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  Java Download

This page will allow you to download and install Java Runtime Environment

Click on the download link below and click on Run button to install immediately or Save button to save the file named JavaInstall_8u371-x32.exe for your 32 bit browsers or JavaInstall_8u371-x64.exe for your 64 bit browsers to your filesystem.

When the installation process has finished, exit your browser and restart it. Return to the initial application starting page and the browser will then load Java and start the application.

Download Java 1.8.0_371-b25 for 32 bit browser

Download Java 1.8.0_371-b25 for 64 bit browser

NOTE: For running Java 8 in ARIS system, uncheck “Use TLS 1.0 & 1.1”, check “Use TLS 1.2” and uncheck “Use SSL 2.0 compatible ClientHello Format” in 1.8 Java Control Panel’s “Advanced” tab > “Advanced Security Settings” section.
If you install/run Java 8 the first time, clear your Java cache as well. Please refer to : ARIS Java settings

Minimum system requirements and Java installed are:

Minimum Java (32/64 bits) 1.8.0_211+.

Supported browsers (32/64 bits): Internet Explorer 11, Edge, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.

Please refer to : How to Launch ARIS from Different Browsers for Users

** ARIS applications are supported on both 32 bit browsers with 32 bit Java & 64 bit browsers with 64 bit Java combinations.
** ARIS applications are supported only on full desktop/laptop installations and not supported on non-desktop clients such as mobile devices.

Click on the download link below and click onbutton to install immediately orbutton to save the file namedfor your 32 bit browsers orfor your 64 bit browsers to your filesystem.When the installation process has finished, exit your browser and restart it. Return to the initial application starting page and the browser will then load Java and start the application.