Ball games Word Lists | Collins English Word Lists


a board game in which balls are struck into holes, with pins as obstacles; pinball

Canadian football

a game resembling American football, played on a grass pitch between two teams of 12 players


a ball game similar to squash but played with bats or the hands


a traditional Irish game resembling hockey and lacrosse, played with sticks and a ball between two teams of 15 players each


a ball game invented by Native Americans, now played by two teams who try to propel a ball into each other’s goal by means of long-handled hooked sticks that are loosely strung with a kind of netted pouch

pocket billiards

any game played on a table in which the object is to pocket the balls, esp snooker and pool


a game resembling baseball in which a light ball is struck with the fist


a game similar to billiards with fifteen coloured balls


a ball game in which players run between posts after hitting the ball, scoring a `rounder’ if they run round all four before the ball is retrieved


a game played on a billiard table with 15 red balls, six balls of other colours, and a white cue ball. The object is to pot the balls in a certain order