Best 39 Project Management Software and Tools (2023) | Wrike

As we evolve as a civilization, technology advances to better serve our modern needs. In business, to stand still is to let your competitors gain the edge. Project management software is a means of streamlining business operations to free up time and money to spend elsewhere.

There’s nothing wrong with making calls or sending emails, but to compete in the current climate, your teams need to be in constant contact. You need project tools that allow for asynchronous communication since the world of work is increasingly remote, meaning coworkers could be on opposite ends of the earth.

52% of participants surveyed for the 2022 Buffer State of Remote Work Report would prefer an asynchronous-first workplace. Project management software is leading the way in asynchronous communication. 

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What is project management software?

Project management software is the glue that holds the fabric of the modern remote work environment together. Without it, communication is fractured, and collaboration is a pipe dream. 

So what does that mean in practice? Businesses use project management software to plot out upcoming projects on a macro and micro level. 

Project managers can use it to oversee large projects with a granular view of the resources it will take, a timeline for completion, and budget allocation. They can also use it to break down projects into bitesize tasks, then allocate those tasks to various team members. 

Using software promotes transparency which can help stakeholders stay informed of changes in scope or budget adjustments. It also helps streamline the day-to-day as each team member can visualize their workload and collaborate on tasks with one another.

What are the main types of project management software?

According to Elementum, there are four main types of project management software available on the market today. These are: individual, collaborative, integrated, and cloud-based. Of course, each one has its own merits, suitable for different types of people and teams. 


This type of project management software is individual-led, i.e., it’s installed, introduced, and managed by one person, usually a project manager (PM). A good example is spreadsheets, often the first type of management software many of us used. The PM can keep tight control of this type of software, giving users access only to what’s needed or important. This has benefits as well as limitations, and is most suitable to smaller organizations that are not anticipating significant growth or scale.


Much as it sounds, collaborative project management software involves multiple stakeholders. This type of solution allows data to be stored, accessed, and even edited by anyone with access. It serves to unite teams, departments, and even entire organizations towards common goals. If the software is good enough, it will be customizable, which helps to ensure it’s tailored for unique business styles. One key factor to bear in mind, though, is that not all collaborative solutions have the ability to process data from multiple users in real time.  


The above challenge is mostly solved by integrated project management software, which allows users to work on diverse projects simultaneously. The information generated from this work is stored in a mainframe, from which different users can access live data. One of the big advantages to this type of solution is that the centralization of data makes it easy to analyze. If the software has advanced analytical capabilities, it will be able to scan for patterns, generate metrics, and even issue reports. Data can be controlled by the use of permissions and access codes.


Nowadays, most of the leading project management software platforms are cloud-based, i.e., their services and data are hosted in the cloud. The reason why this is so popular is because it enables users to access that data from anywhere in the world, as long as they have an internet connection — ideal in today’s remote/hybrid working environment. It is also, if managed by a professional company, very secure. Most cloud-based options are also more flexible than server-based solutions, with additional customization and feature options. 

Wrike is one of the few project management solutions that combines the benefits of all four types of software in one powerful platform. It’s suitable for everyone from a single freelancer to a multinational enterprise, offering various levels of complexity to allow for easy scalability. Its award-winning collaboration features allow thousands of users to work together simultaneously, with all their work updating and saving in real time. It’s also cloud-based and exceptionally safe, with enterprise-grade security.

What are the main benefits of project management software?

If your company relies on cross-functional collaboration or teamwork, project management apps are all but essential. But the utility of these tools isn’t reserved only for teams — they can also serve freelancers and contractors looking to maximize their productivity and work efficiently with clients.

With project management software, you can equip both frontline workers and backline managers with powerful tools to oversee and execute projects in record time. Here are some of the most compelling project management software benefits:

Better project mapping

Once a project makes its way onto your desk, you’re faced with many details to iron out before it can be delivered to the client. There’s the issue of who will take charge of each aspect of the project, how you’ll manage your resources effectively, and how you can keep stakeholders in the loop every step of the way.

The best project management software wraps up the solutions to all of these problems into one easy-to-use platform. As a result, you can oversee project progress without needing to micromanage dozens of tasks due to avoidable silos and bottlenecks.

With Kanban board tools, you can move tasks from one column to the next to indicate progress along the pipeline, whereas Gantt charts will help you visualize your progress and make sure you’re working to schedule.

Most project management software will provide you with everything you need to plot out a major or minor project from start to finish. Here are some of the core features that help you in the planning phase:

  • Task management for assigning and tracking individual tasks
  • Labels, comments, and due dates for each task card to easily monitor progress 
  • Automation to reduce bottlenecks and free up time

Effective resource management

One of the toughest challenges of project management is working with time and money constraints. Poor resource management is listed as the third largest project management challenge by the Wellingtone State of Project Management Report 2021. 

For both human and financial resources, you need a system that’ll give you accurate indicators of whether you’re working within your means.

Resource management is much easier when you have project management software to set budgets for projects, view how much work your team members currently have on their plates, and track key metrics in real time.

The best project management tools provide a wealth of useful data you can use to glean valuable insights about allocating your resources.

Improved communication and collaboration

When the world went remote in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak, communication and collaboration were the first pillars of business to crumble. When direct communication lines are severed, and your coworkers aren’t a short walk away, you need to replace in-person interactions with online communication.

Specifically, it’s asynchronous communication that is most valuable in business. It’s the messages you send that don’t have to be read at that moment. The note on the task card that informs your international coworkers what they have to do to move it along. The chat message that sits in their inbox yet doesn’t distract the recipient from what they’re working on at that moment.

Project management software allows you to keep open lines of communication that accommodate a global workforce. It doesn’t require employees to drop what they’re doing to respond immediately.

The software also enables effective collaboration, as tasks fly from one column to the next and can be automatically assigned to the editor, line manager, or team leader. What’s more, project management software draws back the curtain on your work process to provide stakeholders with the full transparency they expect.

Is free project management software worth it?

From SMBs to freelancers and contractors, many people in business might be reluctant to sign up for a monthly fee to use project management software. Fortunately, there are many free plans available that accommodate those without a budget for software and still provide several features to streamline productivity.

Here are several models of free project management software:

  • Open-source: Software that’s free to download, edit, and redistribute under license
  • Freeware: Software that’s free to download but can’t be modified or redistributed
  • Shareware: Software that offers an initial free version but requires a small fee for continued use

By far, the most common free models are “freemium,” which provides a limited range of features of a premium software solution, and the free trial, which offers all the features of the premium software at no cost for a short period.

In some cases, it can be worth using free project management software if you have a startup or small business. However, once your business grows to a certain size, you’ll need to upgrade to a premium solution to access more features and add more users to the software. Plus, some free project management software can have hidden costs.

How to choose the best project management software for your business

To avoid the headache of onboarding your whole organization with a tool only to find a few months later that it lacks the features you need, it’s worth first exploring the reasons you need project management software.

Once you have a clear picture of what you’ll use the software for, you’ll be in a better position to make the right call. Here’s a three-step process for narrowing down your options and selecting the right software for your business:

Identify the core needs of each department

First, gather the team leaders and department heads and open a discussion on what the main pain points are for each group. Once you’ve drawn up a list of the most common gripes, you should be able to identify the main trends and build a solid idea of what areas need to be addressed. For example, it’s likely that the issue of communication will come up in some form. 

Maybe the marketing department head finds it hard to open the floor on individual tasks and invite input once they’ve already been assigned. Or it could be that sales reps have a hard time feeding information about clients back and forth without creating unnecessarily long email chains. Perhaps another team leader reports an issue with information being lost or hard to find.

With all this feedback, you can inform the next step of this process, which is market research. If you identify that communication is the most significant pain point, then you can rule out software that doesn’t facilitate efficient communication.

Explore the options

There are hundreds of project management platforms on the market, which makes it tricky to shortlist the few that will be most appealing to you.

That’s why it’s wise to go into the research process with a list of important criteria for you and your teams. There’s a wealth of content online compiling and comparing project management tools based on different criteria, so finding high-authority sites that pit solutions against each other is the best place to start.

Once you’ve zeroed in on a handful of viable options that satisfy your criteria and come highly recommended within your industry, it’s time to get hands-on and test them.

Make the most of free trials

Many project management solutions will offer either a free trial or a freemium model for you to try within your teams to get a feel for them.

During the trial, use the tools extensively to see if they effectively address the main pain points you outlined with your team leaders. Here are some questions that can help you rank the software:

  • How is communication within the software?
  • Do silos and bottlenecks persist when you use the tool?
  • How can team members collaborate?
  • Is there a way for stakeholders to see what’s going on?
  • What data can you view, and can you download it into digestible reports?
  • Does the task management system speed things up or make it more difficult?
  • How long does it take to get familiar with the main features?

Best 34 Project Management Software & Tools for 2022 2

Which is the best project management software in 2023?

To answer this question, we’ve drawn up a list of 39 of the most highly-rated project management software solutions in 2023. For each, we’ll break down the main features, upsides to the app, and what the customers have to say. 

1. Wrike

Wrike is an industry-leading work management platform used by more than 20,000 companies in over 140 countries. With a suite of tools for everyone from project managers to marketing heads, Wrike caters to every department in your company.

Wrike project management software features

Kanban board task management

For many remote-first companies, Kanban boards have become a cornerstone of day-to-day operations. Where once you might have assembled in a meeting room and stuck post-its on a whiteboard, you can now use a virtual interface to drag and drop your task cards from one column to the next.

With Wrike’s Kanban board feature, you and your teams can access a real-time task management dashboard for quick and easy collaboration. The Kanban board promotes full transparency, with the ability to plug in real-time updates for each individual card.

You can build custom boards for different contexts, so the marketing team has an optimized workflow for producing content while the sales team can visualize what stage of the funnel a client is currently in.

Customizable Gantt charts

While laying out all your tasks in a Kanban board can illuminate your pipeline and help you identify potential bottlenecks, this process is best suited for a weekly view. If you want to schedule tasks and projects for weeks or months down the line, adjustable Gantt charts can be a useful visual aid. 

With Wrike’s customizable Gantt charts, you can stay one step ahead with your workload by visualizing your due dates and monitoring project progress in real time. 

The Gantt charts allow you to zoom out and get a broad overview of how long your projects will take to finish, so you can better manage your and your team’s time. Workload view provides further insight into productivity levels and where you may have allocated insufficient resources.

Templates for every use case

Every business has a number of operations that can be automated or templatized to save an enormous amount of time. With Wrike, you can find templates for just about every use case to help your divisions fire on every cylinder, even when hiring new recruits or inundated with work.

Here are some examples of popular Wrike templates:

  • Actionable meeting notes 
    With the actionable meeting notes template, you can sync your meeting notes with the Wrike platform to be automatically distributed among the team once the meeting’s over. The template provides a comprehensive framework for detailing the most important takeaways from each meeting, so whoever’s in charge simply has to fill in the blanks.
  • Business continuity
    The business continuity template helps you plan for times of crisis. COVID-19 struck many businesses hard when they least expected it, proving the value of preparing ahead for debilitating crises.
  • Client contact list
    The client contact list template gives you a form for keeping a record of all your clients and their contact information.

Real-time analytics

For the ever-evolving business that’s always trying to stay a step ahead of the competition, Wrike’s real-time analytics provide valuable insights into company-wide performance. 

With customizable dashboards and reports, you can see all the most important metrics at a glance to make data-driven decisions that drive your business forward.

Never again will the time and energy spent on each project go unnoticed. Wrike’s data lets you keep tabs on every single project so you can decide how to prioritize and optimize for rapid scaling.

Resource planning

Without accurate resource planning, your projects are much more likely to exceed the financial budget, stretch your employees too thin, or take time away from other important tasks. 

Wrike’s advanced resource management features make it easy for team members to view and access resources. You can prioritize tasks to avoid the issues of under-utilization or time spent on less important tasks, optimize performance with smart assignments, and hit your targets every time by channeling your resources effectively. 

Highlights of Wrike project management software

  • Create custom workflows for every department
  • Track KPIs and OKRs with real-time analytics
  • Use Kanban boards and Gantt charts to manage tasks and visualize progress
  • Access dozens of templates to optimize day-to-day operations 
  • View projects in different ways with customizable dashboards
  • Get stakeholder input with 360-degree visibility

Pricing plans

  • Free – $0 
  • Professional – $9.80 per user/month

    (billed annually)

  • Business – $24.80 per user/month

    (billed annually)

  • Enterprise – Custom pricing for large teams

    (billed annually)

  • Pinnacle – Custom pricing for teams with complex needs

Customer ratings and reviews

Capterra rating: 4.3/5 (2367 customers)

Customers enjoy how Wrike lets them create natural workflows and manage their projects effectively. For many, it has become an essential tool for project management, allowing for quick collaboration between internal teams. 

Some customers noted that there’s a learning curve to get the most out of the tool’s features. We find that while you can certainly get quite a bit out of Wrike “out of the box,” this sentiment becomes true as users experience some of our more nuanced and complex features designed to conquer the more difficult challenges set forth by scaling businesses. As a result, the learning becomes well worth the investment.

2. Zoho Projects

Zoho Projects falls within the Zoho suite of tools, which includes a CRM, recruitment system, and sales platform. It’s a useful project management solution for current Zoho users as data can be synced easily between the various tools for cross-functional collaboration. 

The software specializes in task management and automation, allowing project managers to oversee projects and team members to collaborate on individual tasks. It’s primarily geared towards the real estate industry, with a host of tools to facilitate optimal real estate management. 

Adding data to multiple custom fields can prove difficult with the lack of a multi-select option, and code often appears alongside the data.

Zoho project management software features

Blueprints: In the real estate industry, tasks can quickly get out of hand and require the input of many teams. Zoho Project’s blueprints let you set up tasks that require approval to move along the pipeline and allow for notifications once the approval has been granted.

Issue management: With Zoho Projects, you can easily identify and flag issues in your work. Add custom views to highlight the most important or time-sensitive bugs to address.

Highlights of Zoho project management software

  • Use Gantt charts to identify and assign critical tasks with baselines to ensure consistent progress
  • Create dependencies to map out relationships between tasks and complete them in a specified order
  • Track tasks with drag-and-drop Kanban boards the whole team can use
  • Identify and address key bottlenecks with issue management 
  • Map out complicated tasks using clear blueprints that require approval and issue notifications once approved

Pricing plans

  • Free – $0 up to 3 users
  • Premium – $5 per user/month
  • Enterprise – $10 per user/month

Customer ratings and reviews

Capterra rating: 4.3/5 (307customers)

Customers praise how the software helps teams break down tasks and its suitability for more technical projects. Some customers noted that adding data could be cumbersome, with no multi-select option and lines of code appearing alongside data.

3. Notion

Notion is a workspace platform that allows teams to build custom dashboards and workflows from the ground up for different contexts. It’s best for design and engineering teams that value creativity and customization as core pillars of project management. 

While it offers many customization options, Notion’s collaboration features can be limited for teams that require constant communication on recurring tasks.

Notion project management software features

Sidebar index: One of Notion’s key project management features is its sidebar index, which acts as a quick reference point for every important task and project on your plate. You can customize your sidebar index to reflect your priorities and switch tasks and context easily.

Internal knowledge base: Notion allows users to build a comprehensive internal knowledge base so that all relevant information to the team or department is indexed and searchable.

Highlights of Notion project management software

  • Custom Gantt and Kanban boards let you stay on top of tasks
  • The sidebar index shows you your most important tasks or projects at a glance
  • Search relevant information with an internal knowledge base
  • Create custom wikis to share with your team, including any pertinent information for a particular client or project type

Pricing plans

  • Personal – $0 
  • Plus – $10 per user /month

    (billed monthly)

  • Business – $18 per user /month

    (billed monthly)

  • Enterprise – Custom

Customer ratings and reviews

Capterra rating: 4.7/5 (1537 customers)

Customers enjoy using Notion for all the customization options and layouts it offers, allowing for fully personalized workspaces and workflows. The lack of collaboration features, especially for recurring tasks, can make it tricky for users to stay in touch for ongoing projects.

4. Confluence

Confluence, an Atlassian product, is designed for knowledge management and project management and mostly caters to the DevOps space. The software is ideal for technical use cases, though there aren’t many ways to export data effectively.

Confluence project management software features

IP allowlisting: Designate a trusted IP range to secure your work and protect it from users without permission to modify it.

Sandbox: Get hands-on with apps and products before they go live in Confluence’s sandbox area. This feature lets you see a product from every angle and put it through various tests to understand how it might feel to the end user.

Highlights of Confluence project management software

  • Robust security measures such as IP allowlisting ensure your work is protected at all times
  • The sandbox gives you the option to rigorously test products before releasing them
  • Access to Atlassian analytics allows you to make data-driven decisions
  • Team calendars help schedule your workload and manage your resources

Pricing plans

  • Free – $0 up to 10 users
  • Standard – $5.75 per user/month

    (billed monthly)

  • Premium – $11 per user/month

    (billed monthly)

  • Enterprise – Custom

Customer ratings and reviews

Capterra rating: 4.4/5 (2873 customers)

Customers like how easy Confluence is to use and how quickly employees can start using it. Its documentation-sharing features are often mentioned as a highlight. A common reservation among customers is the difficulty in exporting data from the platform.

5. ClickUp

ClickUp is a conventional project management software solution that suits most remote work environments. Teams can collaborate effectively with task management features, though notifications can come thick and fast sometimes.

ClickUp project management software features

Document hub: Create your own internal documents, wikis, and knowledge bases to speed up the onboarding process and reduce overreliance on team leaders.

Checklists: Add task lists to break down tasks into bitesize activities and more accurately track exactly where each team member is at.

Highlights of ClickUp project management software

  • Use mind maps to plot out projects and tasks visually
  • The document hub can clarify details to save team leaders’ time
  • Checklists allow for granular task tracking
  • Task dependencies help you identify bottlenecks so you can eliminate them
  • Google Calendar integration allows for two-way syncing, so your team is less likely to miss deadlines

Pricing plans

  • Free Forever – $0
  • Unlimited – $9 per user/month

    (billed monthly)

  • Business – $19 per user/month

    (billed monthly)

  • Business Plus – $29 per user/month

    (billed monthly)

  • Enterprise – Custom

Customer ratings and reviews

Capterra rating: 4.7/5 (3634 customers)

Customers appreciate how ClickUp allows them to capture client feedback and track various tasks and projects. A common issue raised is how notifications can sometimes flood users’ dashboards and email.

6. Airtable

Airtable brings all the utility of the spreadsheet to project management, combining it with powerful task management features. The result is a solution for storing and displaying data, collaborating with team members, and setting up custom automated workflows.

With Airtable, there are plenty of useful technical features, though the UI can get disorganized quickly.

Airtable project management software features

Various project views: With Airtable, you can shift your perspective on projects and tasks with calendar, Kanban, and gallery views for displaying information in a way that makes sense to you and your team.

Custom workflows: Custom workflows are the lifeblood of many creative teams as they conform to the way you work and can factor in details important to your projects. Airtable’s workflows allow for automation, approval requests, and status updates.

Highlights of Airtable project management software

  • Switch vantage points with calendar, Kanban, and gallery views to see your data in new ways 
  • Set up custom workflows for each team so they can work to their strengths and adapt to each project’s specific requirements
  • Use approval requests to get the green light on projects before setting them in motion
  • Add status updates to inform others of risks, upcoming due dates, or other key information
  • Allocate resources more efficiently with access to data and reports

Pricing plans

  • Free – $0
  • Plus – $12 per seat/month

    (billed monthly)

  • Pro – $24 per seat/month

    (billed monthly)

  • Enterprise – Custom

Customer ratings and reviews

Capterra rating: 4.7/5 (1396 customers)

Customers praise Airtable for its features which allow for effective cross-functional collaboration between teams and departments. The UI can feel a little complicated to some users and makes it hard to find what they’re looking for.

7. is a Work Operating System (Work OS) that provides developer-level workflow customization without requiring any coding knowledge. The project management software offers includes various templates and tools to optimize operations and help your teams work toward higher productivity levels.

The software displays a lot of information for teams, yet sometimes it can get lost in long chains of events. project management software features

Custom dashboards: allows users to create custom dashboards and view project information from different angles. With these dashboards, project managers and team leaders can assess progress at a glance based on real-time data from timelines and budget information.

Automations: offers powerful automation features to streamline work processes. Tasks can be set up with automatic reminders close to due dates, and team leaders can create ‘if this, then that’ scenarios to speed up progress.

Highlights of project management software

  • Access to over 100 different templates for smooth day-to-day operations
  • Custom dashboards and views allow managers and team leaders to gain crucial oversight into progress and performance
  • 40+ integrations with popular tools extend the utility of the software
  • Automations help tasks move down the pipeline and eliminate bottlenecks along the way
  • Kanban boards allow for straightforward task management functionality

Pricing plans

  • Individual – $0
  • Basic – $10 per seat/month

    (billed monthly)

  • Standard – $12 per seat/month

    (billed monthly)

  • Pro – $20 per seat/month

    (billed monthly)

  • Enterprise – Custom

Customer ratings and reviews

Capterra rating: 4.6/5 (3823 customers)

Customers appreciate the automation and ease of collaboration with, as well as the ability to track progress. For some, the layout can be hard to follow, and information is difficult to track.

8. Hive

Hive is a project management tool that combines messaging, time tracking, and automation with standard task management features. The platform is regularly updated with features requested by its users in the Hive community forum.

A hive of activity at times, the software can sometimes border on information overload with notifications and requests.

Hive project management software features

Time tracking: Hive allows team members to track the time they spend on individual tasks, while project managers can assess the overall time spent by the team.

Messaging: Hive offers an in-app messenger and integrates with Gmail and Outlook.

Highlights of Hive project management software

  • Quick messaging through the in-app messenger or email integration 
  • Community-inspired feature creation based on user feedback
  • Time tracking for the whole team 
  • Various project overviews for data at a glance

Pricing plans

  • Free – $0
  • Teams – $18 per user/month (billed monthly)
  • Enterprise – Custom

Customer ratings and reviews

Capterra rating: 4.5/5 (180 customers)

Hive facilitates all-in-one project management, and many customers comment on how easy it is to access everything in one place. For some, notifications and requests can get lost in all the information.

9. Kintone

Kintone is a project management platform for centralizing your data and creating custom workflows for different teams. The software offers data management alongside core task management features. Kintone provides insights into data yet has limited customization options.

Kintone project management software features

Data management: With Kintone, you can convert spreadsheets into live databases that every team member can view and update.

Centralized project management: Manage all your projects in one place with Kintone’s drag-and-drop builder, which helps turn complex projects into digestible workflows.

Highlights of Kintone project management software

  • Take control of your data and display it in databases for the whole team to see
  • Centralized project management allows you to create custom workflows
  • Generate reports to visualize your sales pipeline 
  • The Kintone mobile app allows you to plug into the ecosystem on the go

Pricing plans

  • $24 per user/month (minimum five users)

Customer ratings and review

Capterra rating: 4.7/5 (142 customers)

Customers enjoy using Kintone to build accurate data reports for monitoring progress and performance. Some customers believe that there’s a lack of customization options.

10. Smartsheet

Smartsheet is a visual-focused project management platform. The software uses cloud-based spreadsheets and automated workflows to cater to different teams and contexts.

If you’re comfortable with handling data and technical processes, Smartsheet can be an invaluable tool, though the causes behind user errors aren’t made obvious within the software.

Smartsheet project management software features

Process management: With Smartsheet, you can view all your projects in one place, manage approval requests, and use blueprints to set up tailored workflows.

Content management: For creative businesses that produce content consistently, Smartsheet offers tools such as task management, automated alerts, and dashboards that offer full visibility.

Highlights of Smartsheet project management software

  • Data-rich dashboards allow you to visualize all project information
  • Set up automated workflows for your projects using blueprints
  • Create automated alerts to ensure deadlines are always met
  • Manage resources and assets and track them for performance

Pricing plans

  • Free – $0

  • Pro – $9 per user/month (billed monthly; max 10 users)

  • Business – $32 per user/month (billed monthly; minimum 3 users)

  • Enterprise – Custom

Customer ratings and reviews

Capterra rating: 4.5/5 (2875 customers)

According to customers, Smartsheet is a great option for quickly creating forms and applying workflows. With the lack of transparency over the causes behind user errors, some customers believe it can sometimes be hard to know what went wrong.

11. GanttPro

GanttPro is project management software that uses Gantt charts to display relevant data and help you organize tasks among teams. As a browser-based tool, GanttPro can be prone to refresh rate issues, which could affect the real-time accuracy of timelines.

GanttPro project management software features

Budget tracking: You can use GanttPro to set a budget for individual projects and ensure you stay within your spending limits. Track labor and material resources, and set values per item, per hour, or by cost.

Custom displays: View tasks and projects in Gantt charts, grid view, board view, or portfolio view for a holistic perspective on your progress.

Highlights of GanttPro project management software

  • Various ways to view and visualize your data and assess team progress 
  • Budget tracking reduces the risk of overspending
  • Real-time data syncing allows you to collaborate effectively with coworkers
  • Track time in the platform as a valuable performance metric

Pricing plans

  • Basic – $9.99 per user/month (billed monthly; minimum 5 users)

  • PRO – $15.99 per user/month (billed monthly; minimum 5 users)

  • Business – $24.99 per user/month (billed monthly; minimum 5 users)

  • Enterprise – Custom

Customer ratings and reviews

Capterra rating: 4.8/5 (408 customers)

Customers appreciate the visual aspect of GanttPro and how it allows them to see their data at a glance. Many customers note that the browser-based version can suffer from refresh rate issues.

12. MeisterTask

MeisterTask offers users a Kanban system for straightforward drag-and-drop project management. The platform is excellent for simple project management needs yet doesn’t provide comprehensive data and analytics for advanced use cases.

MeisterTask project management software features

Kanban boards: With Kanban boards, MeisterTask allows team members to communicate and collaborate directly through task cards. Add comments, labels, and more to keep coworkers in the loop.

Project timeline: The calendar timeline provides team leaders with an insight into progress and shows if the team is on track to meet its targets and hit deadlines.

Highlights of MeisterTask project management software

  • Kanban boards allow for asynchronous communication between coworkers
  • The project timeline provides a visual overview of team progress
  • A built-in time tracker lends an additional metric to track performance

Pricing plans

  • Basic – $0
  • Pro – $12.49/month (billed annually) 

  • Business – $22.49/month (billed annually)

  • Enterprise – Custom

Customer ratings and reviews

Capterra rating: 4.7/5 (1,114 customers)

Customers like the simplicity of MeisterTask, citing its user-friendly features and collaboration tools as highlights. The tool has less data and analytics than similar project management tools in the view of some customers.

13. Xebrio

Xebrio is a project management platform bringing requirements management into the fold to streamline workflows subject to approval from various parties. It can be complicated to get to grips with Xebrio, but it provides many useful features for businesses.

Xebrio project management software features

Requirements management: Xebrio allows users to get stakeholders and key decision-makers involved from the start of any major project. Outline requirements from the outset, finalize them with stakeholders, and begin the project with the express permission of all parties involved. 

Milestone tracking: Set regular milestones to show stakeholders how each project is progressing.

Highlights of Xebrio project management software

  • Get full approval and input from stakeholders for each major project
  • Use milestones as a measure of progress
  • Monitor the status of individual tasks

Pricing plans

  • Requirements management – $5 per user/month

  • Requirements and test coverage – $10 per user/month

  • Enterprise – Custom

Customer ratings and reviews

Capterra rating: 4.5 (2)

Customers like how you can easily group tasks and manage your schedules with Xebrio. Some customers feel the tool is complicated to use.

14. ProWorkflow

ProWorkflow is a solution for managing tasks and customizing workflows according to your business and brand needs. The tool allows for external and internal collaboration, though navigating projects and showing clients where to go can be time-consuming.

ProWorkflow project management software features

Workload view: Use the project board view to visualize each team member’s workload and allocate resources effectively.

Timesheet reporting: With ProWorkflow, you can use a live time tracker or manually enter hours into a timesheet to create detailed reports for tracking this important performance metric.

Highlights of ProWorkflow project management software

  • View each team member’s workload for effective resource management
  • Log time with various options to track performance
  • Create custom workflows based on each team’s needs

Pricing plans

  • Professional – $20 per user/month
  • Advanced – $30 per user/month

Customer ratings and reviews

Capterra rating: 4.5/5 (248 customers)

ProWorkFlow receives a lot of praise for its clear task assignments and priority filters. Some customers find it difficult to read the data with the table view.

15. Kissflow Project

Kissflow Project uses data and task management features to fuel better decision-making for your team’s projects. It’s a good option for creating workflows, though migrating them can cause users some issues.

Kissflow Project project management software features

Task states: Use Kissflow Project’s task states feature to keep everyone on the team updated on the status of each task.

Data reports: Data-driven decisions are the best way to drive your business forward, and Kissflow Project provides multiple report types to display useful data.

Highlights of Kissflow Project project management software

  • Use flow efficiency charts, cumulative flow diagrams, and other reports to display useful data
  • Manage tasks and assess progress with task states
  • Use four different views to visualize your projects and tasks

Pricing plans

  • Small business – $15 per user/month (billed annually, 50 users minimum)

  • Corporate – $20 per user/month (billed annually, 100 users minimum)

  • Enterprise – Custom

Customer ratings and reviews

Capterra rating: 3.9/5 (36 customers)

Customers say that Kissflow Project has allowed them to complete their work faster with workflows. For many, workflow migration proved difficult and ineffective.

16. Asana

Asana offers a project management software platform for businesses of all sizes. The tool combines file storage, project roadmaps, dashboards, and more in one interface for comprehensive project management.

Asana has a solution for all things project management, though recurring tasks are more tricky to organize than others.

Asana project management software features

Workflow Builder: Asana’s Workflow Builder feature offers users a visual tool for creating custom workflows and connecting team members. Workflows allow team members to approve requests, coordinate tasks, and benefit from integrations.

Strategic goals: With strategic goals in Asana, project managers can provide direction to teams and set up metrics to track performance along the way.

Highlights of Asana project management software

  • Workflow Builder provides teams with a convenient way of collaborating on tasks and projects
  • Setting strategic goals within the app ensures all team members are on the same page
  • Gantt chart timelines provide an insightful overview of resource allocation and overall progress
  • Real-time data reports allow for course corrections before it’s too late
  • 200+ app integrations such as Google Drive to help teams communicate, automate, and much more

Pricing plans

  • Basic – $0
  • Premium – $13.49 per user/month (billed monthly)

  • Business – $30.49 per user/month

    (billed monthly)

  • Enterprise – Custom

Customer ratings and reviews

Capterra rating: 4.5/5 (11,969 customers)

Customers praise Asana for how easy it is to keep team members informed and up to date with project information. Some customers claim that the interface can get hard to read, and it can be difficult to see who has access to information.

17. TeamGantt

TeamGantt offers Gantt chart visualization for planning and managing complex projects. It’s a powerful data visualization tool, even if navigating through the charts can take some getting used to.

TeamGantt project management software features

Timeline customization: Due to TeamGantt’s Gantt chart-based project management, managers can view individual tasks and project progress at a glance. Team leaders can also edit as necessary, changing start and end dates and reordering tasks.

Team visibility: With a comprehensive overview of everything your team is working on, you can accurately assess workload and team availability. 

Highlights of TeamGantt project management software

  • Map out your tasks and projects on a timeline you can edit whenever you need to
  • See team availability and workload for real-time resource management
  • Quickly share updates with both internal and external stakeholders
  • View reports to see if your team is meeting its targets

Pricing plans

  • Free – $0 up to 3 users

  • Lite – $24 per manager/month (billed monthly)

  • Pro – $59 per manager/month (billed monthly)

  • Enterprise – $99 per manager/month (billed monthly)

Customer ratings and reviews

Capterra rating: 4.6/5 (194customers)

Customers like how TeamGantt lets them track the resource use of team members. A common complaint is that it’s tricky to navigate the software and find the right project.

18. Accelo

Accelo offers project management features tailored to your business needs. It offers a wide range of features, making it well-suited to businesses with several departments and perhaps less so to individuals and SMBs.

Accelo project management software features

Retainer management: Manage your client contracts and recurring revenue streams with the Accelo platform.

Project billing: Issue accurate invoices to your clients upon the successful completion of a project and track them all in one place.

Highlights of Accelo project management software

  • Accounting features to help balance the company books
  • Manage client contracts without relying on various third-party tools
  • Draw up invoices and view them in one place

Pricing plans

  • Plus – $30 per product/user/month (billed monthly; minimum five users)

  • Premium – $49 per product/user/month (billed monthly; minimum five users)

Customer ratings and reviews

Capterra rating: 4.4/5 (155 customers)

Customers appreciate how Accelo lets them set up front-to-back automation to streamline work operations. For some customers, the software has too many features, and some can feel diluted.

19. ProjectManager

ProjectManager serves up a plethora of features, from planning to tracking projects. It caters to many business needs, though a lack of automation in some areas makes manual data entry a necessity.

ProjectManager software features

Agile sprints: ProjectManager lets you set up Agile sprints with milestones so you can track your team’s progress effectively.

Resource planning: Allocate your resources and see exactly how they’re being spent to inform future decisions.

Highlights of ProjectManager software

  • Set up Agile sprints to streamline task progress
  • Visualize your resources and allocate them within the platform 
  • Schedule tasks and projects and assign team members to them

Pricing plans

  • Team – $16 per user/month (billed monthly)

  • Business – $28 per user/month (billed monthly)

  • Enterprise – Custom

Customer ratings and reviews

Capterra rating: 4.1/5 (336 customers)

Customers appreciate how easy it is to track consistent tasks and projects with ProjectManager. Many customers note that poor customer service led to issues.

20. Planview AdaptiveWork

Planview AdaptiveWork offers a suite of tools for enterprise-level project management. The software has many planning features, yet not as many integrations as some other tools.

Planview AdaptiveWork project management software features

Agile planning: Make the most of Agile practices to scale your business and upgrade your team’s productivity. Kanban boards, interconnected teams, and business strategy can all help you hit your enterprise goals.

Portfolio management: Analyze your portfolio in real time with detailed analytics and embedded reports, including KPIs. 

Highlights of Planview AdaptiveWork project management software

  • Enterprise-level Agile features allow for project management at scale
  • Manage your portfolio with real-time data
  • Automate professional services for smoother workflows

Pricing plans

  • Enterprise – $45 per user/month (billed monthly)
  • Unlimited – $60 per user/month (billed monthly)

Customer ratings and reviews

Capterra rating: 4.2/5 (173 customers)

Customers praise Planview AdaptiveWork for how it supports teamwork and different work methods. For some, there aren’t enough integrations with third-party tools.

21. Todoist

Todoist is a to-do list app that allows users to organize their tasks with labels, categories, and more. The lack of an in-app calendar can make it tricky to visualize future events with due dates, but you do have the option of syncing data with Google Calendar.

Todoist project management software features

Quick Add: Capture all your thoughts and tasks quickly and efficiently, then arrange them into categorized to-do lists.

Range of integrations: Todoist offers 60+ third-party integrations, including Google Calendar, Gmail, and voice assistants.

Highlights of Todoist project management software

  • Quickly add tasks to categorized to-do lists
  • Use integrations to add action items to your email or calendar
  • Add comments or labels for clarity

Pricing plans

  • Free – $0 
  • Pro – $5/month (billed monthly)
  • Business – $8/month (billed monthly)

Customer ratings and reviews

Capterra rating: 4.6/5 (2,201 customers)

Customers enjoy the sense of accomplishment Todoist facilitates with every task completed. Some users found the software complicated to use effectively in the beginning.

22. Scoro

Scoro is project management software that provides detailed project breakdowns, including milestones and real-time data. Scoro’s pricing is better suited to big businesses and could be too steep for SMBs or freelancers.

Scoro project management software features

KPI dashboard: The KPI dashboard shows potential bottlenecks and opportunities and can help you create a roadmap for future success based on real-time data.

Real-time Gantt chart: Use the Gantt chart to track progress in real time, monitor tasks and their dependencies, and gain insights into team performance.

Highlights of Scoro project management software

  • Access to real-time data insights with the dashboard
  • Visual overview of projects and performance with Gantt charts 
  • Built-in time tracker and manual entry timesheets allow you to track time effectively

Pricing plans

  • Essential – $28 per user/month (billed monthly; minimum five users)

  • Standard – $42 per user/month (billed monthly; minimum five users)

  • Pro – $71 per user/month (billed monthly; minimum five users)

  • Ultimate – Custom

Customer ratings and reviews

Capterra rating: 4.6/5 (218 customers)

Customers like how Scoro offers an all-in-one solution for project management that works for most businesses. Some customers feel the pricing is too expensive for SMBs.

23. Adobe Workfront

Adobe Workfront is a marketing-focused project management solution. A feature-packed tool, Workfront can be overwhelming and a significant expense for SMBs, but serves enterprise-level businesses well.

Adobe Workfront project management software features

Scenario Planner: You can create scenarios and run outcomes with Workfront’s Scenario Planner to prepare for various situations.

Strategic goal-setting: Set concrete, measurable goals you and your team can work toward.

Highlights of Adobe Workfront project management software

  • Set strategic goals for your team to follow
  • Detailed dashboards for insightful analytics into business performance
  • Use the Scenario Planner to stay one step ahead

Pricing plans

  • Pro – Based on quote

  • Business – Based on quote

  • Enterprise – Based on quote

Customer ratings and reviews

Capterra rating: 4.3/5 (1,290 customers)

Many customers comment on how Workfront has powerful analytics and collaboration tools. For some customers, Workfront doesn’t offer enough tools for organizing projects beyond assigning due dates.

24. is a platform for managing projects with external contributors. The platform provides an all-in-one interface that can help you see everything involved in a project but can become busy at times. project management software features

Overview dashboard: With complete visibility, users can see every aspect of a project on the dashboard.

Complete project management: allows you to manage tasks, attach files, and organize payments and people for creating and completing projects.

Highlights of Scoro project management software

  • View everything related to a project in one interface
  • Manage every aspect of a project 
  • Communicate and collaborate with coworkers through in-app tools

Pricing plans

  • Free – $0 (up to 5 users)

  • Team – $10 per user/month (billed monthly)

  • Agency – $14 per user/month (billed monthly)

Customer ratings and reviews

Capterra rating: 4.9/5 (199 customers)

Customers like using as it offers useful time management features for scheduling projects. Some say that the interface can be busy at times.

25. RoboHead

RoboHead is a platform for in-house marketing teams and creative agencies. The project management software offers analytics for marketing, yet the data can be difficult to extract for detailed reports.

RoboHead project management features

Project requests: RoboHead streamlines the process of starting new projects — clients can make a request with unlimited fields, which is then passed on with automated workflows.

Creative collaboration: Annotation and approval tools make it easy for teams to review projects and pass on feedback.

Highlights of RoboHead project management software

  • Receive custom client requests for projects and immediately start work on them
  • Annotate and approve projects to remove bottlenecks
  • Schedule tasks and projects using team availability information 

Pricing plans

  • Contact for pricing

Customer ratings and reviews

Capterra rating: 4.5/5 (128 customers)

Customers enjoy how RoboHead allows them to add comments and attach photos to tasks. For some customers, it can be tricky to collaborate without subtasks.

26. Float

Float is a platform for managing tasks and resources. With access to a wealth of financial data, businesses can meticulously manage resources, though scrolling through the large grid interface can be time-consuming.

Float project management software features

Resource scheduling: Find out what resources you have to work with for various projects and search for anything on your schedule through the platform.

Capacity management: Schedule employee time off and allocate tasks and projects according to each team member’s capacity.

Highlights of Float project management software

  • Stay within budget with resource scheduling 
  • Assign tasks to team members based on their capacity
  • Manual time entry gives you access to an important KPI

Pricing plans

  • Resource planning – $7.50 per user/month (billed monthly)

  • Resource planning + time tracking – $12.50 per user/month (billed monthly)

  • Plus pack add-on – $7.50 additional per user/month (billed monthly)

Customer ratings and reviews

Capterra rating: 4.5/5 (1,403 customers)

For many customers, Float offers convenient scheduling and in-depth reporting. Some customers feel the software falls short with its integrations.

27. Basecamp

Basecamp is a digital HQ that works well for small teams seeking complete project management functionality, but at scale, it lacks core features for cross-functional collaboration between teams.

Basecamp project management software features

To-do lists: Set up to-do lists for different projects with notes and file attachments.

Message boards: Message boards allow team members to stay in constant communication regarding a particular project.

Highlights of Basecamp project management software

  • Communicate according to context or specific projects with message boards
  • Use to-do lists to break projects into achievable tasks
  • Schedule future projects with due dates and calendar integration

Pricing plans

  • Basecamp – $15 per user/month 

  • Basecamp Pro Unlimited – $349 per month (billed monthly; unlimited users)

Customer ratings and reviews

Capterra rating: 4.3/5 (14,131 customers)

Customers appreciate how Basecamp acts as a digital hub for them and their teams to track and complete projects. For some customers, the various versions of Basecamp can make things complicated. 

28. Timely

Timely is an automatic time-tracking tool for logging time spent on various tasks and projects. The tool allows for idle time detection and accurate payroll, but it can take a while to get up to speed due to a lack of training resources.

Timely project management software features

Billing: Timely offers accurate client billing with reports based on hours logged.

Team tracking: Monitor teams and individuals with an insightful dashboard that provides a bird’s-eye view of important data.

Highlights of Timely project management software

  • Guarantee accurate payroll and client billing with hours logged
  • Track team productivity via time spent on various tasks and projects
  • Get notifications for project updates, such as budget movements

Pricing plans 

  • Build – $20/month (billed monthly)
  • Elevate –  $30/month (billed monthly)
  • Innovate – $35/month (billed monthly)

Customer ratings and reviews

Capterra rating: 4.7/5 (649 customers)

Customers comment that Timely is a straightforward solution for timekeeping and invoicing accurately. For some customers, the client-facing feature, due to many notifications and reminders, caused communication problems.

29. TimeCamp

TimeCamp offers project profitability combined with time tracking. The software makes billing clients straightforward, though there’s no option to filter reports to sort through the most relevant data.

TimeCamp project management software features

Project profitability tracking: Users can visualize the budget spent on particular projects over time with a line graph. 

Productivity insights: Team leaders can keep tabs on team productivity according to how many hours each member spends on different tasks.

Highlights of TimeCamp project management software

  • Monitor how profitable a project is over time
  • Access time data that can inform team productivity and individual performance
  • Separate billable and non-billable hours for accurate billing

Pricing plans

  • Free – $0
  • Basic – $8.99 per user/month (billed monthly)

  • Pro – $11.99 per user/month (billed monthly)

  • Enterprise – Custom

Customer ratings and reviews

Capterra rating: 4.7/5 (584 customers)

According to many customers, Timecamp’s best feature is showing the profitability of specific projects. Some customers found the software’s lack of data filtering to be a problem.

30. Celoxis

Celoxis offers a data-driven platform for collaboration and project management. The platform can help teams execute every aspect of a project, but the busy interface can sometimes get in the way of clarity.

Celoxis project management software features

Project request tracking: Receive project requests from clients, sort them based on KPIs, and assign employees based on capacity.

Project accounting: Celoxis allows users to track their profits and margins, forecast revenue, and set up custom financial KPIs.

Highlights of Celoxis project management software

  • Use financial data to create accurate forecasts 
  • Track project requests and assign work based on capacity
  • Plan projects with automatic scheduling and project dependencies

Pricing plans

  • Cloud – $25 per user/month (billed monthly)

  • On-Premise – Custom (billed once)

Customer ratings and reviews

Capterra rating: 4.4/5 (288 customers)

Customers praise the ease of tracking projects and progress with Celoxis, especially for SMBs. For some customers, the UX caused navigation problems due to its complexity.

31. Nifty

Nifty combines various project management features in one platform. Though it provides chat, calendar syncing, and many more features, this is reflected in Nifty’s pricing, which may deter small businesses.

Nifty project management software features

Discussions: Discussions allow users to share files from various sources with team members and create context-specific conversation threads.

Gantt chart milestones: Gantt chart milestones act as visual indicators of project progress.

Highlights of Nifty project management software

  • Use Discussions to manage project-based communication
  • Visualize progress with milestones
  • Track data with the project overview dashboard

Pricing plans

  • Free – $0
  • Starter – $9 per member/month (billed monthly)

  • Pro – $16 per member/month (billed monthly)

  • Business – $25 per member/month (billed monthly)

  • Unlimited – Custom

Customer ratings and reviews

Capterra rating: 4.7/5 (396 customers)

Nifty offers excellent milestone configuration and project management features in the eyes of many customers. Some customers note that Nifty’s pricing can be steep for SMBs.

32. Forecast

Forecast is a resource management platform with project-related features. The tool enables sophisticated resource planning, provided you have time to put things into place and set everything up first.

Forecast project management software features

Auto schedule: Auto schedule automates project planning, mapping out future tasks visually.

Resource management: Workload balancing and time registration features help managers manage resources efficiently.

Highlights of Forecast project management software

  • Budget appropriately for projects with resource management features
  • Auto schedule does the heavy lifting of planning future projects 
  • Create custom data dashboards to monitor KPIs

Pricing plans

  • Lite – $29 per user/month (billed annually)

  • Pro – Custom

  • Plus – Custom

Customer ratings and reviews

Capterra rating: 4.5/5 (59 customers)

Customers enjoy the time-tracking features of Forecast and how easy it makes creating and following processes. Time entry has been an issue for some customers.

33. Trello

Trello is a Kanban-based tool that allows for simple drag-and-drop project management. The platform is excellent for optimizing team-based productivity but perhaps falls short for department or company-wide project management.

Trello project management software features

Kanban boards: Trello is one of the best Kanban board tools for simple project management. 

Custom cards: Add due dates, comments, and more to individual task cards to pass on all the relevant information to other team members.

Highlights of Trello project management software

  • Fast team-based project management with drag-and-drop Kanban boards
  • Create custom task cards to minimize bottlenecks
  • Use workflow automation to free up time

Pricing plans

  • Free – $0
  • Standard – $6 per user/month (billed monthly)

  • Premium – $12.50 per user/month (billed monthly)

  • Enterprise – $17.50 per user/month (billed annually)

Customer ratings and reviews

Capterra rating: 4.5/5 (22,443 customers)

Many customers praise Trello’s straightforward Kanban task management and ease of use. For some customers, Trello can be awkward compared to other project management tools.

34. Teamwork

Teamwork is a project management platform designed for client work, particularly marketing, creative, and professional services teams. It has a short learning curve, which helps users get started quickly, and excellent customer service if help is needed. However, it doesn’t rate quite as strongly as other options for its collaboration functionality.

Teamwork project management software features

Billable and cost rates: Because it’s built with clients in mind, Teamwork has strong time and budget management features, including the ability to set rates for each team member or project.

Burndown reporting: This feature calculates the rate at which tasks are completed, helping to measure if a task is on track for on-time completion. 

Highlights of Teamwork project management software

  • Set up a custom domain for your team, along with custom logos for a site or project

  • Lean on pre-built templates or create custom templates with additional fields

  • Grant unlimited access so clients can view, edit, and comment on tasks

Pricing plans

  • Free – €0

  • Starter – $8.99 per user/month (billed monthly)

  • Deliver – $13.99 per user/month (billed monthly)

  • Grow – $24.99 per user/month (billed monthly)

Customer ratings and reviews

Capterra rating: 4.5/5 (805 customers)

Customers are fans of Teamwork’s ease of use and ability to keep track of multiple projects, programs, and portfolios. Some customers feel that it is still lacking in some advanced features, though, compared to other project management solutions.

35. LiquidPlanner

Now part of the Tempo group, LiquidPlanner is a predictive project management and resource management tool that helps businesses control and manage risks across multiple projects.

LiquidPlanner project management software features

Dynamic timeline view: the most popular method of viewing ongoing workflows, this Gantt chart updates in real time.

Forecasting engine: this powerful tool helps management resource teams to predict project performance, assess risk, and establish completion dates with up to 90% accuracy.

Highlights of LiquidPlanner project management software

  • Automatic resource leveling optimizes schedules, avoiding burnout and downtime

  • Align people, projects, and priorities in a shared portfolio

  • Track time, cost codes, and rate sheets for better billing management

Pricing plans

  • Essentials – $15 per user/month (billed annually)

  • Professional – $25 per user/month (billed annually)

  • Ultimate – $35 per user/month (billed annually)

Customer ratings and reviews

Capterra rating: 4.3/5 (659 customers)

Customers enjoy the dynamism of LiquidPlanner, as it constantly updates and shifts in response to changing circumstances. However, some customers find the learning curve somewhat steep.

36. Height

Height is a project management tool that allows users to visualize and manage tasks in one centralized platform. It’s younger than some of its competitors, so it’s still growing in terms of its capabilities and features. 

Height project management software features

Chat: Users can share status updates, conversations, in-context messages, inline replies and additional media.

Kanban boards: Visualize task and project lists, filter by priorities, and customize Kanban boards from a library of icons and colors.

Highlights of Height project management software

  • Keep tasks up to date with no-code automations

  • Organize and streamline incoming requests with task forms

  • Plot projects and timelines visually with Gantt charts

Pricing plans

  • Free – $0

  • Team – $6.99 per member/month

  • Enterprise – Custom

Customer ratings and reviews

Apple Store rating: 4.9/5 (8 ratings)

There are very few reviews available for Height, but those available indicate that Height is off to a strong start. Some customers find that its functionality is limited for now, but it’s growing fast.

37. Vogsy

Vogsy is an enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution that allows users to plan, track clients, quotes, projects, resources, timesheets, and invoices. Its platform was built on Google Workspace, which helps to accelerate what can be a lengthy learning curve for some users.

Vogsy project management software features

Automated quoting and signing: Vogsy can accelerate sales by emailing quotes, asking for e-signatures, and initiating projects automatically.

Client and portfolio management: Keep track of all engagements, project schedules, payment terms, contact details, and more.

Highlights of Vogsy project management software

  • Track revenue and margins with client profitability charts

  • Monitor business data, sales progression, and project performance

  • Forecast resourcing needs with quick-view utilization boards

Pricing plans 

  • Free – $0 per user/month

  • Lite – $13 per user/month (billed monthly)

  • Full – $28 per user/month (billed monthly)

  • Super – $42 per user/month (billed monthly)

Customer ratings and reviews

Capterra rating: 4.5/5 (22 customers)

Customers appreciate the fact that Vogsy integrates cleanly with the Google ecosystem, including Gmail, Google Docs, etc. Some customers would prefer improved reporting abilities. 

38. Zenhub

Designed for software developers and closely integrated with GitHub, Zenhub is a project management platform that helps users plan work, track progress, and measure productivity.

Zenhub project management software features

Board view: Customize your board view with filters, labels, team workspaces, and more. 

Reporting: Visualize progress, predict problems, and issue real-time reports

Highlights of Zenhub project management software

  • Help technical and non-technical teams work together in one platform

  • Automate workflows to facilitate smooth handoffs between teams

  • Agile

    teams will likely find Zenhub Sprints and HitHub Issues familiar

Pricing plans

  • Free – $0 per user/month 

  • Growth – $12.50 per user/month (billed monthly)

  • Enterprise – Custom

Customer ratings and reviews

Capterra rating: 4.4/5 (33 customers)

For teams using GitHub, Zenhub is a great addition to their toolkit. However, some customers feel constrained by its Kanban-style view and slightly confusing user interface.

39. Jira

Part of the Atlassian Group, Jira originated as a software development solution, but has since grown to include Jira Software, Jira Core, and Jira Work Management. These are all tools that help organizations manage projects, collaborate with colleagues, and deliver work.

Jira project management software features

Dashboard view: Users can plan projects, measure progress, and track due dates using Jira’s dashboards.

Search functionality: Jira Query Language and specific filters make searching for tasks and project quick and efficient.

Highlights of Jira project management software

  • Build customized work request forms using drag-and-drop functionality

  • Import and export data from other tools and spreadsheets with ease

  • Track the time spent on each task and project to guage effort and capacity

Pricing plans

  • Free – $0 per user/month

  • Standard – $5 per user/month (billed monthly; on average)

  • Enterprise – Custom

Customer ratings and reviews

Capterra rating: 4.4/5 (13,166 customers)

Many customers are happy with Jira’s wide range of integrations and note that it’s great for issue management. Some users have reported that advanced functions can be difficult to learn, though, especially if you are not experienced with these tools.

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