Ansys – Drexel Engineering Computing and Technical Services

The academic programs within the College of Engineering use a wide variety of software packages from ANSYS, including Ansys Mechanical for finite-element analysis, HFSS for electromagnetic simulation, and Fluent for computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis. The packages used by specific academic courses are available in the physical and virtual computer labs for those majors.

Campus-wide Academic Site License♯

We’re now hosting a single license containing the full set of features for both teaching and research. When installing Ansys software, please provide the following license server information when prompted:

Ansys software licensed in this way will require a VPN connection to run from off-campus locations.

Allowed Usage♯

Teaching and non-commercial research use are fully allowed.

Installing on Drexel computers♯

ANSYS installers are available to anyone at Drexel on the COE File Server @ \\\Software\ANSYS\. Please use the license server information above during the installation process. This is also the recommended method for anyone who wishes to install only a subset of the software available in each ANSYS package (Mechanical, Fluids, Electronics, etc).

Any CoE-managed computer can also install the packages via Software Center. These installers automatically install all of the software included in each ANSYS package, and do not allow for choosing specific software during the install process.

Installing on Personal Computers♯

ANSYS installers are available to anyone at Drexel on the COE File Server @ \\\Software\ANSYS\.

Ansys software is also available for students to install on personal computers via the Ansys Student Software Downloads site. Software installed via this method will not require VPN access to use, since it includes licensing.

Electronics Desktop / HFSS / Maxwell License Issues♯

If you receive “Failed to enable feature using current license settings” errors when launching Electronics Desktop, you can fix the errors by going to Tools -> Options -> General Options and the under General -> Desktop Configuration, make sure the top checkbox labeled Use Electronics Pro, Premium, Enterprise product licensing is checked. Click OK, quit the application, and relaunch.

Ansys also has a sponsorship program for student design teams to obtain licenses for Ansys software that would be useful for the team’s project. Upon request, CTS is able to host floating network licenses for groups to access, but if the software is already available above, please use that.