17 Kindergarten Ice Breaker Games for Back to School

This game is played with colored candy (Skittles, M&Ms, Sixlets, etc) Before the game begins, you create a color-code based on the colors of the candy you are going to use. It might look like this, “Red: What is your favorite color?” “Yellow: What sport do you like best?” “Green: What is your favorite food?” You can make the questions whatever you want. You do not show these questions to your students until after they have selected their color of candy. Once you’ve asked students what color they would like and handed them a piece of candy, the activity can begin. Going around the circle, students answer a question about themselves based on the color of their candy. Obviously, for kindergarten, you will need to read and ask the questions for your students. If you do not want to use candy, you could easily substitute colored sticks!