension.
  • Constantly Evolving – This generator is also known for its content product updates and new features. In the next update cycle, it is expected that the description generator feature will include A/B testing for descriptions and all the important analytics. Besides this, the software currently allows you to set the description format with perfect tone.

CopyAI Customer Reviews

It’s evident that the team at CopyAI focuses on improving its services every day. That’s why they haven’t listed the software on review platforms like Capterra, G2 Crowd, etc. But this doesn’t mean that it does not have any customer reviews.

For starters, you should know that CopyAI is listed on Product Hunt with a rating of 4.6/5 stars. Next, the Chrome extension and the Shopify plugin, both have the perfect rating of 5/5 stars.

Apart from this, the homepage of CopyAI displays customer reviews in textual as well as in video formats.

It’s safe to say that its users love generating product descriptions via CopyAI.

How Much Does CopyAI Cost?

Talking about the pricing aspect of CopyAI, it encourages you to start by signing up for its 7 days free trial period. The trial period although grants complete access to the tools but only allows 100 runs per day.

After the trial period, you will have the option to subscribe to its premium plans with monthly and yearly subscriptions. It provides complete access to all of its tools and supports unlimited runs (content generation for product descriptions, ads, blog posts, etc.)

CopyAI Pricing

  • Free Trial – A 7 days free trial with a limit of 100 runs a day.
  • Pro – For a solo user or a small team, you can use this plan for unlimited runs. The monthly subscription will cost you $49/month. And, the yearly subscription will be charged at the rate of $35/month.

5. Anyword

Anyword has been casually wowing several bloggers, SEO professionals, and writers with its blog generator tool. But the team behind this awesome tool isn’t holding back and hence, they are now offering a robust [product description generation tool as well.

Having started in 2012 as Keywee, Anyword has come a long way. You can estimate the efficiency and popularity of this software when I tell you that it caters to some of the biggest business clients such as RedBull, NBC, Equinox, etc. Not to forget, I too am blown away by its set of features and the use of cutting-edge artificial technology.

Speaking of which, Anyword uses T5 and CTRL in combination with OpenAI’s GPT-3. With AI backing up your content creation process, you can rightfully expect the content to be of top-notch quality. Additionally, it also uses a Predictive Performance Score to analyze how well your content performs.

With these advanced technologies and features at your disposal, you can generate multiple variations of product descriptions. To begin with, you simply have to provide a couple of sentences as inspiration to the AI. After that, the software does all the heavy lifting for you and generates several product description copies.

Anyword - AI Product Description Generator Tool

What Makes Anyword The Best Product Description Generator?

  • Uses Multiple AI Technologies – As said earlier, Anyword uses OpenAI’s GPT-3, T5 and CTRL artificial intelligence technologies to generate content. All the technologies are efficient enough to generate human-like text while also maintaining your original brand voice.
  • Predictive Performance Score – It is one of the only AI copywriting tool that offers a predictive performance score feature. Once you generate a product description or any other content copy, it analyzes and predicts how well that content will perform in real-world scenarios.
  • Custom Mode To Train AI – Unlike other product description generator apps, Anyword also allows you to train its AI. Training its AI will ensure that you get content in your brand voice, your competitors, or similar to some high-prolific copywriter.
  • Text Suggestions & Personalization – Similar to other generators, Anyword will generate multiple copies of your product descriptions. These copies are already curated to convert well but in case you want something different, you can use the text personalization feature to find the most effective wording.
  • Offers Multiple Copywriting Templates – In addition to product description generation, Anyword is also capable of generating content for social media ads, Google ads, blog posts, landing pages, email subjects, and SMSs.

Anyword Customer Reviews

Anyword is one of the best and robust eCommerce product description generators I have ever come across. Needless to say, it offers some of the most unique features that make the content generation process efficient.

Just like me, there are several users who would consider Anyword as an ideal pick. To further back my claims, you’d love to know that Anyword has a rating of 4.7/5 on G2 Crowd and 4.8/5 on Trustpilot.

Not to forget, there are numerous other bloggers who have reviewed Anyword and offered high ratings. The software also displays a handful of customer reviews on its homepage as well.

How Much Does Anyword Cost?

Just like any SaaS application, Anyword allows you to start for free. For new users, it offers a forever-free plan but unfortunately, the free plan does not grant access to the product description generator.

The required tool is available in the pricing of “Most Businesses” category. All of the plan in this pricing category comes with a 7 days free trial period to test out the working and overall efficiency. Once the trial ends, you’d be automatically upgraded to its corresponding premium plan.

Anyword - Business Pricing

  • Data-Driven – At $99/month, you can generate product descriptions of up to 30,000 words in a month. Besides this, you’ll get access to all of its features and copywriting templates.
  • Data-Driven Unlimited – To be able to generate unlimited words, get personalized content for your website, and add 5 team member seats, you’d have to pay $399/month.
  • Enterprise – Lastly, for customized language models, API integration, and enterprise-grade services, you’d have to pay $999/month.

6. Rytr

Rytr is an AI product description generator that has come to the digital surface in April 2021. Despite it being relatively new, it has grown its clientele to 1,500 copywriters, bloggers, marketers, entrepreneurs, and agencies. Trust me, this is that efficient and easy to use.

Talking about the core functionality, Rytr is basically an AI writer tool. It means that it allows you to automatically create 20+ types of content. Out of these 20+ content types, you’d be glad to know that there’s a very methodical product description creator.

In order to start with your description generation process, all you’d have to do is select the content type i.e. product description, next select the language & tone of voice, and then just enter a couple of relevant keywords. In a matter of a few seconds, you’ll have multiple copies of the description.

Apart from this, the team behind Rytr is very active and keen on the development of the software. That is why it regularly rolls our software updates and includes new features. To give you an idea about what’s next with Rytr, the team offers a public roadmap. If you become a premium user, you’d be able to request a feature as well.

Rytr - AI Product Description Generator

What Makes Rytr The Best Product Description Generator?

  • 24+ Use Cases – Being yet another content generation tool, Rytr allows you to create content for more than 24 purposes. In addition to the description generator, Ryrt allows you to create blog ideas, outlines, emails, social media & Google ads, testimonial reviews, etc. The recent update of Ryrt now enables it to write blog posts, essays, and articles.
  • Supports Multiple Languages – Just so you could target customers on the basis of geographic locations, Rytr allows you to generate product descriptions in 13 languages. As of now, the supported languages are English, Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, and Russian.
  • Adjust Tone Of Voice – Out of all the product description generator software listed in this blog post, none allows you to adjust the tone of voice except Rytr. The tool gives you the choice to use any of the 10+ tone of voice in your product descriptions. And, as we all know, the right tone or content pitch can leave a good impression on your potential customers.
  • Powered By AI – Rytr uses GPT-3 based language models (provided by OpenAI) for generating content for its users. No matter which content generation feature you pick, each of it is supported by its A.I. The same goes for the generator tool for product descriptions. Besides this, it will have the same efficiency while using it on desktop or mobile devices.
  • Generates Multiple Copies – Another great benefit of its A.I. is that it can generate multiple copies of descriptions from just a single source/seed information. Simply select the language, tone of voice, and enter a couple of seed keywords. This is enough for Rytr to create several copies of descriptions for a single product. Also, to save your credits, the recent software update in Rytr allows you to control how many variations you need to generate each time.

Rytr Customer Reviews

Similar to some of its competitors, Rytr too was launched on Appsumo with a lifetime deal. And, it gained its new users from Appsumo. Talking about their experience with Rytr, many of them said that it generates good quality content. Therefore, it has a rating of 4.9/5 tacos on Appsumo.

Other than this, Ryrt is daily new to the review platforms. Regardless of this, Rytr still has some good reviews on a couple of review-based websites.

For instance, on G2 Crowd, the tool has a near-perfect 4.9/5 star rating. And, on Trustpilot, it has a rating of 4.6/5 stars.

Clearly, this new content generator tool for eCommerce products is impressing a lot of its users.

How Much Does Rytr Cost?

If you are looking to use a product description generator free of cost then Rytr will be best for you. It offers a forever free plan that allows you to generate product descriptions worth 5,000 credits in a month.

Each credit is equal to a character. So in simple words, the free plan will allow you to generate content up to 5,000 characters.

Once you have reached the threshold of 5,000 credits, you can wait for the next month for renewal or you can subscribe to its premium plan.

It offers a single plan with monthly and yearly subscription choices. And the best part is that it provides you unlimited credits and all the feature access.

Rytr - Pricing

  • Free – A forever-free plan to generate up to 5,000 characters in a month.
  • Saver – At the same time, this plan will cost you $9/month and allows content generation of up to 50,000 characters. Furthermore, you get access to all of its tools and also able to create custom use-cases.
  • Unlimited – As the name suggests, to generate unlimited characters, you’d have to pay $29/month. This plan will also give you a dedicated account manager and priority support.

7. Hypotenuse AI

Hypotenuse AI is a product description generator that’s been gaining traction over the past year, counting eCommerce entrepreneurs, marketers, as well as several Fortune 500 companies as customers.

This comes as no surprise once you’ve seen Hypotenuse AI’s intuitive user interface and the variations of product description it generates. All it needs is a title and some product attributes to craft unique, high-converting descriptions that align with your brand voice. Moreover, it’s able to generate blog posts and marketing copy, such as Instagram captions and Google Ads.

On top of using CSV files, Hypotenuse AI can connect directly to your product management system or CMS. This allows you to import your product information, generate descriptions in bulk, then export them with ease–no matter how large your inventory. 

If you have a Shopify store, check out the Shopify plugin that Hypotenuse AI offers. The app automatically pulls all your product information and lets you publish the generated descriptions directly to your storefront.

Hypotenuse AI - New Product Description Generator Software

What Makes Hypotenuse AI The Best Description Generator

  • Integrates With Your CMS Or Product Management System – As one of the only tools that allow you to connect directly to your CMS or product management system, Hypotenuse spares you from having to manually keying in your product information. You can also import or export products in bulk using CSV files. 
  • Image Tagging with AI – Hypotenuse uses AI to scan your product image and provides you with suggested keywords for each product, so you don’t need to type it all out yourself. This could be beneficial in optimizing your product images for SEO.
  • Generate Descriptions in Bulk – Its unique workflow allows you to generate and manage product descriptions in bulk. I find this feature helpful if you have a large number of products. Not to forget, you can also generate multiple variations of a single product as well.
  • Features Various Copywriting Tools – Besides product descriptions, you can use Hypotenuse AI to write blog posts and marketing copy for your ecommerce brand. In totality, the software can potentially function as an all-in-one copywriting software that also supports team management.
  • Multiple Language Support – Hypotenuse offers language support for 20+ languages, including French and Spanish. This lets you target customers whose native language you may not be familiar with.

Hypotenuse AI Customer Reviews

Considering how it’s a relatively new tool, Hypotenuse AI has yet to receive any ratings on platforms like G2 Crowd, Trustpilot, and Capterra.

That said, its website features a few testimonials that highlight positive remarks about its intuitive user interface, overall efficiency, and great customer support.

How Much Does Hypotenuse AI Cost?

Hypotenuse AI offers a 7-day free trial. You’d be equipped with enough credits to generate descriptions for up to 10 products, along with access to their blog post and advertising copy generation tool. 

Once your trial ends, you’d need to sign up for a monthly subscription plan to continue using the app. Their subscription plans start from $29 a month and offer complete access to the software.

Hypotenuse AI Pricing

  • Free Trial – The 7-day free trial starts you off with 10 credits, which lets you generate descriptions for up to 10 products. 
  • Starter – At $29/month, you’d be able to generate descriptions for up to 75 products. You can also generate 10 blog posts and an unlimited number of advertising copy.
  • Growth – By paying $59/month, you’ll receive 500 product description credits. On top of that, you’ll get to generate an unlimited number of blog posts and advertising copy.
  • Enterprise – For a range of enterprise-level features that are tailored to your brand, you’d need to get in touch for the custom pricing.

8. Dukaan’s Product Description Generator

Ranking in the top 5 Google results for the term “description generator”, Dukaan’s product description tool is one of the top tools in the market today. Staying ‘on-brand’ for Dukaan, this tool is the most easy-to-use product description generator that I have ever come across.

You don’t even need to enter any phrases or give the tool something to get started with, just entering the name of the product is enough!

Launched a year ago, it stands apart from the tools mentioned in this list because it is a dedicated tool to write product descriptions only. Using advanced AI, Dukaan’s product description generator tool has garnered more than 18,000 users in the past 6 months, among which are numerous copywriters, online business owners, and marketing agencies.

Dukaan - Free Product Description Generator

What Makes Dukaan’s Tool The Best Product Description Generator?

  • GPT-3 Powered Tool – Using OpenAI’s GPT-3 technology to generate product descriptions, Dukaan’s tool churns out the most natural and unique descriptions for any product. Regular updates to the tool ensure that it is up-to-date and relevant according to the prevailing trends in the market.
  • Suitable For Multiple Platforms – The product descriptions generated by Dukaan’s tool are suitable to be used on multiple online marketplaces and eCommerce platforms, like Amazon, Shopify, Myntra, and so on.
  • Error-Free Descriptions – This tool tackles one of the most common problems with AI-based descriptions, that is, error-filled descriptions that make the customers run away. By providing error-free descriptions, this tool saves you from the hassle of proofreading or checking again.
  • Free Tool – Dukaan’s product description tool, unlike other tools in the market, is completely free to use and anyone on the internet can generate plagiarism-free, unique descriptions for their products.
  • SEO Optimized Descriptions – You can generate infinite, perfectly-worded descriptions with Dukaan’s tool. It churns out descriptions that are about 200 words long, making them perfect for use across several sites and stores.

Dukaan Customer Reviews

Dukaan’s description generator is a dream come true for all Indian entrepreneurs, eCommerce businesses, and marketers.

This tool is available for Dukaan sellers as a default plugin to their stores, but anyone on the internet can use it for their products as it is completely free and compatible with multiple online marketplaces and eCommerce platforms. Not just that, you can even use the descriptions for your social media, blog articles, and even run ads with this content!

Due to this, the tool has garnered high ratings and positive reviews from its customers.

How Much Does Dukaan Cost?

Dukaan is primarily an online store builder. It helps you start and launch your eCommerce store with all the essential features like product management, discount coupons, online payment, and much more.

If you are looking to launch your eCommerce store, you’d have to subscribe to its quarterly or yearly plans. It starts with ₹1,999/year (roughly $25/year).

That being said, you should know that Dukaan’s product description generator tool comes as a free-to-use module. You don’t have to pay for it or sign up in order to use it. At the same time, if you are a premium user of the Dukaan app, you will still be able to access this module for your eCommerce store.

9. Smart Copy by Unbounce

Another AI tool that offers the eCommerce product description generator is Snazzy AI. Just like some of its competitors, Snazzy AI is a new software in the digital marketing arena. Regardless of it being new, the software has a decent number of users. Moreover, in May 2021, it was acquired by one of the best landing page builders – Unbounce. It is now officially rebranded to Smart Copy by Unbounce.

Its users primarily consist of freelancers, content teams, eCommerce businesses, agencies, startups, and enterprise-level businesses.

The reason behind the rise in popularity and userbase is its set of features. That being said, the total number of features (content generation modules) may be less than some of the generators mentioned in this article. But it definitely shines through its eCommerce product description writer tool.

Apart from this, you’d find Smart Copy to be simple to use. It can create human-like scalable product descriptions in a matter of 3 clicks.

Smart Copy - Free Product Description Generator Tool

What Makes Smart Copy The Best Product Description Generator?

  • Unique Description Generation Process – Smart Copy takes a different approach for creating your product descriptions. During the onboarding process, the software will ask for key details such as business name, target audience, branded keywords, and a short description of your business. Based on these details, the tool will create product descriptions. If you are unhappy with the result, Smart Copy offers you a custom mode to create more personalized product descriptions.
  • 7 Content Templates – Smart Copy is primarily an AI content creator that offers a multitude of features. You can generate content for taglines, landing pages, Google Ads, investor emails, sales emails, and of course, product descriptions.
  • Uses Native A.I. – After years of research and development, Smart Copy also uses its own native artificial intelligence to generate descriptions. Rest assured, the technology is highly advanced as it creates human-like content within no time.
  • Chrome Extension – Smart Copy also comes as a Chrome extension. After installing it through the Chrome Web Store, you will have the power to copy-paste a single sentence and expand it. Additionally, you also have the flexibility to completely rewrite the copied sentence automatically.

Smart Copy Customer Reviews

As said earlier, Smart Copy is a relatively new tool. Therefore it does not have any ratings on review platforms like G2 Crowd or Capterra.

This doesn’t mean that there are no reviews at all. You’d be glad to know that the Smart Copy team has proudly displayed its customer testimonials collected via Twitter.

Besides this, the Chrome extension of Smart Copy has a 5/5 star rating. And, on Product Hunt, the software has a rating of 4.2/5 stars.

Overall, the software has a good reputation in the eyes of its early users.

How Much Does Smart Copy Cost?

This is yet another free eCommerce product description generator. The software lets you use the software for free by providing you with a forever free plan. But you can generate content only 5 times a day.

Apart from this, there is a premium plan as well that offers all the content templates and unlimited content generation capabilities.

Also, keep in mind that the free plan also offers a complete set of features.

Smart Copy Pricing

  • Starter – This is a forever free plan with a limit of 5 content generations per day.
  • Growth – It will cost you $49/month to be able to generate unlimited content.

10. Autowriter

Autowriter is one of the smartest copywriting tools to help you get past your writer’s block. And, even if you do not have this block, writing product descriptions manually is a very boring and cumbersome task. It solves this problem by offering you an eCommerce product description generator.

Besides this, Autowriter can also be used as a complete copywriter and create content for different purposes. This multi-usability characteristic of Autowriter definitely helps it stand out from its competitors.

And, due to this, all kinds of marketers, bloggers, and startups are using Autowriter to create all types of content, and that too automatically. For generating product descriptions, all you’ve got to do is enter 5-20 introductory words about the product and the software will return you its description.

Autowriter - Product Description Generator Software

What Makes Autowriter The Best Product Description Generator?

  • Simple To Use – Autowriter is very simple to use. Simple sign up for the access, pick the type of content you’d like to create, for example – product descriptions, enter a few seed words & phrases, and then it will return a comprehensive description of your product.
  • Product Descriptions – No matter if you have your own eCommerce site or uses platforms like Shopify, BigCommerce, WooCommerce, etc., AutoWriter will help you generate product descriptions regardless. The description copy can also include important details like the features and benefits of the product.
  • Amazon Product Description – Apart from conventional eCommerce stores, Autowriter is also capable of creating product descriptions of your Amazon products. You can import these products & their descriptions to your site via API. Or you can use the description as it is on your Amazon store.
  • 12 Content Templates – Being an all-in-one copywriting tool implies that it should create content for different purposes. It stays true to its nature by allowing you to generate content for social media ads, eCommerce, sales copies, blog intros, and outlines. Currently, Autowriter is capable of creating content for 12 different templates.
  • Use Of Advanced A.I. – The core functionality of Autowriter relies on the use of its artificial intelligence technology. All the content generation process is taken care of by its A.I. Additionally, it also ensures that each copy of your product descriptions is original and of great quality. Rest assured, the content is very accurate and does not contain any grammatical errors.

Autowriter Customer Reviews

When it comes to customer reviews, Autowriter only has a handful. For starters, it displays a few reviews of its customer on its homepage that they might have manually collected.

Next, you can find that Autowriter has a rating of 4.1/5 stars on Trustpilot.

Aside from this, Autowriter flies under the radar but delivers top-notch product description generation services.

How Much Does Autowriter Cost?

Autowriter is also very flexible and generous in terms of pricing. This product description generator software offers a 7 days free trial period for new users.

In the free trial, you would be able to access all the tools of the software freely. Once the trial period ends, you will have the option to subscribe to any of its two monthly subscription plans.

Autowriter Pricing

  • Essential – You’d have to pay $9/month to be able to use Autowriter. This plan grants complete access to the software but only offers 100 credits in a month.
  • Premium – At the same time, this plan will cost you $29/month and will offer unlimited credits.

11. ContentBot

ContentBot is another latest addition to the list of best product description generator. The software is well-equipped with the OpenAI’s GPT-3 natural language processing model. With the help of this, it can generate product descriptions as if they are written by humans.

This characteristic has left a great impression on more than 12,000 users. Most of its users include eCommerce business owners, copywriters, freelancers, bloggers, and content teams.

Apart from being proficient in writing product descriptions, ContentBot is also capable of automatically writing content for more than 35 templates. So all in all, it can be used as the ultimate tool for your content needs.

At the end of the day, using ContentBot is relatively easier. You simply have to enter a couple of sentences to give the software a reference. After this, the software is smart enough to automatically write product descriptions through it.

ContentBot - Product Description Generator Free

What Makes ContentBot The Best Product Description Generator?

  • Use Of OpenAI Technology – Similar to other AI product description generators, ContentBot also makes use of OpenAI’s GPT-3 learning model. This is an auto-regressive technology that is known to generate human-like content with minimal human efforts.
  • Quick & Easy To Use – Another great characteristic of ContantBot is that it is very easy to use and generates any type of content in less than 30 seconds. As said earlier, it only requires a couple of seed sentences to be able to generate complete product descriptions. To top this off, the content generated with this tool is 100% original and unique. 
  • 35+ AI-Powered Content Tools – Apart from product descriptions, ContentBot is capable enough to generate content for more than 35 different templates. It includes a complete blog post generator, blog topic generator, sales emails, ad copies, marketing ideas, and more.
  • Supports All Google Translate Languages – While the software doesn’t officially declare the list of supported languages, it does say that it supports all the languages that are supported by Google Translate. So if you want to generate your product descriptions in different languages, you can do so with the help of ContentBot.
  • WordPress Plugin – ContentBot is one of the only product description generator apps that offers a WordPress plugin. It seamlessly integrates with Gutenberg to bring you high-quality content snippets at the click of a button. So if you have your eCommerce website on WordPress, you can automate your product description generation process with the ContentBot WordPress plugin.
  • Paraphrases & Rewriter – The software packs a native paraphrasing or rewriting module that can help you rewrite your existing product descriptions into newer versions. There’s also an AI Rewriter available in the software that also does a similar job.

ContentBot Customer Reviews

Similar to other description generators, ContentBot was also launched as a lifetime deal on Appsumo. The software saw a massive response from the customers and consequently, it received a rating of 4.8/5 tacos on the platform.

In addition to this, ContentBot has a huge rating of 4.8/5 and 5.0/5 stars on review-based platforms like Trustpilot and ProductHunt.

Besides all of this, the team has also collected a lot of testimonials from its users and proudly displayed them on their home page.

How Much Does ContentBot Cost?

If you have been trying to use a product description generator free of cost then your search can end at ContentBot. It offers a forever free plan that grants 10 short form and 0.5 long form credits. And, yes, it also gives you access to most of its tools.

To remove the limitations in the free plan and get access to other advanced tools, you’d have to subscribe to its premium plans. For starters, it offers a 7 days trial period at $7 for all the premium plans.

You should also know that the premium plans offer complete access to the software i.e. basic and advanced tools. Although the usage limits are different in both the premium plans along with team members’ access.

ContentBot Pricing

  • Free – A forever free plan with 20 short form credits (roughly 250 pieces of original content per month) and nearly 1,500 long-form words per month.
  • Premium $59/month for unlimited short form credits, nearly 60,000 long-form words per month, 25 runs on paraphraser, 1 seat for team member, etc.
  • Premium Plus – Lastly, you’d have to pay $99/month for unlimited short form credits, nearly 200,000 words per month, 250 runs on paraphraser, and a lot more.

12. AdZis

Among all the product description generators mentioned in this article, AdZis offers the most flexibility in terms of the generation process. It is the only software that offers a SaaS, API, and a done for your service for your product descriptions. You can pick the option that will suit your business requirements.

AdZis also offers a product description generator for Shopify that can generate hundreds of product descriptions in a matter of few seconds. This way, you get to automate your description generation process while focusing on other marketing strategies at the same time.

Besides this, AdZis also offers a “done for your service” where the team will write all the product descriptions for you. If you do not want to compromise on the quality of your descriptions and only looking for human-like content then this option is best for you.

At the end of the day, just like you, a lot of eCommerce marketers and business owners are actively using AdZis. Additionally, the AdZis team also tells that marketing agencies and freelancers also contribute to their clientele.

AdZis - Product Description Generator Shopify

What Makes AdZis The Best Product Description Generator?

  • Flexible Description Generation Options – As of now, AdZis offers four different ways to generate product descriptions. The first option is a SaaS application, the second also is a SaaS app for the Shopify store. Next, it offers an API to automate the product description generation process. At last, there’s a “done for you” option in which the AdZis team writes/generates descriptions for you.
  • Error-Free & Unique Descriptions – The AdZis team claims that the product descriptions generated via their engine have an average reading ease score of 62. At the same time, it has a 91% score on Copyscape. In simple terms, all the product descriptions are error-free, simple to read, and unique in nature.
  • Free Revisions – No matter which product description generation option you choose, all the descriptions are proofread before delivering to you. But in case, if you are unsatisfied with the quality of descriptions, you can request for free revisions. The AdZis team offers two free revisions.
  • Compatible With All eCommerce Platforms – As said earlier, AdZis offers a SaaS application for generating product descriptions for the Shopify store. In addition to this, the software is perfectly compatible with other eCommerce platforms like BigCommerce, Magento, WooCommerce (WordPress), Amazon, PrestaShop, and more.

AdZis Customer Reviews

AdZis being new to the eCommerce niche has fewer customer reviews on review-based websites. Although, on G2 Crowd, it has a perfect rating of 5.0/5 stars.

Besides this, similar to other product description generator apps, AdZis has collected and displayed customer testimonials on its homepage and other site pages.

How Much Does AdZis Cost?

To start things off, AdZis offers a 30 days free trial period in which you get to test the SaaS application. After testing out the application, you can subscribe to its premium plans.

Speaking of which, there are different pricing for the SaaS app and the “done for you” service.

AdZis SaaS Pricing

AdZis SaaS Pricing

  • 15 Products – $9 (Valid for 1 year)
  • 50 Products – $19 (Valid for 1 year)
  • 200 Products – $49 (Valid for 1 year)
  • 500 Products – $99 (Valid for 1 year)

AdZis “Done For You” Pricing

The pricing for this service is built on the number of words in the product description and the total number of products –

AdZis Done-For-You Pricing

40 – 70 Words –

  • 100 products – $60
  • 200 products – $120
  • 300 products – $175
  • 400 products – $230
  • 500 products – $275

100 – 120 Words –

  • 100 products – $90
  • 200 products – $180
  • 300 products – $260
  • 400 products – $345
  • 500 products – $410

150 Words –

  • 100 products – $120
  • 200 products – $240
  • 300 products – $345
  • 400 products – $465
  • 500 products – $550

13. INK

Another product description generator that has been silently making its mark in the eCommerce and AI world is INK. Similar to other generators, INK uses GPT-3 technology to create product descriptions and other types of content.

The AI-powered assistant can effortlessly write, expand, simplify, and rewrite content. These features come in handy especially when you already have content ready and want to reuse it.

At the same time, the INK description generator only asks you brief introductory sentences about your product. After this, the software will return you new and unique descriptions of your product.

You would also love to know that INK comes as a downloadable software for Windows, Mac, and Linux. And, of course, you can also use it as an online SaaS application. Not to forget, there’s a WordPress plugin of INK as well.

INK - Free Product Description Generator App

What Makes INK The Best Product Description Generator?

  • GPT-3 Technology Usage – INK is yet another software that uses OpenAI’s GPT-3 technology to generate product descriptions for your eCommerce store. The descriptions are very simple to read & understand and feels as if they were written by human writers.
  • Dual Nature Of Software – As said earlier, INK is available as online and offline software. You can use the software online on any browser and also by downloading it on your Windows, Mac, or Linux computer system.
  • WordPress Plugin – INK is also available as a WordPress plugin with the help of which you can easily import your INK files to your WordPress site. In simple terms, you can easily import your product descriptions on your website with the help of this WordPress plugin.
  • Content For 25+ Templates – Apart from product descriptions, INK is fully capable of automatically generating content for more than 25 content types. Some of the most used templates include meta description, YouTube video description, product launch announcements, feature-to-benefit, etc.

INK Customer Reviews

Despite being low on popularity, INK has received a lot of positive reviews and high ratings from its users. Just to give you an idea, it has a rating of 4.8/5 on G2 Crowd and 4.6/5 on ProductHunt.

At the same time, the team proudly displays textual as well as video customer testimonials on its homepage. This symbolizes that INK is an ideal eCommerce product description generator.

How Much Does INK Cost?

The team behind INK allows you to use the software for free as it comes with a forever free plan. The free plan offers access to 65+ INK tools and 5 points per day. You should also know that advanced AI features of INK aren’t available in the free plan.

To be able to use these advanced AI features, you’d have to subscribe to premium plans. The INK software has two pricing plans that offer monthly and yearly subscription options. Consequently, you get unlimited access to the tool as well.

INK Pricing

  • Free – A lifelong free plan that grants 5 daily usage points, 10 monthly articles, 25 monthly SEO content scorning, and access to basic INK tools.
  • Pro – The plan costs $35/month and offers 1,000 points per month i.e. up to 50,000 AI-generated words, unlimited articles, unlimited SEO AI content scoring and other AI features.
  • Pro Unlimited – By paying $99/month, you get unlimited access to the software. Also, you get to invite 3 team members.

All Done. Now What?

Now that you have explored all the best product description generators, it’s time for you to pick one and start creating descriptions.

If you are still on the fence about these tools, I would encourage you to sign up for their free trials. Almost all of these generator softwares provide either a free trial or a free plan.

Doing this will help you understand the working of the software and ultimately, help you decide if it will really suit your needs.

Rest assured, with the help of these tools, you can streamline your product description generation process.

As always, if you have queries regarding these generators, please feel free to get in touch with me. I’d love to help you out.

Lastly, here are some relevant blog posts for you –

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is a product description generator tool?

It is an online software that automatically creates multiple and unique copies for your eCommerce products. The software uses artificial intelligence and other advanced technology for content creation. The purpose of this software is to save your time from manually writing descriptions and also to get past your writer’s block.

Q. Which is the best product description generator?

After testing out almost all the software, I can safely say that Jasper is the best product description for Shopify and all the other eCommerce platforms & sites. Apart from this, the close second choice is Writesonic.

Q. How to write descriptions using the product description generator tool?

All the software at first will ask you to input a couple of related keywords or phrases about the product. Next, the artificial technology of the software will take care of the rest and will create a comprehensive description of that product.

Q. Are the generated descriptions original?

Yes, all the product descriptions generated by these softwares are 100% unique. You can use the copies without having to worry about any complaints about duplicate content. Moreover, the copies will also be free of any or all grammatical errors.

Q. Is the description generator tool better than human writers?

It is a matter of individual perspective. The way I look at this is that human writers can create the best copy and that too with brand voice and emotions. But manually writing so many different versions of the same process will take a great deal of time and will also lose its uniqueness. While if we use these online product description tools, they will create unique versions of the description in a matter of few seconds. It does save you a lot of time.