A developer’s look into: “Clean Code: Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship” | by Manuel Rodríguez | Medium
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A developer’s look into: “Clean Code: Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship”
There are certain books that sound boring even before starting to read them. You keep hearing about these sacred cows of Computer Science, and by the time you are ready to read them you already lost any interest in them. That is what happened to me with “Clean Code: Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship”. It took me about 15 years as a professional software developer to finally order it from Amazon and not get discouraged by the 500+ pages of ancient knowledge.
I some sense this book is like the bible: everybody claims to live by it, but few people has read it and even less has understood it. Moreover, just by quoting it some people will think you are a guru and some other that you are a fanatic.
The funny thing about this book is that it mostly just states obvious stuff. However, as it usually happens, things are obvious after somebody has deeply thought about it, organised his ideas and explained them on an easy to digest way. This is the case with this book, and this is why you should read it with attention.