A Software Engineer in Test Must Have The Heart of a Developer – TestProject

I am a Software Engineer in Test (SET). Many people don’t know quite what that means, though. Developers frequently refer to me as a “tester” or “QA,” and a former director once thought I did DevOps. While my work covers these areas, they aren’t the main focus. Let’s clarify what it means to be a SET.

What is a Software Engineer in Test?

A “Software Engineer in Test” (a.k.a. “Software Development Engineer in Test”) is a software developer who develops software for testing: tools, frameworks, and automated tests. SETs focus primarily on automation for running tests quickly and repeatedly. Test automation is a software product: just as front-end developers write web pages and back-end developers write microservices, SETs write automated tests. The same practices and coding skills apply. I frequently say that a Software Engineer in Test must have the heart of a developer.

So they just write test scripts?

No. Never say this to a SET. Test automation involves much more than just “writing test scripts.” A serious testing solution requires serious design and effort. The top-level automation of a test case is usually just a small piece. SETs are responsible for:

  • Collaborating with developers and product owners:

    • Contributing to planning and design.

    • Reviewing product code.

    • Formulating test scenarios.

  • Developing test automation frameworks.

  • Automating test scenarios using the frameworks.
  • Knowing and using design patterns where appropriate.

  • Setting up the infrastructure to run tests:

    • Running tests in CI/CD

    • Running tests in parallel

    • Running tests with the appropriate test data

  • Setting up dashboards for reporting test results in real time.

  • Teaching others good quality and testing practices.

  • Developing tools to assist manual and exploratory testing.

Saying that testing is “just scripting” belittles the role of the SET and underestimates the workload it requires.

How did this role start?

Software “tester” and “QA” roles have existed for decades, but the SET role first became distinct in the 2000s when large-scale test automation became both feasible and necessary. According to Wikipedia, Microsoft coined the title “Software Developer Engineer in Test” (SDET) in 2005, and others like Amazon and Apple quickly adopted it. Google coined the name “Software Engineer in Test” for the same type of role. I personally prefer the SET title over the SDET title simply because it is more concise.

How is it different from “QA” or “testing” roles?

To me, the SET role is distinct from the traditional “QA” or “testing” role. Software testers historically focused on manual testing and thus didn’t need strong programming skills. Their fortes were product domain knowledge, intuition, out-of-the-box thinking, test planning, and test system setup. And these certainly are important, indispensable skills! SETs, however, live in both the development and testing worlds. They use developer skills to provide software solutions for testing problems. Automation is much more central to the SET role. These days, almost all “testing” job openings are SET roles; manual-only test roles have been largely deprecated. Nevertheless, there will always be a need for manual testing because there are some problems a human can catch much more easily than a script (or an AI agent).

Personally, I avoid using the titles “QA” and “software tester” for myself because they don’t accurately describe all that I do. I also avoid the title “automation engineer” because, again, it is reductionist. I tackle software testing with the heart of a developer, and I set up test automation solutions from the ground up. I’m proud to be a software engineer who specializes in testing.


As a bonus, check out Test and Code episode 47, in which Brian Okken and I discuss what it means to be a Software Engineer in Test (among other topics).

Which title do you use to describe your role? Share in the comments below!  😉 

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