3DP Chip – Free Download

If you got a new computer or had reformat your current one, then you’ll find 3DP Chip essential because it finds all the drivers your computer needs. This program takes into account all the programs, software and hardware on your computer and quickly finds drivers you need to achieve full functionality. It’s an automated tool that will run in the background and find drivers as needed.

Primary Features

Drivers are essential with any computer. These are small programs that help parts properly communicate or function. They may be small programs, but they are essential. For example, you’ll often need a driver to use the Internet, print documents, run software and play video games. These are some of the most important programs on your computer if you want everything to work properly.

The power of 3DP Chip is how deeply it searches your computer. It doesn’t just check your programs and operating system for drivers. It will also check your hardware, previous drivers that were installed before the reformatting and any available CPU data for the best drivers. On top of that, it finds drivers that are often very difficult to come by. It is always scanning for new drivers to make your computer function better.

No Internet Access

A problem you may encounter after reformatting your driver is a lack of Internet access. You may think that 3DP Chip is useless without the Internet, but you would be mistaken. This program can install drivers to your network adapter so that you can access the Internet once again. Not only that, but this program can work in offline mode and still find drivers based on its extensive database.

If you don’t have the Internet, then 3DP Chip might be the software you need more than any other.

Windows Updates

Sometimes you may notice that certain programs don’t work as intended when you upgrade Windows. Many times this is because you are using an old or incompatible driver. This prevents your computer from properly communicating with the software or external device. Since it is always scanning, 3DP Chip will find drivers as soon as you upgrade Windows.

It’s not just Windows upgrades. If any software is updated or a new driver is introduced, this program will find it and download it for your use.

No Support for Older Windows Systems

Perhaps the only disadvantage is that you need Windows 7 or higher for this program to work. This program will not work with older versions of Windows. Considering that most users have Windows 7 or higher by now, this isn’t much of a disadvantage. If you are one of the users still running Windows XP or Vista, then unfortunately this program will not work for you.


  • Searches deeply in your computer for all the right drivers
  • Works in offline mode and even connects your network adapter
  • Updates drivers as soon as new ones are released


  • Only works with Windows 7 or higher

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