Best PLC Programming Software – 2023 Reviews & Comparison

PLC Programming Software Guide

PLC programming software is a type of industrial control system that is used to monitor and control complex machines, industrial automation processes, and systems. It enables the user to develop and maintain complex automation applications by using programmable logic controllers (PLCs). PLC programming software allows for efficient and cost-effective operation of machines, processes, and systems.

The software typically involves a graphical user interface (GUI) which makes it easy to create programs or applications within the PLC environment. The GUI enables users to enter commands directly into a text editor or view output from the program as it runs in order to troubleshoot errors or identify trends in machine operations. Many variables can be configured in the software such as motors, relays, timers and counters, switches, pushbuttons, digital inputs/outputs (I/O), among others. Additionally, programming languages such as ladder logic can be used with PLC programming software to provide greater flexibility when setting up complex systems.

When creating an application for a machine process or system in the PLC programming software environment the user must first define how each device will interact with each other through pre-defined parameters set at predetermined values. These parameters are written into memory on the controller board during initialization then later called upon as needed during operation of machines, processes or systems that are connected to it. Once all necessary devices have been programmed correctly then logic operations will be needed such as AND/OR statements or conditional branching in order to direct parts of a program based on specific conditions met while running it. This type of logic lets various sections of code activate only under certain conditions thus giving the ability for more fine-tuned optimization within an application’s design architecture.

Beyond simply allowing users to create programs within its GUI environment many types of advanced features are available depending on which software platform is being used including data collection capabilities that allow real-time monitoring & analysis; HMI development tools for designing human machine interfaces; motion controls & robotics support; network communication support; debugging tools & fault detection algorithms; diagnostics & calibration routines; data logging & reporting functions; trending capabilities for tracking performance across time intervals; communication protocols for communicating between multiple devices located both locally & remotely from one another; enhanced security measures including password protection at varying levels & access procedures that prevent unauthorized personnel from tampering with settings or code lines within existing programs etcetera .  As well as these power features many PLC manufacturers also offer additional libraries containing frequently used functions like timer cycles calculations math equations serialization etc., making them available through their respective online portals which enable users even more options when building out their custom solutions for any given situation.

PLC Programming Software Features

  • Programming: PLC programming software allows users to create and modify programs for various types of PLCs. It also comes with drag-and-drop functionality, allowing users to quickly develop complex codes without having to write lines of code manually.
  • Logic diagramming: With PLC programming software, users can create logic diagrams that represent the flow of signals throughout their system. These diagrams help with troubleshooting and program optimization.
  • Simulation: Simulation mode allows users to test out their PLC program in a controlled environment before deploying it in real life. This helps ensure accuracy and proper functioning.
  • Debugging: Debugging features allow users to step through their code line by line and identify any errors or issues that may exist in the program. This makes it easy to find and fix mistakes quickly.
  • Data logging: Data logging functions allow users to record data from their PLC system over time, which can be used for trend analysis or historical records.
  • Monitoring: Users can monitor the status of their systems in real time, which helps them stay on top of any changes or problems that might arise during operation.
  • Remote access: With remote access, users can access their system and control it from anywhere in the world. This is especially useful for distributed systems or those with multiple sites.
  • Reporting: PLC programming software allows users to generate reports about their system, which can be used for monitoring performance or troubleshooting.
  • Alarm management: Alarm management tools allow users to set up and manage alarms for their system, ensuring that they are notified in the event of an issue or problem.

Types of PLC Programming Software

  • Ladder Logic: Ladder logic is a graphical language that makes it easy to represent complex multi-step conditional logic in the form of diagrams. This type of programming is used to control process automation and uses symbols such as AND, OR, NOT, and XOR.
  • Function Block Diagram: Function Block Diagram (FBD) programming is a graphical language that utilizes blocks representing functions to represent sequential operations. Functions are connected by branch lines and can be used to create an executable program.
  • Structured Text: Structured Text (ST) is a text-based programming language based on PASCAL syntax. It allows for more complex mathematical expressions than ladder logic and provides better readability for longer programs. ST programs can be broken down into sections making them easier to debug.
  • Instruction List: Instruction List (IL) programming is similar to structured text but does not require any code or syntax knowledge, just pre-defined instructions which are written out in plain text format.  IL programming is useful for creating simple programs quickly without having to worry about writing code or syntax errors.
  • Sequential Function Chart: Sequential Function Chart (SFC) programming creates visual state machines that allow you to easily design complex state machine behavior without having to write code or learn complex syntaxes like with other types of PLC programming software. SFCs use a combination of transitions between states, actions taken on transition, sequences defined within states and conditions evaluated during each state transition in order to define an application’s behavior.
  • HMI/SCADA: Human-machine interface (HMI)/supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) programming is a type of software development used to design graphical user interfaces for monitoring and controlling industrial processes. This type of programming allows for the creation of graphical displays to monitor and control various process variables as well as alarms, triggers, reports and other functions related to process automation.

Benefits of PLC Programming Software

  • Increased Efficiency: PLC programming software provides users with the ability to quickly and easily develop, test and deploy automated solutions that can drastically reduce operational costs associated with manual processes. With the added power of automation, businesses are able to increase their output while simultaneously decreasing labor costs.
  • Enhanced Quality: By utilizing PLC programming software, users can ensure that any automated process is performed according to exacting standards in order to maintain a consistent level of high-quality output. This capability helps to reduce waste and ensure customer satisfaction.
  • Improved Safety: Automated systems guided by PLC programming software inherently provide safer working conditions for a variety of industrial applications by eliminating the need for human operators in hazardous or potentially dangerous environments.
  • Flexible Configurability: The user-friendly design of PLC programming software allows for quick and easy customization of automated systems, allowing businesses to quickly adapt their operations according to changing customer demands or market trends without having to perform costly hardware upgrades.
  • Expanded System Connectivity: An important advantage offered by PLC programming software is its ability to facilitate data communication between multiple control systems operating across various locations. This feature substantially improves system performance while reducing downtime due to failures or malfunctions caused by disconnected components.

Who Uses PLC Programming Software?

  • Industry Professionals: Engineers and technicians who use the software to program, troubleshoot, and maintain PLCs for industrial applications.
  • Automation Specialists: Experts who specialize in creating custom systems to automate complex processes in industrial settings.
  • Robotics Programmers: Programmers responsible for creating programs that control robotic devices and machines used in manufacturing and other production operations.
  • Maintenance Technicians: Individuals responsible for ensuring that PLCs are up-to-date and functioning correctly.
  • Control Systems Designers: Experienced professionals who develop the architecture and wiring diagrams of a control system before programming the PLCs themselves.
  • Computer Scientists/Programming Hobbyists: People who are interested in learning more about PLC programming on their own time, or as part of a college course curriculum.
  • Educators: Instructors who teach courses on PLC programming to help students gain hands-on experience in this field.
  • Business Owners: Entrepreneurs who create custom-made control systems for their own businesses, or are responsible for the programming and maintenance of existing PLCs.
  • Plant Managers: Executives responsible for overseeing the programming of PLCs and ensuring their proper operation.
  • IT Professionals: Individuals who use PLC software to troubleshoot and maintain computer networks in industrial settings.
  • Technical Support Specialists: Trained professionals who provide customer support to users of PLC programming software.

How Much Does PLC Programming Software Cost?

The cost of PLC programming software can vary widely depending on the specific needs and capabilities of the user. For basic coding, a basic program like Ladder Logic Editor or Automation Studio, which is available for free, may be all that’s needed. For users looking for more advanced options, packages such as Schneider EcoStruxure Control Expert can cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars. Some companies offer subscription-based licensing with monthly fees to access their software. On top of this, there may be additional costs for add-ons such as 3D visualization tools or support from expert technicians. Since every business has its own unique requirements when it comes to PLC programming software, it is important to choose the best option based on budget and desired features.

What Integrates With PLC Programming Software

PLC programming software can integrate with a variety of other types of software, including SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) software, communication protocols such as ModBus and Ethernet/IP, programming languages, and web-based applications. SCADA systems allow for real-time monitoring and control of PLCs running in multiple locations from a central location. Communication protocols are generally used to pass data between the PLC and other devices so that they can communicate with one another. Web-based applications provide a convenient way for operators to access PLC controls remotely via a web browser or mobile device. Additionally, many third-party programs offer tools for creating user interfaces for interacting with the PLCs, as well as diagnostic tools to help troubleshoot any problems that might arise.

PLC Programming Trends

  1. Increased User Friendliness: PLC programming software has become much more user-friendly over time, allowing users to quickly and easily develop code for their applications. This makes it easier for non-programmers to understand and use the software, without having to learn complex programming languages.
  2. Increased Automation: Programming software has become more automated, reducing the amount of human labor required for development. This includes features like autocomplete and real-time analysis, which can make developing code faster and less prone to errors.
  3. Improved Debugging Capabilities: Debugging capabilities have improved significantly in the last few years, making it easier to identify bugs in code and resolve them quickly. Tools such as breakpoints allow program execution to be paused while certain conditions are met or inspected, making debugging much easier.
  4. Support for Multiple Platforms: As technology advances, the ability to develop programs that are compatible with multiple platforms is becoming increasingly important. Many programming software tools now offer support for multiple operating systems so that programs can be written once and then used on different devices without needing modifications or porting workarounds.
  5. Object-Oriented Development Supported: Object-oriented development is becoming an increasingly popular method of development due to its flexibility and scalability. Many PLC programming software tools now offer support for this type of development, making it easy to write robust code that is easy to maintain and update over time.
  6. Increased Connectivity: With the growing prevalence of the internet and other forms of connectivity, it is necessary for PLC programming software to be able to communicate with different devices. Most modern tools offer support for various communications protocols, such as Ethernet, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth, making it easier to deploy applications across a wide range of devices.
  7. AI-Assisted Development: Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly integrated into programming software, allowing developers to write code more quickly and efficiently. AI features such as predictive analysis can provide users with insights and suggestions they may not have been aware of, saving time and making development projects easier to complete.

How To Select the Right PLC Programming Software

When selecting the right PLC programming software, there are several factors to consider.

The first is compatibility with your current hardware and operating system. The software should be designed to work with the particular brand of PLCs you are using. It should also be compatible with the operating system you currently have installed on your computer, such as Windows or Mac OS.

The second factor is how easy it is to use. You want a software program that has an intuitive user interface and step-by-step instructions for creating programs and troubleshooting issues that may arise.

Thirdly, look for a program with built-in debugging tools and user support options such as online tutorials or forums where users can exchange ideas and tips. This will help make sure you get up to speed quickly and can troubleshoot any problems you may encounter with ease.

Finally, consider the cost of the software when making your choice; some programs offer more features than others yet come at a relatively high price tag. Make sure the features offered by the software are worth the investment before making a purchase decision.

By taking all of these factors into consideration, you should be able to make an informed decision about which PLC programming software is best for your needs.

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