About – Bitcoin 2019 | June 25-26 | San Francisco

Bitcoin 2019 is the annual conference, expo, festival and meeting place for the Bitcoin community. The event has been inspired by Bitcoin 2013 and Bitcoin 2014 — conferences organized shortly after the technology’s inception. These were places where early adopters came and shared their enthusiasm, technical concerns and ideas for the future, all in a collaborative environment energized by the shared goal of advancing BTC. With two full days of content, industry roundtables, an exposition hall and a monthlong virtual hackathon, Bitcoin 2019 will gather the best of the community in one place and yield real results that propel the world’s first blockchain forward, making it Bitcoin’s new yearly gathering place.

Bitcoin 2019 conference

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Why Bitcoin 2019?

Bitcoin 2019 aims to reunite a fractured BTC community around collective goals, highlighting the people and organizations bringing them into reality.

Event programming is designed to be relevant and compelling to as diverse a range of the Bitcoin community as possible, while not shying away from technical discussions as well as macro-societal trends.