Best Passive Income in 2020

Disclaimer: I am not an employee of either of these companies but I have invested a couple of dollars because I see real potentials in all of them. Do your research first before investing in anything and please don’t forget the golden rule: “Never invest money that you can’t afford to lose”

Let’s keep our minds open to new opportunities like what the greatest businessman and author Robert Kiyosaki have said “The most successful people in life are the ones who ask questions. They’re always learning. They’re always growing. They’re always pushing.”

Read until the very end and you will definitely see the value on this…

What is Bitcoin Vault?

It is a new cryptocurrency introduced in 2019. It’s built based on the Bitcoin source code, but it is upgraded with a few features.

It uses POW and SHA-256 for a consensus algorithm

So you may think: what is the difference between Bitcoin Vault and Bitcoin. There 2 key features of Bitcoin Vault: Anti-theft and 6-month halving

You can track the trend of Bitcoin Vault here at of how much when it first started and the current value.

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Anti-theft feature

Bitcoin Vault has 3 private keys while Bitcoin only has 1. Let me explain this feature.

A transaction in Bitcoin Vault will by default be delayed by 24 hours.

The owner will have 24 hours to override the transfer if unauthorized (someone tries to steal his BTCV).

The recovery transaction requires a special recovery key. It’s the second key.

This key can be generated offline and should never be connected to the Internet or inputed to any device.

But when you are the real owner, you want to process your transaction as normal. To send “instant” transactions, you use the 3rd key provided during wallet creation.

This 3rd key is like 2FA for crypto currency

To sum up, the Bitcoin Vault has:

  • Private key just like Bitcoin
  • 2nd key to recover your transactions from thief for unauthorized transactions
  • 3rd key is like 2FA for instant transaction

This feature is a huge improvement comparing to Bitcoin (as well as another cryptocurrency)

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6-months halving

Bitcoin Vault can be expected to catch up to the market supply of Bitcoin in around 4.5 years from the start of mining.

The block reward will start at the level of 175 Bitcoin Vault coins per block and the block reward will be reduced every 6 months, more or less.

However, this is not going to be the typical halving since the block reward reduction will not be halved but will be decreased by a constant number until the market supply of Bitcoin is achieved. When the market supply of Bitcoin is achieved, the block reward halvings will proceed similarly to Bitcoin.

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IMO, this feature will help the BTCV’s price go up quickly (scarcity rule)

Currently, there are 2 ways to get BTCV: buy on an exchange site or buy a mining plan on Mining City. (You can’t mine BTCV by yourself now, they change a little on the source code to protect Mining City investors)

What is Mining City?

Read the below article to understand more about Mining City.

There is a close relationship between Mining City, Bitcoin Vault, Minebest,, and

  • Minebest: provides the infrastructure for mining cryptocurrency (buy a machine, hire land to build mining factory and install the machine, pay for electricity, legal stuff, etc)
  • Mining City: a mining cloud platform for BTC and BTCV — backed by MineBest. Investors buy a mining plan and receive BTCV on Mining City’s website

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Mining City is licensed by the Kazakhstan government to operate at a cheap electricity price to mine BTC/BTCV

Bitcoin Vault: The founder of Bitcoin Vault is also MineBest’s CEO.

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So, you check all information about people at Mining City, Bitcoin Vault, and MineBest. IMO, they are real people doing real projects.

There is no scam history for sure 😅

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How do I earn passive income with Mining City?

The modal is simple.

You buy a mining plan to rent hash power -> wait for 10 days for your account to start mining -> receive your daily BTCV for 3 years -> Sell your BTCV straight or HODL and until BTCV goes up even higher.

I strongly suggest that you HODL your coins till the price goes up higher. Click here to see the price prediction of BTCV.

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Mining City a scam and is it a PUMP and DUMPs, EXIT project?

As I analyzed about technology (anti-theft and 6 months halving) and people behind the project, I don’t see any good reason for them to scam the investors.

Mining City and Bitcoin Vault team will do marketing and make BTCV a more valuable and more reachable project.

The price will increase and they are the ones HODL most of the amount of BTCV then. What do you think? Do they need to scam us now or work on the projects to earn a gigantic asset later?

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How to invest in Mining City?

  • First, you register an account at Mining City, you need a referrer. You can use this link to select me as your referrer.
  • Buy a mining plan by BTC or BTCV. I recommend using BTCV for 100 days of mining bonuses. You can easily buy BTCV on exchange site like MXC (highly recommended)
  • Wait for 10 days to receive the daily mined BTCV 😀

How to calculate your daily income

The current hash rate of BTCV 11.62 EH/s. You can check it via Bitcoin Vault Explorer

All miners can mine 21600 BTCV in one day. How to get this number?

The block time is 10 minutes. The current Block Reward is 150. It means miners will get 150 BTCV every 10 minutes. One day has 24 hours 😀

So: 6*24*150 = 21600 BTCV/day

So the formulas to calculate your daily income is:

21600/4550000 * {your plan hash rate} * {current BTCV price }

The abstract formulas:

{daily block reward}/{current BTCV hash rate} * {your hash rate plan} * {current BTCV price }

I can get back my investment in only 4 months and get profitable for another 2 years and 11 months (because of the bonus months)

Don’t worry, if the block rewards decrease, the price will increase (scarcity rule like Bitcoin).

What you need to remember

Back in 2010, when there were only a few people believe in the value of Bitcoin, the price back then was only $0.0008 – $0.08 for a single coin, but now it is worth $11,591. So I hope we learned some lessons that there’s a huge potential in cryptocurrency. Bearn in mind that the cryptocurrency we are mining now (Bitcoin Vault) is built based on the Bitcoin source code, but with additional features like what I have mentioned above the Anti-theft and 6-month halving.

Please watch this video before you continue reading.


Mining City is a good investment with people and technology behind it.

You can register Mining City here

If you need help or more questions, you can simply message me here on LinkedIn, send me an email to [email protected] or call me on +66 9 6348 74000

More information:

  • — About MineBest
  • — Bitcoin Vault
  • — Bitcoin Vault White Paper
  • — Mining City
  • — BTCV FAQ

Read the article below about what is Mining City and watch the video below:

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