Animation Paper | “World’s best software for hand-drawn animation”
Dear Animators,
My name is Niels Krogh Mortensen – I’m the creator of Animation Paper.
For the past 30 years I have worked as a character animator, graphic artist, creative software developer, game designer, animation producer and animation director.
2 decades ago I founded the predecessor, Plastic Animation Paper (PAP), which became an acclaimed and very popular 2D animation tool, that helped many take the leap from good old analogue into digital.
Today, however, PAP is outdated. I’m especially embarrassed about its GUI! – though it amazingly still runs reasonably well on modern computers.
But no doubt, it needs a serious overhaul! Re-thought from scratch and built on our proven core values – and including brilliant ideas from you, our community – Animation Paper is now brought to life!
I am humbled and grateful for all your support and encouragement. Now, the world’s most awesome software for hand drawn animation is coming your way!