A place to post ideas for games you’ll never make yourself!

The idea is that you can control an empire via cards. These cards can be used as either Action Points, Resource Points or just using them as the card describes. These cards can have effects such as granting your units extra movement, or giving your empire a boost in a category. Or maybe a setup that allows you to have more cards later or extra passives. As your Empire Grows bigger than cards would get weaker and weaker as your influence wains. Until you conquer the world/galaxy/region. Then you get a handful of cards that dictate the ending of the game. You can have a civil war break out. Restarting the game as the Empire Fractures apart. Allowing you to choose which faction you want to control and support but with the game being significantly longer and harder. You could choose something like a Final Calamity Card. Which would either give your empire a massive natural disaster it would have to beat, or die trying. Or just end the game with a Unity Card signifying the end of your meddling. And much more.