150+ Best gaming names for boys & girls

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Online games used to be an activity that only a select few participated in. But year after year, the gaming community has grown to accommodate people of all demographics. With this essentially a good thing, great gamer tags are becoming rarer and rarer. And so, in this article, we bring you the best gaming names to pick from. 

Some say the perfect gaming name does not exist. Well, this diverse selection of good gamer names begs to differ. Whatever gaming platform you choose, these simple words will serve as some of the unique gaming names you will ever encounter. 

How to come up with a good gaming name?

A list of cool names is good, but sometimes you want something different from the norm. Well, the best thing about this guide is with it, you can do away with gaming name lists forever. If you’ve been wondering how to come up with one of the best gaming names, this handy step-by-step guide will be immensely useful. 

So, what’s the best way to develop a good gaming name? Well, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • What genre of games do you like to play? MOBAs? MMORPGs like Final Fantasy? First-person shooters? Card Games? Racing Games? Restricting your proposed name to your chosen genre will make it easy to pick a name that others resonate with. 
  • Are you active on any YouTube channels, blogs, or social networks? Will your name on those platforms translate to the gaming world? This move is worth considering as it will rely on your prior brand capital without you having to start again from scratch. 
  • Some of your potential favorite names have to do with your favorite things like tv shows, movies, favorite foods, or popular video games. Sometimes, naming ourselves after something we like is all there is to it. 
  • Are there nicknames you’ve gotten from elsewhere? Perhaps in school or the home? Well, these could quickly become some of your best gaming names. 

Using Gaming Name Generators

When more than a list of good gaming names are needed, gaming name generators could come in handy. These are algorithmic software that use different gaming-associated words in the English language to generate gamer tags randomly. Sorting by genre, they come up with informal and famous names that won’t look out of place on a video game. 

Some of the most popular gaming name generators are: 

  • Generatorfun
  • Name-generator
  • Sir apfelot Name Generator
  • Etcgamer Name Generator
  • Spinxo Name Generator
  • Fantasy Name Generator
  • Unitpedia Name Generator
  • Cool Generator

This is not an exhaustive list but a good starting point. However, the output from gaming generators can sometimes be a bit too generic or nonsensical. As such, you would be better off sticking to lists like those in this article or following the guidelines above to come up with your unique gamer name. 

Gaming names for boys

Video games are still primarily dominated by the male gender. As such, coming up with good names that appeal to male sensibilities is challenging. But just because it’s a challenge doesn’t mean it’s impossible. This selection of creative names is the best way to communicate your gender and sensibilities to your fellow gamers. 

  1. Slayer
  2. Predat0r
  3. H0wl
  4. Ozymandias
  5. TheRadChad
  6. SpartaX
  7. ChiefMaster
  8. TheLastGamer
  9. SamuraiX
  10. GotEmRunning
  11. SpeedSpeedSpeed
  12. AstroMeri
  13. WarriorInUtero
  14. KevinLevin
  15. XXStylish
  16. LockDawg
  17. TimLinSplicer
  18. JohnnyLightfoot
  19. Spacely
  20. DarkerVibes
  21. HustleHoss
  22. Nibellion
  23. EastsideGunner
  24. Hans-Sama
  25. UnderGroundKing
  26. JackBoys
  27. BeanStalker
  28. AlwaysOnFire
  29. TankShredder
  30. DPSMagus
  31. LoverBoiGG
  32. Maverick
  33. ClownPrince
  34. DCryme
  35. NoFlakkk
  36. Razor-K
  37. Ben10Gaming
  38. Aragorn
  39. ElfLord
  40. BeastlyKid

gaming namesgaming names

Gaming names for girls

The percentage of girls who play video games increases year after year after year. This means the number of unique names for girl gamers is decreasing. However, the following list makes it easier for girls to pick a gaming nickname. No matter their gaming style or personality traits, these in-game names will go a long way to represent them and their interests. 

  1. Huntress
  2. Phae
  3. Valkyrae
  4. PokiPoki
  5. Amazonite
  6. BlueMoon
  7. MitskiMoon
  8. LilliaTheGamer
  9. Smidgette
  10. FairyAnthem
  11. Mergirl
  12. Vampiress
  13. LadyLuck
  14. MissFortune
  15. EvenEvelyne
  16. EyeLexi
  17. LadyLegasus
  18. RitaLucia99
  19. Netta9000
  20. SnooCats
  21. LoversRock
  22. StarGirl
  23. PureHeroine 
  24. SpaceGirl
  25. She-Gamer
  26. GeezeLouise
  27. VirtualCowgirl
  28. EasyPhae
  29. Crymanthe
  30. MilleniumActress
  31. AcryllicGamer
  32. CyberSiren
  33. Voltrae
  34. PasteHaste
  35. WaveyGirl
  36. GameMuva
  37. LilliaDarling
  38. NameOfRose
  39. CripCamp
  40. Leanorian

Best gaming names

Online multiplayer games can get competitive. This includes various games like fighting, racing, and card games on different popular platforms. If you want to show off how good of a gamer you are, then a fun way to do it is with a great video game name. With this list, show different players of the most popular games that you’re not here to joke around. 

  1. LootyBooty
  2. Devoti0n
  3. TheRaidBoss
  4. RobotGamer
  5. ShootNScore
  6. FlowState
  7. ArkhamKnight
  8. GameWiz
  9. RedBull
  10. NightNight
  11. AquaGamer
  12. GamerMoto
  13. GripNGrind
  14. Design4Gaming
  15. Born2Game
  16. DontNeedHelp
  17. KillJill
  18. TheMunster
  19. DraculGamer
  20. GenerationMe
  21. CantLose
  22. StreamSniped
  23. DoomSpear
  24. LanzaEmperana
  25. Arrancer
  26. FringeyGus
  27. ChickenBrother
  28. SallGood
  29. FireStick
  30. Good2Go
  31. AwayWeGo
  32. Mankator
  33. Blurryface
  34. DuckUScub
  35. LostLegend
  36. 22ndPilot
  37. Paragon
  38. Smitten
  39. WakeNBake
  40. PolarGG
  41. GunOnMoon
  42. Atlantean
  43. InDaJungle
  44. NoWard
  45. StrikeSauce
  46. RoxyFoxy
  47. PandoraBot
  48. Illoran
  49. DestryRider
  50. NoxObelisk

Funny gaming names

Some of the great names in the gaming world are really funny ones. Some gamers have a solid sense of humor, and with the right gaming name, they can communicate that to their teammates and opponents. With that in mind, this list of funny gaming names is a great way to show off your humorous streak and remind those you play with to cool off. 

  1. FatFinger
  2. SeeingRed
  3. DeathScreenLover
  4. NotSherlock
  5. DieAnotherDay
  6. GotMeRunning
  7. LoseNLearn
  8. NerfMePlz
  9. WeakControlla
  10. NotKingly
  11. LeeroyJenkinsJnr
  12. SayWhat
  13. LifeIsAnRPG
  14. OceanMotion
  15. Noob2Boon
  16. LoveTap
  17. BigBurp
  18. Trans4Mer
  19. CantCartright
  20. ItFollows
  21. VogueCode
  22. MadLion
  23. HotOrNot
  24. MistressBean
  25. Pennywise2
  26. IceIceBby
  27. RogerRabbit
  28. Clueless
  29. BySeeOrAir
  30. BombDown
  31. LastGameEva
  32. LyricalMiracle
  33. GameGodMother
  34. Not2Funny
  35. WhiteFlag
  36. TheDeepEnd
  37. NoobPolice
  38. BanditTime
  39. RedDread
  40. WingedWarrior

Clever gaming names

Clever gaming names warn your opponent’s not to underestimate your intellect. But sometimes, coming up with one using limited space and special characters is such a struggle. With this list of cool gaming names, this becomes a straightforward task. If the creative juices are not flowing, you can still use these different words to signal to others that your in-game character is just as formidable as your authentic self.   

  1. NotRogueLike
  2. MagicController
  3. VirtualMagus
  4. CobraDinn
  5. CleverYeller
  6. GenieInConsole
  7. ChapterZero
  8. WordNerd
  9. InfiniteStamina
  10. ChangeMyBatteries
  11. FinalBoss
  12. BlizzardBoss
  13. Scenomaniac
  14. DeathProof
  15. WhyCry
  16. AshCatchEm
  17. CatRabbit
  18. CatDog
  19. ItsAllTaken
  20. DontBeAfraid
  21. BurningBush
  22. RiverRunner
  23. Edgerunner
  24. Cyberpunk99
  25. AxelFree
  26. YikesPipes
  27. KnifeDam
  28. PowerBaller
  29. AthenaGamer
  30. OutDaGate
  31. 2ndChancePoints
  32. 2KCheerleader
  33. LastBastion
  34. InnerCreative
  35. HomeRunner
  36. ChaosReigns
  37. CaptureTheFlagger
  38. DontTrip
  39. TheConDon
  40. FightinCowboy

Related : 500+ gamertag ideas

Badass gaming names

Gaming is a medium where you can live out your wildest fantasies. It should only be appropriate then that your gaming name should be as badass as your character and hint at all your incredible exploits. The following list of cool gaming usernames achieves just that. These catchy names communicate that you’re a force to be reckoned with and that your opponents need good luck against you. 

  1. RipNTear
  2. ChaosBlade
  3. FireNIce
  4. DragonL0rd
  5. ScorpionKing
  6. SpaceKraken
  7. Entropic
  8. PixelBoss
  9. Harkening
  10. ComboKing
  11. SlowPro
  12. Hexarchartic
  13. VirtualShaker
  14. TrickAndTreat
  15. LostLegend
  16. L0stHighway
  17. Unshackled
  18. LadyAutumnal
  19. VespertineGG
  20. GapCloser
  21. NeverTooLate
  22. NotNormal
  23. JensenAdam
  24. GeraltJNR
  25. Caedrel
  26. ZeeWarrior
  27. NickNack
  28. BackTrack
  29. Right1In
  30. HappySeagull
  31. JauntyLord
  32. TheReckoning
  33. Yellister
  34. SpeedRacer1
  35. JhinXXX
  36. InsertNameHere
  37. CertainlyT
  38. KojimaKid
  39. AzurePleasure
  40. StateFarmer
  41. DuskPhilia
  42. Hardstuck
  43. ICarryU
  44. SaberTooth
  45. ProfAnalyzer
  46. TooTired2Try
  47. FancyDudeHero
  48. OptimalPrime
  49. HoneyBadgering
  50. Talk2Me

Pro gaming names

Regardless of the particular games, you like to play. Your online presence will always be associated with excellent gaming skills and teamwork, whether role-playing, offline games, or something else. Some people like to game very casually, and that’s perfectly fine. But others love taking things to the next level; this list of pro gaming names would serve very well. 

  1. Kaiser
  2. MikyXD
  3. TatManTim
  4. MegaMowgli
  5. Reckless
  6. LukaBuka
  7. BolWrld
  8. Zeka
  9. CreativelyAnzy
  10. StarFoxTrinity
  11. NotUpset
  12. GamerKirk
  13. LaserBeamer
  14. MajorKey
  15. Faker
  16. W0lfen
  17. Bang
  18. FinalFrontier
  19. LeftTurnsOnly
  20. KDAKing
  21. PixelInsanity
  22. JakeJoker
  23. TuRock
  24. Tenebrae
  25. Hyperion
  26. ShadowSlayer
  27. Not2Shabby
  28. QTPie
  29. Stompoid
  30. NightCrawler
  31. Jankosly
  32. WunderBoi
  33. Azaelish
  34. GreenMamba
  35. LordKobbe
  36. HystericsGG
  37. OrangePorridge
  38. PandaCat
  39. Mask33d
  40. Lexically
  41. Barracuda
  42. Piranha3D
  43. JibbityJabbity
  44. DaemonKing
  45. VincentCollateral

Competitive gaming names

Competitive gaming used to be laughed at. But now, it’s becoming more accepted in the mainstream as genuine means of public entertainment. Some of the best games in the gaming world, like league of legends and CSGO, are competitive. To thrive in that world, though, you do need to have a great name. The following list contains some of the perfect names for competitive gaming. 

  1. PlayMaker
  2. SonicShock
  3. MoxyTheBoxer
  4. NinjaMaster
  5. ShroudCloud
  6. LiquidSnake
  7. TrojanBrother
  8. Dokla
  9. GamerHive
  10. Ruler
  11. Domin8
  12. StarFox
  13. FinchDogg
  14. MightyWolf
  15. Zero2Hero
  16. YouBSorry
  17. Blossom
  18. Blank
  19. PeanutGG
  20. FallenLord
  21. RisenAngel
  22. PandaPanda
  23. LooseCannon
  24. FrankenGamer
  25. 2Thick
  26. MoneyMa$e
  27. KingOfHorror
  28. Nativity
  29. Galatea
  30. ApolloSun
  31. LicoriceGG
  32. SneakySnake
  33. TrippleLift
  34. FellFountain
  35. TeddyBear
  36. ClassicCat
  37. SupperCell
  38. MaxKaos
  39. BaskInSin
  40. CycloneSpinner

PUBG names

PUBG took the world by storm when it first launched. To date, it’s still a top-rated game that many people in the gaming industry give a lot of time and attention to. Since it’s a mobile game, the number of available original names is downtrend. Well, the following list contains of Gamertags that you can use for your PUBG gaming account. There are different names for different gamers. 

  1. F1re
  2. Tr1gger
  3. SpoderMan
  4. PlayerKnown
  5. OGShooter
  6. W0pW0p
  7. ClapTrap
  8. N0Cap
  9. NoWay4You
  10. GBUP
  11. ShottaBoi
  12. RageRRR
  13. D0ntRevive
  14. NotMid
  15. Gunna4Eva
  16. ClickClack
  17. Fortifier
  18. SinkInInk
  19. Here2Soon
  20. TacoWhacko
  21. BearHugger
  22. N0Clip
  23. WarriorCook
  24. BattleBosser
  25. JibJack
  26. ChoirMaster
  27. Clorichal
  28. DodgeThis
  29. MartianSniper
  30. BattleJester
  31. NoRage2Day
  32. PleasantKoi
  33. In4thPlace
  34. LockItUp
  35. TheHurdleSage
  36. MagicalCrit
  37. 360Scoper
  38. MapoShark
  39. LatahGatah
  40. Large-Leader

Best IGN names

One of the most obvious things people often forget is that some of the best names for gaming have strong links to your real name. Instead of struggling to think of a new gaming name from scratch, you can fall back on your real name. You can even use such names on any social media platform, such as an Xbox Gamertag, Twitch gaming channel name, or YouTube gaming channel name. 

  1. GhostCrawler
  2. SoulSleeper
  3. Deftly
  4. LostInCloud
  5. TimeTicksAway
  6. MadSalad
  7. NeoDragonGuy
  8. Ic3Nine
  9. NaturalSkipper
  10. CrownDaKing
  11. JesperHexer
  12. Exhalation
  13. FabGlued
  14. LikeAStar
  15. NotLikeThis
  16. CronenLord
  17. VampWeekday
  18. 4TheNight
  19. TentacleMaster
  20. NotThatHard
  21. WoodKidder
  22. TrapLord
  23. CrowdsLeft
  24. IndieCarnie
  25. BagelGamer
  26. FreeD00m
  27. HappeninGG
  28. DerpyDerk
  29. CabbitGamer
  30. BookerTee
  31. ANewHaven
  32. Lyotard
  33. Houdining
  34. ApplePieMama
  35. GhostOfLight
  36. PoroHerder
  37. HowlingAbyss
  38. Freljordian
  39. Gondorian
  40. BlackSpeech

Legendary names for gamers

If you want to be a legendary gamer, a good start is to have a legendary name. These things may seem superstitious, but they are way more reliable than they appear. They show the critical role you play in all your favorite video games and remind others that you’re a force to be reckoned with. Ahead is a list of unisex names which indicate that you are a legendary gamer. 

  1. NoDeaths
  2. BlancaCasa
  3. UsualSuspect
  4. FinalBoss
  5. SkyHigh
  6. CloudNiner
  7. BlooberLDR
  8. ChartShark
  9. RedGoblin
  10. Vargtimmen
  11. WusClues
  12. JenkinsJnr
  13. StrifeCloud
  14. SubZeroHero
  15. GokuJoku
  16. Namorian
  17. PinkPanthering
  18. TripleCrown
  19. GhibliGamer
  20. BlueWhaler
  21. FindOutNow
  22. MawkHawk
  23. Sk8rBoi
  24. SeaMen
  25. SchemerLeader
  26. ScandalousGG
  27. L0weBattery
  28. PseudoBad
  29. CurtainCall
  30. BowWowNow
  31. Here2Stay
  32. NotVeryFunny
  33. YanTheHun
  34. LakeLighter
  35. TooManyGames
  36. FakeLaugh
  37. BurningAsh
  38. HookNLook
  39. FrostyBear
  40. RadRandy

Gaming Name Guidelines

Most gaming platforms and companies have similar conventions regarding how players are allowed to name themselves. They share a similar spectrum of allowable characters, minimum and maximum space, and so on. Below, we break this down for you. 

  • Your gaming name must have a minimum of four characters and a maximum of 25 characters.
  • Your gaming name can be an alphanumeric mixture of numbers and alphabets. These alphabets can typically be in various languages like English, Chinese, Japanese, Cyrillic, etc. 
  • Underscore is the most common special character you can use. However, in some cases, you can use others like ampersand, the pound sign, the dollar sign, the at sign, and so on. 
  • Keep in mind that you can use letters like 2 and 4 to represent entire words. This helps you save space and increases conciseness and readability. For example, PlayForFun could be made simpler as Play4Fun. 

Gaming Names Do’s and Dont’s

Other than the basic rules of coming up with a gaming username or in-game name, there are other guidelines that you must adhere to to avoid having your account suspended or banned. They are: 

  • Usernames must not contain slurs or offensive language
  • Usernames must not allude to sexual acts, genitalia, etc
  • Usernames must not reference hard drugs or drug abuse 
  • Usernames must not break the law
  • Usernames must not involve impersonation
  • Usernames must not share private information

By keeping these guidelines in mind as you choose a name, you’ll avoid falling into certain pitfalls that would otherwise have your account removed and will help whatever game you play to remain a healthy and welcoming environment for all players.