Autodesk Installation: Download/Install
This is a step by step break down of how to install Autodesk software. Make sure you have done the following before downloading and installing the Autodesk software: What to do to the machine before installing.
Download Autodesk Software:
Go to the website and sign in. If you do not know your login follow the instructions “How do I find my Autodesk Account sign-in information?”
Once logged into Autodesk Accounts you should be looking at Management and not Profile.
Down the middle of the webpage you should see all your Autodesk software. Scroll down to find the software you would like to install.
Select on “More Actions”
Select on “Download Now”. Why should you use Download Now? Read Jeff Lotan’s blog “Download Now” for more information.
Select your Version, Platform and language. When you click on the Download Now button you will be prompted to download and install the Autodesk Download Manager. Here is Autodesk instructions for installing the Autodesk Download Manager.
Installing the Autodesk products
When starting the installation of AutoCAD you can access the Installation Help from the bottom of the installation screen.
To begin the installation of your software, click on the Install button at the bottom of the installation screen.
Read through the Autodesk License Agreement, then click I accept at the bottom of the screen then click the Next button.
On the Product Information screen, choose a License Type and enter in your Product information. For a Network or Stand-Alone installation you must enter in the Serial Number and Product key. This can be found on the back of your media disk or packaging.
If this is the first time you are install the software and you want to just run it as a trial you can click on “I want to try this product for 30 days. This will install the software as a Standalone installation and you cannot change this installation to a Network after you have installed it. You cannot use the software more than 30 days.
If you have selected to install your software as a Network version you will need to specify the Server model you will be using and the name of your Server.
If you have entered your serial number and product key correct you will see green check marks next to the boxes if you have entered them incorrectly you will see a red X.
On the Configuration Installation screen you will want to make sure the appropriate applications are selected by putting a check mark next to the software name if you do not want to install one of the applications you will need to remove the check mark. If it’s already installed it will show INSTALLED next to it.
In order to configure each application, you will need to click on the white arrow to expand the configuration portion. This is located below the software name.
Go through the each of the configuration items carefully if you have questions about any of the items please refer to your Installation Help which can be accessed at the bottom of the Installation screen.
If you see that there is a Service Pack shown here as a blue link you can click to “Include Service Pack(s) from” and then click the “Download” button.
Once the Service Pack(s) have been downloaded for installation you will see a green check mark and “Service Pack ready for install”
When you are finish make sure to close the current configuration by clicking on the white arrow. And move onto the next software to configure. If you have your software expanded to configure you will not be able to click the button to install.
Once you are finished and ready to install click on the Install button to start the installation.
Note: It is important that you have turned off your Firewall and your Antivirus. If you are installing on a Windows 7 OS you will need to make sure your User Account Control Settings is turned off.