2.4 Architectural Drivers | Architectural Design | InformIT

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2.4 Architectural Drivers

Before commencing design with ADD (or with any other design method, for that matter), you need to think about what you are doing and why. While this statement may seem blindingly obvious, the devil is, as usual, in the details. We categorize these “what” and “why” questions as architectural drivers. As shown in Figure 2.1, these drivers include a design purpose, quality attributes, primary functionality, architectural concerns, and constraints. These considerations are critical to the success of the system and, as such, they drive and shape the architecture.

As with any other important requirements, architectural drivers need to be baselined and managed throughout the development life cycle.

2.4.1 Design Purpose

First, you need to be clear about the purpose of the design that you want to achieve. When and why are you doing this architecture design? Which business goals is the organization most concerned about at this time?

  1. You may be doing architecture design as part of a project proposal (for the pre-sales process in a consulting organization, or for internal project selection and prioritization in a company, as discussed in Section 9.1.1). It is not uncommon that, as part of determining project feasibility, schedule, and budget, an initial architecture is created. Such an architecture would not be very detailed; its purpose is to understand and break down the architecture in sufficient detail that the units of work are understood and hence may be estimated.

  2. You may be doing architecture design as part of the process of creating an exploratory prototype. In this case, the purpose of the architecture design process is not so much to create a releasable or reusable system, but rather to explore the domain, to explore new technology, to place something executable in front of a customer to elicit rapid feedback, or to explore some quality attribute (such as performance scalability or failover for availability).

  3. You may be designing your architecture during development. This could be for an entire new system, for a substantial portion of a new system, or for a portion of an existing system that is being refactored or replaced. In this case, the purpose is to do enough design work to satisfy requirements, guide system construction and work assignments, and prepare for an eventual release.

These purposes may be interpreted and realized differently for greenfield systems in mature domains, for greenfield systems in novel domains, and for existing systems. In a mature domain, the pre-sales process, for example, might be relatively straightforward; the architect can reuse existing systems as examples and confidently make estimates based on analogy. In novel domains, the pre-sales estimation process will be far more complex and risky, and may have highly variable results. In these circumstances, a prototype of the system, or a key part of the system, may need to be created to mitigate risk and reduce uncertainty. In many cases, this architecture may also need to be quickly adapted as new requirements are learned and embraced. In brownfield systems, while the requirements are better understood, the existing system is itself a complex object that must be well understood for planning to be accurate.

Finally, the development organization’s goals during development or maintenance may affect the architecture design process. For example, the organization might be interested in designing for reuse, designing for future extension or subsetting, designing for scalability, designing for continuous delivery, designing to best utilize existing project capabilities and team member skills, and so forth. Or the organization might have a strategic relationship with a vendor. Or the CIO might have a specific like or dislike and wants to impose it on your project.

Why do we bother to list these considerations? Because they will affect both the process of design and the outputs of design. Architectures exist to help achieve business goals. The architect should be clear about these goals and should communicate them (and negotiate them!) and establish a clear design purpose before beginning the design process.

2.4.2 Quality Attributes

In the book Software Architecture in Practice, quality attributes are defined as being measurable or testable properties of a system that are used to indicate how well the system satisfies the needs of its stakeholders. Because quality tends to be a subjective concept in itself, these properties allow quality to be expressed succinctly and objectively.

Among the drivers, quality attributes are the ones that shape the architecture the most significantly. The critical choices that you make when you are doing architectural design determine, in large part, the ways that your system will or will not meet these driving quality attribute goals.

Given their importance, you must worry about eliciting, specifying, prioritizing, and validating quality attributes. Given that so much depends on getting these drivers right, this sounds like a daunting task. Fortunately, a number of well-understood, widely disseminated techniques can help you here (see sidebar “The Quality Attribute Workshop and the Utility Tree”):

  • Quality Attribute Workshop (QAW) is a facilitated brainstorming session involving a group of system stakeholders that covers the bulk of the activities of eliciting, specifying, prioritizing, and achieving consensus on quality attributes.

  • Mission Thread Workshop serves the same purpose as QAW, but for a system of systems.

  • The Utility Tree can be used by the architect to prioritize quality attribute requirements according to their technical difficulty and risk.

We believe that the best way to discuss, document, and prioritize quality attribute requirements is as a set of scenarios. A scenario, in its most basic form, describes the system’s response to some stimulus. Why are scenarios the best approach? Because all other approaches are worse! Endless time may be wasted in defining terms such as “performance” or “modifiability” or “configurability”, as these discussions tend to shed little light on the real system. It is meaningless to say that a system will be “modifiable”, because every system is modifiable with respect to some changes and not modifiable with respect to others. One can, however, specify the modifiability response measure you would like to achieve (say, elapsed time or effort) in response to a specific change request. For example, you might want to specify that “a change to update shipping rates on the e-commerce website is completed and tested in less than 1 person-day of effort”—an unambiguous criterion.

The heart of a quality attribute scenario, therefore, is the pairing of a stimulus with a response. Suppose that you are building a video game and you have a functional requirement like this: “The game shall change view modes when the user presses the <C> button”. This functional requirement, if it is important, needs to be associated with quality attribute requirements. For example:

  • How fast should the function be?

  • How secure should the function be?

  • How modifiable should the function be?

To address this problem, we use a scenario to describe a quality attribute requirement. A quality attribute scenario is a short description of how a system is required to respond to some stimulus. For example, we might annotate the functional requirement given earlier as follows: “The game shall change view modes in < 500 ms when the user presses the <C> button”. A scenario associates a stimulus (in this case, the pressing of the <C> button) with a response (changing the view mode) that is measured using a response measure (< 500 ms). A complete quality attribute scenario adds three other parts: the source of the stimulus (in this case, the user), the artifact affected (in this case, because we are dealing with end-to-end latency, the artifact is the entire system) and the environment (are we in normal operation, startup, degraded mode, or some other mode?). In total, then, there are six parts of a completely well-specified scenario, as shown in Figure 2.2.

Figure 2.2

Figure 2.2 The six parts of a quality attribute scenario

Scenarios are testable, falsifiable hypotheses about the quality attribute behavior of the system under consideration. Because they have explicit stimuli and responses, we can evaluate a design in terms of how likely it is to support the scenario, and we can take measurements and test a prototype or fully fleshed-out system for whether it satisfies the scenario in practice. If the analysis (or prototyping results) indicates that the scenario’s response goal cannot be met, then the hypothesis is deemed falsified.

As with other requirements, scenarios should be prioritized. This can be achieved by considering two dimensions that are associated with each scenario and that are assigned a rank of importance:

  • The first dimension corresponds to the importance of the scenario with respect to the success of the system. This is ranked by the customer.

  • The second dimension corresponds to the degree of technical risk associated with the scenario. This is ranked by the architect.

A low/medium/high (L/M/H) scale is used to rank both dimensions. Once the dimensions have been ranked, scenarios are prioritized by selecting those that have a combination of (H, H), (H, M), or (M, H) rankings.

In addition, some traditional requirements elicitation techniques can be modified slightly to focus on quality attribute requirements, such as Joint Requirements Planning (JRP), Joint Application Design (JAD), discovery prototyping, and accelerated systems analysis.

But whatever technique you use, do not start design without a prioritized list of measurable quality attributes! While stakeholders might plead ignorance (“I don’t know how fast it needs to be; just make it fast!”), you can almost always elicit at least a range of possible responses. Instead of saying the system should be “fast”, ask the stakeholder if a 10-second response time is acceptable. If that is unacceptable, ask if 5 seconds is OK, or 1 second. You will find that, in most cases, users know more than they realize about their requirements, and you can at least “box them in” to a range.

The Quality Attribute Workshop and the Utility Tree

The Quality Attribute Workshop (QAW)

The QAW is a facilitated, stakeholder-focused method to generate, prioritize, and refine quality attribute scenarios. A QAW meeting is ideally enacted before the software architecture has been defined although, in practice, we have seen the QAW being used at all points in the software development life cycle. The QAW is focused on system-level concerns and specifically the role that software will play in the system. The steps of the QAW are as follows:

  1. QAW Presentation and Introductions

    The QAW facilitators describe the motivation for the QAW and explain each step of the method.

  2. Business Goals Presentation

    A stakeholder representing the project’s business concerns presents the system’s business context, broad functional requirements, constraints, and known quality attribute requirements. The quality attributes that will be refined in later QAW steps will be derived from, and should be traceable to, the business goals presented in this step. For this reason, these business goals must be prioritized.

  3. Architectural Plan Presentation

    The architect presents the system architectural plans as they currently exist. Although the architecture has frequently not been defined yet (particularly for greenfield systems), the architect often knows quite a lot about it even at this early stage. For example, the architect might already know about technologies that are mandated, other systems that this system must interact with, standards that must be followed, subsystems or components that could be reused, and so forth.

  4. Identification of Architectural Drivers

    The facilitators share their list of key architectural drivers that they assembled during steps 2 and 3 and ask the stakeholders for clarifications, additions, deletions, and corrections. The idea here is to reach a consensus on a distilled list of architectural drivers that covers major functional requirements, business drivers, constraints, and quality attributes.

  5. Scenario Brainstorming

    Given this context, each stakeholder now has the opportunity to express a scenario representing that stakeholder’s needs and desires with respect to the system. The facilitators ensure that each scenario has an explicit stimulus and response. The facilitators also ensure traceability and completeness: At least one representative scenario should exist for each architectural driver listed in step 4 and should cover all the business goals listed in step 2.

  6. Scenario Consolidation

    Similar scenarios are consolidated where reasonable. In step 7, the stakeholders vote for their favorite scenarios, and consolidation helps to prevent votes from being spread across several scenarios that are expressing essentially the same concern.

  7. Scenario Prioritization

    Prioritization of the scenarios is accomplished by allocating to each stakeholder a number of votes equal to 30 percent of the total number of scenarios. The stakeholders can distribute these votes to any scenario or scenarios. Once all the stakeholders have voted, the results are tallied and the scenarios are sorted in order of popularity.

  8. Scenario Refinement

    The highest-priority scenarios are refined and elaborated. The facilitators help the stakeholders express these in the form of six-part scenarios: source, stimulus, artifact, environment, response, and response measure.

The output of the QAW is therefore a prioritized list of scenarios, aligned with business goals, where the highest-priority scenarios have been explored and refined. A QAW can be conducted in as little as 2–3 hours for a simple system or as part of an iteration, and as much as 2 days for a complex system where requirements completeness is a goal.

Utility Tree

If no stakeholders are readily available to consult, you still need to decide what to do and how to prioritize the many challenges facing the system. One way to organize your thoughts is to create a Utility Tree. The Utility Tree, such as the one shown in the following figure, helps to articulate your quality attribute goals in detail, and then to prioritize them.


Click to view larger image

It works as follows. First write the word “Utility” on a sheet of paper. Then write the various quality attributes that constitute utility for your system. For example, you might know, based on the business goals for the system, that the most important qualities for the system are that the system be fast, secure, and easy to modify. In turn, you would write these words underneath “Utility”. Next, because we don’t really know what any of those terms actually means, we describe the aspect of the quality attribute that we are most concerned with. For example, while “performance” is vague, “latency of database transactions” is a bit less vague. Likewise, while “modifiability” is vague, “ease of adding new codecs” is a bit less vague.

The leaves of the tree are expressed as scenarios, which provide concrete examples of the quality attribute considerations that you just enumerated. For example, for “latency of database transactions”, you might create a scenario such as “1000 users simultaneously update their own customer records under normal conditions with an average latency of 1 second”. For “ease of adding new codecs”, you might create a scenario such as “Customer requests that a new custom codec be added to the system. Codec is added with no side effects in 2 person-weeks of effort”.

Finally, the scenarios that you have created must be prioritized. We do this prioritization by using the technique of ranking across two dimensions, resulting in a priority matrix such as the following (where the numbers in the cells are from a set of system scenarios).

BusinessImportance/Technical Risk





5, 6, 17, 20, 22

1, 14

12, 19


9, 12, 16

8, 20

3, 13, 15


10, 18, 21

4, 7

2, 11

Our job, as architects, is to focus on the lower-right-hand portion of this table (H, H): those scenarios that are of high business importance and high risk. Once we have satisfactorily addressed those scenarios, we can move to the (M, H) or (H, M) ones, and then move up and to the left until all of the system’s scenarios are addressed (or perhaps until we run out of time or budget, as is often the case).

It should be noted that the QAW and the Utility Tree are two different techniques that are aimed at the same goal—eliciting and prioritizing the most important quality attribute requirements, which will be some of your most critical architectural drivers. There is no reason, however, to choose between these techniques. Both are useful and valuable and, in our experience, they have complementary strengths: The QAW tends to focus more on the requirements of external stakeholders, whereas the Utility Tree tends to excel at eliciting the requirements of internal stakeholders. Making all of these stakeholders happy will go a long way toward ensuring the success of your architecture.

2.4.3 Primary Functionality

Functionality is the ability of the system to do the work for which it was intended. As opposed to quality attributes, the way the system is structured does not normally influence functionality. You can have all of the functionality of a given system coded in a single enormous module, or you can have it neatly distributed across many smaller, highly cohesive modules. Externally the system will look and work the same way if you consider only functionality. What matters, though, is what happens when you want to make changes to such system. In the former case, changes will be difficult and costly; in the latter case, they should be much easier and cheaper to perform. In terms of architectural design, allocation of functionality to elements, rather than the functionality per se, is what matters. A good architecture is one in which the most common changes are localized in a single or a few elements, and hence easy to make.

When designing an architecture, you need to consider at least the primary functionality. Primary functionality is usually defined as functionality that is critical to achieve the business goals that motivate the development of the system. Other criteria for primary functionality might be that it implies a high level of technical difficulty or that it requires the interaction of many architectural elements. As a rule of thumb, approximately 10 percent of your use cases or user stories are likely to be primary.

There are two important reasons why you need to consider primary functionality when designing an architecture:

  1. You need to think how functionality will be allocated to elements (usually modules) to promote modifiability or reusability, and also to plan work assignments.

  2. Some quality attribute scenarios are directly connected to the primary functionality in the system. For example, in a movie streaming application, one of the primary use cases is, of course, to watch a movie. This use case is associated with a performance quality attribute scenario such as “Once the user presses play, the movie should begin streaming in no more than 5 seconds”. In this case, the quality attribute scenario is directly associated with the primary use case, so making decisions to support this scenario also requires making decisions about how its associated functionality will be supported. This is not the case for all quality attributes. For example, an availability scenario can involve recovery from a system failure, and this failure may occur when any of the system’s use cases are being executed.

Decisions regarding the allocation of functionality that are made during architectural design establish a precedent for how the rest of the functionality should be allocated to modules as development progresses. This is usually not the work of the architect; instead, this activity is typically performed as part of the element interaction design process described in Section 2.2.2.

Finally, bad decisions that are made regarding the allocation of functionality result in the accumulation of technical debt. (Of course, these decisions may reveal themselves to be bad only in hindsight.) This debt can be paid through the use of refactoring, although this impacts the project’s rate of progress, or velocity (see the sidebar “Refactoring”).


If you refactor a software architecture (or part of one), what you are doing is maintaining the same functionality but changing some quality attribute that you care about. Architects often choose to refactor because a portion of the system is difficult to understand, debug, and maintain. Alternatively, they may refactor because part of the system is slow, or prone to failure, or insecure.

The goal of the refactoring in each case is not to change the functionality, but rather to change the quality attribute response. (Of course, additions to functionality are sometimes lumped together with a refactoring exercise, but that is not the core intent of the refactoring.) Clearly, if we can maintain the same functionality but change the architecture to achieve different quality attribute responses, these requirement types are orthogonal to each other—that is, they can vary independently.

2.4.4 Architectural Concerns

Architectural concerns encompass additional aspects that need to be considered as part of architectural design but that are not expressed as traditional requirements. There are several different types of concerns:

  • General concerns. These are “broad” issues that one deals with in creating the architecture, such as establishing an overall system structure, the allocation of functionality to modules, the allocation of modules to teams, organization of the code base, startup and shutdown, and supporting delivery, deployment, and updates.

  • Specific concerns. These are more detailed system-internal issues such as exception management, dependency management, configuration, logging, authentication, authorization, caching, and so forth that are common across large numbers of applications. Some specific concerns are addressed in reference architectures (see Section 2.5.1), but others will be unique to your system. Specific concerns also result from previous design decisions. For example, you may need to address session management if you previously decided to use a reference architecture for the development of web applications.

  • Internal requirements. These requirements are usually not specified explicitly in traditional requirement documents, as customers usually seldom express them. Internal requirements may address aspects that facilitate development, deployment, operation, or maintenance of the system. They are sometimes called “derived requirements”.

  • Issues. These result from analysis activities, such as a design review (see Section 8.6), so they may not be present initially. For instance, an architectural evaluation may uncover a risk that requires some changes to be performed in the current design.

Some of the decisions surrounding architectural concerns might be trivial or obvious. For example, your deployment structure might be a single processor for an embedded system, or a single cell phone for an app. Your reference architecture might be constrained by company policy. Your authentication and authorization policies might be dictated by your enterprise architecture and realized in a shared framework. In other cases, however, the decisions required to satisfy particular concerns may be less obvious—for example, in exception management or input validation or structuring the code base.

From their past experience, wise architects are usually aware of the concerns that are associated with a particular type of system and the need to make design decisions to address them. Inexperienced architects are usually less aware of such concerns; because these concerns tend to be tacit rather than explicit, they may not consider them as part of the design process, which often results in problems later on.

Architectural concerns frequently result in the introduction of new quality attribute scenarios. The concern of “supporting logging”, for example, is too vague and needs to be made more specific. Like the quality attribute scenarios that are provided by the customer, these scenarios need to be prioritized. For these scenarios, however, the customer is the development team, operations, or other members of the organization. During design, the architect must consider both the quality attribute scenarios that are provided by the customer and those scenarios that are derived from architectural concerns.

One of the goals of our revision of the ADD method was to elevate the importance of architectural concerns as explicit inputs to the architecture design process, as will be highlighted in our examples and case studies in Chapters 4, 5, and 6.

2.4.5 Constraints

You need to catalog the constraints on development as part of the architectural design process. These constraints may take the form of mandated technologies, other systems with which your system needs to interoperate or integrate, laws and standards that must be complied with, the abilities and availability of your developers, deadlines that are non-negotiable, backward compatibility with older versions of systems, and so on. An example of a technical constraint is the use of open source technologies, whereas a nontechnical constraint is that the system must obey the Sarbanes-Oxley Act or that it must be delivered by December 15.

A constraint is a decision over which you have little or no control as an architect. Your job is, as we mentioned in Chapter 1, to satisfice: to design the best system that you can, despite the constraints you face. Sometimes you might be able to argue for loosening a constraint, but in most cases you have no choice but to design around the constraints.

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